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Why Hit & Run is absurd

Started by Bayes, December 22, 2012, 10:31:31 AM

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Quote from: Gizmotron on December 22, 2012, 04:16:47 PM
Let's see if I have this right. I've been discussing my methods and theories with people that I know have long ago given up on inadequate systems that never have proven to be useful. And in this past year openly shared every secret and attempted to successfully communicate every answer to every question asked of me. Including the answer that the only proof that anyone will accept is proof one gets for himself. I worked on this method for more than fifteen years. It takes years of playing experience to master it. And most important of all. I know human nature. The majority of people here hope that you are right. Nobody wants to work hard for a method that fulfills their dreams or plans. Having you demand that proof is like listening to a baby demand that his diapers be changed or to feed him. All I have for you is wait until July.
No good. Post a clearly defined method for ALL to see. And prove it works or have it tested. You are so above us all, this should be a walk in the park.


Quote from: JohnLegend on December 22, 2012, 04:32:53 PM
No good. Post a clearly defined method for ALL to see. And prove it works or have it tested. You are so above us all, this should be a walk in the park.

I won't take orders from the peanut gallery. The truth is that this thread questions the validity of HAR being a provable theory. A request for properly conducted research under peer review is needed. My own research has already confirmed the position that HAR has no capacity to change long term values expected in a testing of large numbers. That's all the proof I need. There has never been a rule based system, progression, or set of rules that have effectively beaten the game of Roulette. There is no way in Hell  that you have achieved what everyone else on Earth has failed to achieve at. There is no way that a magical three stepped Martingale is that successful method. Who is kidding who?


Quote from: Gizmotron on December 22, 2012, 04:43:04 PM
I won't take orders from the peanut gallery. The truth is that this thread questions the validity of HAR being a provable theory. A request for properly conducted research under peer review is needed. My own research has already confirmed the position that HAR has no capacity to change long term values expected in a testing of large numbers. That's all the proof I need. There has never been a rule based system, progression, or set of rules that have effectively beaten the game of Roulette. There is no way in Hell  that you have achieved what everyone else on Earth has failed to achieve at. There is no way that a magical three stepped Martingale is that successful method. Who is kidding who?
Then youll have some explaining to do in 6 or so months. This I can't wait for...


Quote from: JohnLegend on December 22, 2012, 04:45:58 PM
Then youll have some explaining to do in 6 or so months. This I can't wait for...

Having you take me literally is nothing but childish. Look in the mirror Bub. You are the one claiming "we will all see, just you wait."  I've been around for years. I've seen lots of claimers just like you come and go. When you come back as alias Number Three would you please first take a big number two. Cause you are full of it.


Quote from: Gizmotron on December 22, 2012, 04:55:35 PM

Having you take me literally is nothing but childish. Look in the mirror Bub. You are the one claiming "we will all see, just you wait."  I've been around for years. I've seen lots of claimers just like you come and go. When you come back as alias Number Three would you please first take a big number two. Cause you are full of it.
Not going anywhere, claims that will be proven unlike yours. That's the difference.


Quote from: JohnLegend on December 22, 2012, 04:59:49 PM
Not going anywhere, claims that will be proven unlike yours. That's the difference.

You might be. This childish behavior might not be dignified with all do respect for this thread. Feel free to trash anything here considered beyond the bounds of this discussion. "I know you are, but what am I" does not cut it.


Quote from: JohnLegend on December 22, 2012, 04:29:52 PM
Same fate KR?
Yeah. So far, I can see on various forums. Not even a single method posted so far on any forums hold any good.
Nothing can perfectly beat a random session but luck. If someone claims perfection in every session, he is either a fool himself or think all to be fools.


Quote from: KingsRoulette on December 22, 2012, 07:15:13 PM
                 Yeah. So far, I can see on various forums. Not even a single method posted so far on any forums hold any good.
Do you mean they lose in the longrun, or they're not grails? If you mean they're not grails agreed. If you say they ALL lose in the longrun.

I disagree. And will prove that fact.


I was thinking about all this tonight....

Suppose a card counter has a 3% edge over the house! So the guy is likely to win $9 for every $100 he throws over the table.

Now let's say the guy is playing and is down about 2k after some pretty bad cards. Would this not be a great time for the casino to ban this player from ever playing BJ with them again. The guy is expected to win long-term but now the casino has him by the proverbials. This would be the ideal time in my opinion for the casino to execute their own 'hit and run' policy.

The same thing happens in sports betting. Trading decisions are made to terminate an account even if the player has had a few losing bets based on the players MO. This also strikes me as a kind of 'hit and run' policy to limit potential damage further down the line.

I am getting to my point.......

So the gambler who is playing a negative expectation game and who is up a certain sum of units may decide to execute his own 'hit and run' strategy just based on the fact that he has hit a nice positive swing and does not want to push his luck and face the inevitable 'gamblers ruin'. You could argue that the more times you do this could save you money in the long run.

(I don't think this is going to fly but thought I would share it anyway)  :))
Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


QuoteYou could argue that the more times you do this could save you money in the long run

Yes you could argue that point but, think of (JL + HAR) together they could be a good match for however long, if you considor his betting angle, wait until a lot has happened and bet the next thing that hasn't yet happened won't happen AT THIS POINT IN TIME considering it's a long winded method, random may not be ready to show this string at this point in time, that's all it is a hope that THAT last string of EC at exactly the same you decide to play it, you could even play it as soon as you arrive at the table, no history just place your bet, odds are the same.

The point I am making is he could go on forever hitting the odd loss along the way but not enough to take it all back, it's not the fact of HIT n RUN as nobody knows when the best time to play is, it's pure luck that he has timed it right a high percentage of the time, so maybe he is lucky to miss the bad bits, so far, but it can't only work for one person or a minority, it should be doable by others to some degree.
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Quote from: Bally6354 on December 22, 2012, 09:06:00 PM
I was thinking about all this tonight....

Suppose a card counter has a 3% edge over the house! So the guy is likely to win $9 for every $100 he throws over the table.

Now let's say the guy is playing and is down about 2k after some pretty bad cards. Would this not be a great time for the casino to ban this player from ever playing BJ with them again. The guy is expected to win long-term but now the casino has him by the proverbials. This would be the ideal time in my opinion for the casino to execute their own 'hit and run' policy.

The same thing happens in sports betting. Trading decisions are made to terminate an account even if the player has had a few losing bets based on the players MO. This also strikes me as a kind of 'hit and run' policy to limit potential damage further down the line.

I am getting to my point.......

So the gambler who is playing a negative expectation game and who is up a certain sum of units may decide to execute his own 'hit and run' strategy just based on the fact that he has hit a nice positive swing and does not want to push his luck and face the inevitable 'gamblers ruin'. You could argue that the more times you do this could save you money in the long run.

(I don't think this is going to fly but thought I would share it anyway)  :))
I cannot imagine being down 2k Bally. Not even 500 units. That type of loss never occurs with a method like PB. And certainly none of the others Im using. This is why I argue so ardently about the set in mind attitudes. That this bad run of numbers is going to suddenly appear and wipe out thousands of units.

If that's the case you never had a method worth a hoot to begin with. All the people who argue about playing light martingales. Then in the same thought tell us they had a drawdown of 300 plus units today but just survived or didn't. Make no sense to me at all. They would tell me im insane to risk for example 242 units to win 1.

While they are risking their entire BR if things go pear shaped. I cannot fathom this attitude. I am risking 242 units on something that may win for years that's the difference. I don't expect to battle my way back from a 300 plus units drawdown on a regular basis. That's pure gambling. No sense of certainty there at all.


Quote from: Superman on December 22, 2012, 09:18:41 PM

Yes you could argue that point but, think of (JL + HAR) together they could be a good match for however long, if you considor his betting angle, wait until a lot has happened and bet the next thing that hasn't yet happened won't happen AT THIS POINT IN TIME considering it's a long winded method, random may not be ready to show this string at this point in time, that's all it is a hope that THAT last string of EC at exactly the same you decide to play it, you could even play it as soon as you arrive at the table, no history just place your bet, odds are the same.

The point I am making is he could go on forever hitting the odd loss along the way but not enough to take it all back, it's not the fact of HIT n RUN as nobody knows when the best time to play is, it's pure luck that he has timed it right a high percentage of the time, so maybe he is lucky to miss the bad bits, so far, but it can't only work for one person or a minority, it should be doable by others to some degree.
Superman, if you got 10 people to TRULY play like me and I mean TRULY. I believe the majority of them will garner similar results.

They have to bet on the same thing. Never wonder from the MM side of things. And maintain a positive attitude. Heres the thing. With PB no ones going to lose any real money if they follow it properly. They may not match mine or Subbys or Chauncy47s results. But they will probably break even over a 2--3 hundred game span. I've done similar. But I stayed in there long enough for it to come around.

That's why you have 3 or 4 solid methods. You don't put all your eggs in one basket. If ones underperforming. The chances are the others are doing alright. My winning streak with PB ended tonight after 41 games. In fact I had my first double loss.
But I didn't panic. I employed another method. And pulled all the loss back and ended in a small profit for the night. That's how its down. You don't run and hide as soon as things arent so rosey. Losing is part of the game. Just as winning is. Only not losing 2k in a session that's pure gambling madness. That requires huge BRs to survive. Im talking about holding 200 units and making it grow to a fortune.

You don't do that if every game you play has the entire BR on the line. That's madness as far as im concerned.


"I cannot imagine being down 2k Bally."

I was speaking in general terms JL.

A card counter with a 3% edge and a 10k bankroll could be easily down 1k-2k after a really bad shoe.

So us guys facing 2.70% or 5.40% are going to run into some right nightmare situations (hit and run or not)

But I agree with you about attitudes and discipline. It's a much tougher game without them.

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


Of course hit and run is absurd. Anybody who says it isn't
doesn't understand the nature of random outcomes. The
only way hit and run would be effective is if you could accurately
predict the next outcome, and you can't. This subject was
discussed to death on the old GG and nobody ever proved
hit and run was any more effective than any other system.
They all lose right at the house edge. Anybody who believes
otherwise is deluding themselves.


Call me crazy spike : )

To be honest I can really only play 100 spins live per day perhaps 4 times per week.

What this breaks down to is in 10 years I will play 200,000 spins.

I believe there is a good chance I can do alright over 200,000 spins.

Combine a playing style with different methods/stocks and 3 winners out of the 5 systems could support each other well.

At the moment I am looking into your approach of reading random like music.

I like to look for logical patterns:

10 ... I bet 10, 11,9
25 ... I bet 25,26,24
35 ... I bet 35,36,34,15

Just some ideas.