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Re: The way to beat the ECs

Started by RouletteGhost, February 28, 2017, 11:01:37 AM

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I don't get it

So in past 5 spins you have 3 blacks and 2 reds. What now?
QuoteBecause the house always wins. Play long enough, you never change the stakes. The house takes you. Unless, when that perfect hand comes along, you bet and you bet big, then you take the house.


hello you give an example of real permanence :applause:


Please post a session example moglizu



You have explained it as you said but a lot of people cannot understand the explanation which you gave. :)
I'm absolutely sure that YOU know what you're talking about though - but it would be really great if you can post a little example snippet to make it crystal clear to those like RG and myself exactly what you're on about....!?
If I knew exactly what you meant I could then write my own example on paper like you said.. and bet according to the deviations to test it more thoroughly and see, so even a small example would clarify and make clear.
Thank you in advance moglizu.



People are asking for examples because it is not clear

Don't take offense

It's not a big deal to post an example

That's what the forums for, to ask questions if a post isn't understood
QuoteBecause the house always wins. Play long enough, you never change the stakes. The house takes you. Unless, when that perfect hand comes along, you bet and you bet big, then you take the house.


Hello moglizu!

I have been busy with roulette since 2011 so I believe I have a good understanding of things.

However, a quick example of a session would be great to take the discussion further.

welcome to the forum!


i understood it straight away thanks i,ll test..


thanks pretty simple ..and you have used this for a few years too..for people who don,t get it just re read it does this work for all ec,s or are you just using red and black


Can you start from the begin? Instead of starting in the middle of the book?
I don't understand anything at all. What deviations? When to bet? What to track? What 4 events make 5 ec? Maybe an example could do some miracles :thumbsup:



tnx alrelax,

i understand everything if it comes to roulette, i just don't understand the way of explanation.

as for BJ i learned to count cards pretty good, did some testing online 6-8 deck around 70% penetration. But in my vision the dealer Always seems to have a K,Q,A anyway for some reason, so i believe BJ online is not the way to go. Yesterday i had a plus 17 on the hi-lo running count and lost 7 hands in a row before the damn black card showed up. Maybe anyone here got more experience with this online and have some good advice?




okay tnx! that's more clear. so your looking for a sort of grind? if you have more C you bet for the change to happen? and do you also use a progression?




Last 5 results b r r r r i.e. c x x x. Bet for change i.e. b. Win or lose write down next 5 results. If c and x are 2/2 no bet. If 3/1 bet accordingly. Write down next 5 results and so on.
Is this right please.


This is important.

moglizu said:

One or 2 events can grow a lot and can be unpredictable... BUT 3 or more events can t grow at the same time...
Bet on HOW MANY and not on HOW MUCH.



How do we use the important information for bet selection? What is an event? Does 5 results constitute an event?