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Horrible session across 4+ shoes

Started by KungFuBac, September 28, 2024, 04:52:10 PM

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I had a day this week where I only played one looonnnnggg session across 4+shoes(Approx 6hrs).

Typically I call it a session when all of my wagers have been decisioned(I always do a pos progression). Generally all wagers are decisioned in the same or very next shoe and its called a  session(Net - or +). Though, I may sometimes carry a pressed up wager into the next shoe or session or day. I never kill a pressed up wager as it continues until it dies.

Generally I play 7-9 hours per day. However, on this day I was exhausted after about 6hours. I was talking with a bac mentor that day re: these type of sessions and how they sometimes seem to occur without predictability or a precursor. I guess most of us have experienced such sessions.

Ok, on with the horrible shoe(s) story.

This was one of those sessions I simply could not get in sync with the results(several shoes and several different biases). It did not matter as I zigged when it zagged.

W33 L41 and that was after a late hit-rate surge in the last shoe.

At one point my record was W24 L37. I was down approx (-2600) at this stage. I generally do a pos progression/optimally go after >=four presses(5 hits 4 compounds). Seldom do I go for consecutive-event wins IAR(In a row), such as ppppp or bbbbb or pbpbp,..etc. I prefer to grab a win or two from the meat of patterns, set it aside/reenter into another meat-part of a pattern,...etc. In these shoe(s) I couldnt seem to find 3iar or I would lose all of my highest wagers so the stage (@ w24 L37) was even worse than indicated.

Late in this last shoe I knew it was a sign for me to depart the casino:

     P had recently been on a significiant streak such as pp b ppp b pppp b pppp and had won 13/16 or so outcomes in this recent bias. I had grabbed several Ws from the P bias. After that last (pppp) I had noted that nothing in the whole entire shoe had gone past 4iar(No opps, P, or B, or any other pattern). So my intention was to go with what had happened thus far and wager $775 for B after the PPPP. However, I erroneously put my wager on P for $755 and $20 on the Fortune7. Of course I immediately realized (too late as cards were coming out). I immediately thought "oh sheet". Lucky for me P won again with a 3c7. I was @ net+$850 at that stage (only the second time I was ahead for the whole day).

It was about 5pm and though I had planned on playing until approx 8pm. I had to simply acknowledge it wasn't a favorable day(especially after the last error). Some days we win when our bet selection doesn't warrant it. Ill gladly take it.

Continued Success,

"There are many large numbers smaller than one."


I can't wrap my arms around those hours.  But, hey I understand most of your logic and thinking.  Not all, most. 

I used to play those hours, but not everyday, weekends and 2 or 3 day mid week trips.  However,  those were at the big 2-sided 14 player seats, 3 dealers and 2 floor people on each end of the table, type of games.  Almost non existent today. 

My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 36,311 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


If you play 7-9h hours per day it means you are a fine player and of course I know you are!

Wrong side wagered and you have won? Good!
A win is a win!

Baccarat is 99% skill and 1% luck

(Friday Night Lights TV series)

(Nelson Mandela)

Winners don't do different things, they do things differently (Albalaha)


Alrelax comments to my post above:

"...I used to play those hours, but not everyday, weekends and 2 or 3 day mid week trips.  However,  those were at the big 2-sided 14 player seats, 3 dealers and 2 floor people on each end of the table, type of games.  Almost non existent today. ..."

I try to play approx 8 hours per day. I view it as a job (I don't work I don't get paid). Of course some days are not paydays.  :) 
    *I recall one day I had played approx 9 to 9.5 hours and was away from home approx 13 hours. I
    remember on the way home/stopping on the turnpike about 9pm. I put $50 gas in my car/ I was NET
    +$8 for the whole day. 

Mostly 6-deck EZ Bac shoes so during the day during the week a shoe can be completed in 55min--70mins(Early in day often only 2-3 players at table). Some of my casinos don't offer free hands or some only offer 3 free hands per shoe. Therefore I organize my daily routes so Im hitting those casinos later in afternoon so more probable 4-5 others at tables.

Playing during the day during the week is a whole different ball game IMO and more lucrative(Vs weekends--Which I typically avoid). I often travel and carpool with several other full time gamers(Mostly poker /Bac players and most 10-29 years my senior). It has been really enjoyable playing with other like-minded serious players. Great topics/discussions.

*When I first started playing/traveling with these older Bac comrades I told my wife: I know what I will be talking about when Im 75yo. A titanium knee replacement, Latest medical lab results, Weather, How I can predict the weather with my titanium knee,...etc.  :)
They are a great bunch of guys and played bac for many decades.

Continued Success,

"There are many large numbers smaller than one."