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just for the record

Started by greenguy, August 21, 2016, 08:59:51 AM

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I've been muted for almost 2 months for calling albalaha a silly name, so I was denied the right to respond on an active thread discussion.

In that discussion I said a particular tipping service from years back reminded me of one that XXVV was charging money for a few years ago.

I think he and the mod got angry with me hence the extended holiday. XXVV also said I was lying about said service.

So just for the record, this from an old thread > http://betselection.cc/xxvv-studio/new-website-rrig/30/

Reply 33  > XXVV wrote>>

I have had several enquiries from players who want to participate with our wider service where the number selections can be applied to three casinos of their choice.

Access the website and on the landing page go the foot of the page and hit 'member'. This will take you to a second page where you will be offered access to a casino of your choice. There is work underway on the landing page format so the direct access points are temporarily closed

So follow the member option and then the access to the casino of your choice option and you will access a page providing a video explaining what we do. Then you can pay the administration fee via Paypal ($30) and this will enable daily access to the numbers to be applied to your chosen casinos whether internet or local. It is essential you follow the video because that will not only explain what we are doing worldwide, 24 hours a day, but also provide instructions for you after you leave Paypal where you must select the return to merchant option to finalise your casino choices so we can provide those links.

This is an extraordinary facility we are providing, so please take advantage of this for the time it is offered, the way it is offered now. By doing this, at very small cost you can complete your own due diligence for reading outcomes at a location that most suits you.

You can be relaxed, comfortable and these are your choices. This puts you in the strongest position to benefit from what we are doing together!

Then, in due course,  apply the numbers in ways we shall continue to demonstrate and explain.

If you have comments, suggestions or further queries do not hesitate to PM me and I will personally respond within 24 hours.
XXVVI have had several enquiries from players who want to participate with our wider service where the number selections can be applied to three casinos of their choice.

Access the website and on the landing page go the foot of the page and hit 'member'. This will take you to a second page where you will be offered access to a casino of your choice. There is work underway on the landing page format so the direct access points are temporarily closed

So follow the member option and then the access to the casino of your choice option and you will access a page providing a video explaining what we do. Then you can pay the administration fee via Paypal ($30) and this will enable daily access to the numbers to be applied to your chosen casinos whether internet or local. It is essential you follow the video because that will not only explain what we are doing worldwide, 24 hours a day, but also provide instructions for you after you leave Paypal where you must select the return to merchant option to finalise your casino choices so we can provide those links.

This is an extraordinary facility we are providing, so please take advantage of this for the time it is offered, the way it is offered now. By doing this, at very small cost you can complete your own due diligence for reading outcomes at a location that most suits you.

You can be relaxed, comfortable and these are your choices. This puts you in the strongest position to benefit from what we are doing together!

Then, in due course,  apply the numbers in ways we shall continue to demonstrate and explain.

If you have comments, suggestions or further queries do not hesitate to PM me and I will personally respond within 24 hours.

Sorry, but a $30 fee is a $30 fee.

I do hope everyone involved won some money at the time.  :)