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Started by XXVV, January 14, 2013, 08:18:32 PM

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The recent thread that developed from an earlier post by Juiced91 (Bob the Old Fogey)  and expert comments by Vic and others that ensued, deserves to have its own space because this is a very fertile area of research and study with multiple strike opportunities and suggests there may be characteristics here that make this a smart bet.


It may be helpful to just bullet point some of the key principles already outlined ( credit VLS)

  • 37 spin cycles ( where there are 37 numbers on the wheel)
  • outcomes will most often demonstrate a 'loaded' area of the wheel (or table)
  • we emphasise short term cycles in roulette as it is in these we find imbalance to help us
  • short cycle may thus indicate a particular column, or dozen or wheel zone or table area
  • short cycle may be 3,7,9,12,18,24,37 spins plus duration
  • avoid betting wheel zones that have no hits in a cycle of 37 spins(or fewer depending on your focus)
  • instead bet within wheel zones or wheel neighbours of 'loaded' areas'
  • filter out sleep zones and focus on energy zones
  • look at 37 spin cycles result outcomes to see outcome pattern distributions
  • get a feel for the spread of characteristics of these patterns
  • then study the process of the outcome forming spin by spin and dtermine where are the trigger points, the critical phases
  • tap into where the loaded zone is forming, starting to clump
  • remember our emphasis on the short cycle nature of roulette to benefit the player
  • observe the formation zones, where a 3 number zone with a few gaps around it can form into a four number zone and then into a five
  • clearly those gaps may be our targets and we can form a suitable trap bet on the table to catch them
  • larger clump zones form from small beginnings
  • note triggers and filters as defined by VLS
  • filter out the dead areas ( yet to awaken) and focus on the energised (awakening areas)
  • note 'awakening' - it is an active process underway which you witness but also can inter-act with
  • the fertile areas and energies activate warm numbers which can be very dynamic and prolific, and these can become ht in short, medium and longer terms ( say 100 spins plus)
  • be aware that in longer cycles of play ( say 50 spins plus) that hot numbers can have sleepers adjacent and vice versa
  • review progress spin by spin beyond 37 spins
  • this can be say 38,39,40 spins, but also a moving fixed parameter window of 37 spins
  • our emphasis for search criterion is 'short term imbalance'
  • study what is formed in the 37 spin cycles
  • study how and where these clumps form - how this involves 'direction', 'signal strength', and study the characteristics of the 'moving condition'.


Wonderful! A single thread for Clumping Theory. Thanks for bringing it to the fore dear Richard.

I want to write a bit about 'Signal strength':

Whatever the bet, there will typically be a part on the wheel where it will succeed more. i.e. if you are using "neighbors" as a bet, there will be a side where the "neighbor hit" event is striking in a greater frequency, it is there where the "signal" is more powerful, where it has more strength; therefore you use it to narrow the area of clumping for such event, helping you when pondering where to focus your attack.

This easily seen in practice when being in front of a disc. Look at the following areas with 3 realized neighbors each:


Zone 27 to 24 has 3 realized neighbors (in blue)

Zone 12 to 4 has 3 realized neighbors too (in red)

We say the signal is stronger in zone 12 to 4 because the events are being realized with a better clumping. The realization of an even in larger areas "dilutes" the signal, the same realization in shorter areas makes it stronger. We back up where it's stronger.

Number 0 would bring '4 realized neighbors' within an area of 9.

Number 17 would bring '4 realized neighbors' within an area of 13.

...hence number 0 would be given more weight when considering neighbor bets over number 17.
➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


This is a strong result within 14 spins, and as you state, Zero and neighbours would be a smart bet, subject to review, spin by spin.

Conducting some statistical studies on live spin data, to see the characteristics of this type of bet formation, from the point of signal strength.

Cluster theory often demonstrates a binding force between groups of (say) nine numbers on the wheel.

When the force is strong there are betting opportunities for emerging  clumps of warm to hot numbers from (say) 20 spins onward, but most definitely from 37 spins on.


Quote from: VLS on January 16, 2013, 12:15:05 AM
We say the signal is stronger in zone 12 to 4 because the events are being realized with a better clumping

This can be extrapolated to many selections, including felt-based ones.

For instance, if looking for neighbors in the columns, the same methodology applies, by giving more weight to the column with the neighbors separated by the lesser distance.
➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


Yes the clumping is the start of a longer cycle clustering and can be applied to wheel sections and table groupings.
More on this soon.


'Signal Strength' is a very important part of reading of the game flow.

This applies to many bets and their unique characteristics. Remember some bets are more suited to slower live table play, some to more rapid roulette, and some to RNG where time can stand still.

It may be a helpful side note to play RNG where there are other players at 'your' table and their bets can be seen.
If you are playing smaller bet sizes and bet in different locations this may perplex the program that is designed to see you fail.

Where the strength of a signal, a focus of energy is directed toward certain outcome characteristics, then that is where the smart money should flow in short cycle sequences as a response to the current/ flow being experienced.


Great post.I find it amusing that 1000+ read it,and only 2 in debate.Is it old stuff as such???


➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


Mr. seykid31 makes a fair question. Is it old stuff as such???
In my view the answer is yes, it is old stuff, tried and tested at great length.
The clumping theory is just that, a theory. An unproven speculation like the existence of aliens for instance. [smiley]aes/smile.png[/smiley] It has some use for roulette only because probability allows for limited variations due to there being only 37 numbers. If you put 2000 numbers on the wheel the clumping effect driven by this new probability would be almost undetectable and fleeting at best. Actually it is already fleeting with only 37 numbers.
I don't have the answer, but I feel following clumps is a bit sheep mentality and I never met a smart sheep.


Thanks for participating GG, it makes a good point too.

Please remember in roulette (as well as for any independent-trials game) everything is officially labelled as not useful, since it is the exact same thing as long as it doesn't beat the house edge.

Kindly take everything published in the forum with this in mind. We're mostly doing this with the simple aim of sharing observations without claiming we have the final universal answer to roulette (because we don't!  ;) )

➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


Quote from: greenguy on June 07, 2014, 12:25:51 PM
Mr. seykid31 makes a fair question. Is it old stuff as such???
In my view the answer is yes, it is old stuff, tried and tested at great length.
The clumping theory is just that, a theory. An unproven speculation like the existence of aliens for instance. [smiley]aes/smile.png[/smiley] It has some use for roulette only because probability allows for limited variations due to there being only 37 numbers. If you put 2000 numbers on the wheel the clumping effect driven by this new probability would be almost undetectable and fleeting at best. Actually it is already fleeting with only 37 numbers.
I don't have the answer, but I feel following clumps is a bit sheep mentality and I never met a smart sheep.

Art Sheep

A glib and superficial observation GG. However you are correct in one aspect, in that one of the attractions in playing roulette, as opposed say to the derivatives market is that the variables in roulette are finite and the phenomenon of 'clumping' can indeed be noted, as a first stage of a later clustering phenomenon. Once you get into that realm GG it is serious business and therein lies fabulous opportunity of which clearly you are as yet unaware.

The point of contributing to this Forum, from my perspective, is to offer tangible, real opportunities to succeed, based on experimental evidence from trials conducted with precision. I am not interested in the quips and often repeated phrases of the cynics and naysayers, because they have nothing to offer, unless if I am being particularly charitable, they keep questioning in order to challenge delusion or even fraud.

I use 'clumping' as a powerful short cycle technique as a commencement to later cluster theory analysis.

I will publish some specific example results soon to demonstrate the worth of this insight from Vic.

All work in this Forum is theoretical ( and able to be applied and tested) but some theories are better than others in that they can demonstrate some tangible results relatively consistently. Scientific method uses empirical evidence to build theories and to test theories, and sometimes they attempt to explain why or how something 'is'. 'It' just is, it just happens, and we attempt to come to understand more about 'it' as a natural phenomenon, and sometimes we have to admit we don't know why or how, but it just is.

Everything is in motion, including our state of knowledge, and what one year may be a favoured theory, may next year be out of favour through new discoveries.

The length of time a phenomenon has been observed and noted is irrelevant, and in many cases if we were to take a fresh look at what is literally under our noses, our 'universe' would change.

A paradigm shift is sometimes a result of seeing something afresh.

The simple act of a clumping of a few numbers on wheel, or table in proximity can be another tool to use in the short cycle nature of roulette behaviour. That is a different matter from longer cycle phenomena. Please also note that probability itself is just a theory, and there are variations and overlays to series outcome analysis ( single numbers as independent outcomes and streams of outcomes two or more and long series outcomes in large samples) which make superficial and nonsense some remarks you see written by certain individuals on this Forum.

They are easy to spot - opinionated and certain, when reality is such that we should live with wonder and with humility because the more we know, the more we come to realize the less we know, and a preparedness and readiness to accept change and modify our views would be wise.

Most of the smart writers on the Forum offer insights and direct experience theories which are intended to help the collective good.

I have frequently stated I write to help myself by clarifying and ordering my thoughts, and to set challenges for verification to myself, but beyond that I want to try to assist others and encourage others to push further ahead and achieve ever greater success.


Quote from: XXVV on June 07, 2014, 10:07:09 PM

> a preparedness and readiness to accept change and modify our views would be wise.

My remark of sheep mentality was not so much a criticism of clumping, but a suggestion that for roulette it might be better to lead than to follow. Be ready and prepared for things to change.

Modify your view to predict the next set of clumping numbers. rather than chasing the ones already there.


"...but I feel following clumps is a bit sheep mentality and I never met a smart sheep."

Ewe might be amazed to learn that, as far as animal intelligence is concerned, sheep are raising the baa.

There were the sheep that repeatedly rolled over a cattle grid to reach a vegetable patch in an English village.

And several research projects documented on the internet clearly show they are not as woolly-minded as you think.

I anticipate a sheepish grin from you after you've seen this example:

[Not that I'm trying to ram home the point, of course.]