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Why Hit & Run is absurd

Started by Bayes, December 22, 2012, 10:31:31 AM

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Tetris is only a sheet that goes into the bot.  No system is posted.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


when can you say that a tactic is a hit and run?
after 1win or 2 or 3?

sorry if this is already answered in previous page


XXVV plays professionally.

Study his section carefully -- very revealing, especially regarding hit'n'run.


Hit and run sells John Patrick books, but in reality it doesn't really work. (It's what you sell if you suck at math).   If hitting and running enabled you to avoid the "long run" when gambling, then consider the ramifications...

Such players would be like vampires!  They could apply their "hit and run" skills to avoid living in the long term as well.  Life expectancy rates wouldn't apply to them, as they could continually just sidestep death and watch on the sidelines, or from their secret "hit and run place- where the magic occurs that enables them to win when they return to gamble"- while other people died instead!


hahaha, "Hit & Run Vampire"

Now that's a catchy phrase  :D

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


Less exposure to the  wheel the better :  Frank Scoblete, John Patrick, and  V. Bethell.

Nuff said.



Quote from: NathanDetroit on December 25, 2013, 09:51:59 PM
Less exposure to the  wheel the better :  Frank Scoblete, John Patrick, and  V. Bethell.


There are different ways to look at exposure to the wheel. One is to see that as meaning not sitting through more than a certain set of consecutive numbers, another is not to expose too much BR during a session or cycle.

if I bet for 8 spins and win, then leave....this is the classic H&R model....but if I sit for 37 spins, and by method, only ever have 1 chip on the table due to some trigger, sometimes none, sometimes 2 (no more than 2)..... do I have less exposure to the wheel?

And for the purposes of the above, I use 20u on both methods....and win the same.


QuoteIf I bet for 8 spins and win, then leave....this is the classic H&R model....but if I sit for 37 spins, and by method, only ever have 1 chip on the table due to some trigger, sometimes none, sometimes 2 (no more than 2)..... do I have less exposure to the wheel?

Yes, unless you plan on returning to gamble at a later date.  Then, it's as if you'd never left in the first place.


Xander.....because its random...right?

Straw poll....

I ran 1 tables permz from weisbaden, stopping here and there to pick 6 numbers, and finally 7

I had 37 numbers made from groups of 6 with varying gaps in between

24 numbers hit, 9 are repeats, 13 un-hit.

same numbers 37 in a row....from spin 100

23 hit, 9 are repeats, 14 un-hit


QuoteXander.....because its random...right?

Straw poll....

I ran 1 tables permz from weisbaden, stopping here and there to pick 6 numbers, and finally 7

I had 37 numbers made from groups of 6 with varying gaps in between

24 numbers hit, 9 are repeats, 13 un-hit.

same numbers 37 in a row....from spin 100

23 hit, 9 are repeats, 14 un-hit -Turner


I'm sure as to what you're trying to say.   Can you maybe explain it in a different way?


Xander.....I got Random with 6 disjointed, out of sequence sets of numbers. It complied to  Law of the Third.

I had no advantage by missing out chunks between my bets (HAR), HE = 2.6% same as a consecutive 37 numbers. 24 hit, 13 don't.

it's a quick one off. I should do this 100s of times.

My HAR permenance was same as a straight run of 37 (sitting at the table without HAR)

Just a thought experiment. I may be wrong......but this test kinda showed it


The "law of the third" isn't of any value.  It won't help anyone win.


hmmm...Im not explaining this very well am I.

With HAR....you bet and leave. You come back and bet, and leave. The numbers you bet on are as random as continuous betting. No difference.

I tried to show that by joining sets of numbers that arnt consecutive, and seeing if they looked like straight consecutive numbers.

they did.

i can't explain any better than this.

Number Six


Out of interest, why did you think it wouldn't be that way? The numbers are random, it doesn't matter where you get them from.

For that reason, there is no such thing as hit and run, it's a nonsense tactic helpless gamblers use because they are afraid of losing. The game doesn't cease at any point to be random.

Hit and run is another fallacy that is related to the fact that there is no expected value on a non-wager. Helpless gamblers think they can avoid variance (or the way they see it: there is a smaller chance of losing) by lowering the amount of time they play. It does not work like that at all. A person can only do hit and run once in their life, when they play for a second time, and then again and again, they are just carrying on from before. Playing 10 spins a day for 100 days is no different from playing 1000 spins at once.


No.6.....I am saying there is no HAR. It makes no difference

Your total permanence is same.

And.....inadvertently,  I may just of agreed that SD doesn't grow if you don't bet on it :o