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Something worth your efforts to make you a better player

Started by Albalaha, September 09, 2013, 04:44:10 AM

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Say we are betting a Dozen and have such Wins and Losses in 60 spins:
1ST Session:  L L L L L W L L L L L W L L L L  L L L L L L  L L L L L L W L
                       L W L L W L L W L L L L L L L L L W L L L L L L W W W L W L




Can you beat all 4 sessions or create any strategy that can handle all four sessions without ever betting above 100 units? There should be only one and
unambiguous method, for all of them.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


I guess that all so-called Veterans, MM experts and Daily new system (so-called) writers will run away from this topic than doing anything constructive and a few will try to reverse engineer the data to find an exploitable thing.
               Remember, we do not know before playing a session that it is going to be horrible or lovely.
So your strategy should not be tailor made for bad sessions only.
It should be great for very favorable sessions as well.

Best of luck to all.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Quote from: Albalaha on September 09, 2013, 05:09:32 AM
I guess that all so-called Veterans, MM experts and Daily new system (so-called) writers will run away from this topic than doing anything constructive and a few will try to reverse engineer the data to find an exploitable thing.

Have you missed anyone out there?..
looks like you have put everyone down as a 'moron' nicely.
You are priceless!


No. I am expecting all "intelligent" members to only look for favorable sessions to show their expertise. Anybody can win in favorable conditions with a little dash of progression but how about these harsh conditions that ensure losses in long run?
           Any taker?
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Why don't you show us how its done Sumit?

Give us a worked through example please. [smiley]aes/wink.png[/smiley]

Blood Angel

Quote from: Marshall Bing Bell on September 09, 2013, 09:56:13 AM

How many fingers am I holding up behind my back?

Come on, how many?

Want a clue?...both hands. [smiley]aes/wine.png[/smiley]

BOTH your middle ones!!
Luck happens when Preparation meets Opportunity.


Steady boys¡!
Lets keep it civil and on the money.

Less about gesticulating and more about the data.

Right Albalaha........show us what we need to know....and then we all learn.


How can you not reverse engineer something if what you are given to work with is results? I thought you where going to stick to sports betting Albahala? I think you have a good chance at succeeding in that area!!!!! Leave  the table games to others maybe?


QuoteWhen you're all finished with this I have an equally useful challenge for you all too...  How many fingers am I holding up behind my back?

Great. I expected same level of answers.

Quote[size=0px]How can you not reverse engineer something if what you are given to work with is results?[/size]

Because what will work to gain in a bad session can not work in inversely proportional good one, if you understand the meaning of reverse engineering.

Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Unless you make headway with something productive Albalaha, the Topic is liable to get locked.

Its unproductive at the moment.
Please expand your reverse engineering of the results you posted.....

I'm quite sure, that apart from complete newbies and totally inexperienced players, everyone understands what
'reverse engineering' entails.

Show something useful. [smiley]aes/rose_wilted.png[/smiley]


Now here's a thought.

Let's pretend I sell roulette systems. (I DON"T)

Without a steady stream of ideas and systems to sell my business will wither on the vine.

Suddenly, I have a flash of inspiration.

I'll set a(nother) challenge on a forum.  In that way I'll get others doing all the work, the tedious research and testing.

And, if I'm really lucky, I might just get one or two systems out of the exercise that I can then flog on the quiet.

[Heh...heh...They'll never work that out for themselves!  >:D ]



QuoteIts unproductive at the moment.
What looks productive to you? Can you name one single system that has made you a better player, posted on this forum or anywhere else?
QuoteSuddenly, I have a flash of inspiration. I'll set a(nother) challenge on a forum.  In that way I'll get others doing all the work, the tedious research and testing. And, if I'm really lucky, I might just get one or two systems out of the exercise that I can then flog on the quiet.

               Do you feel anybody over here has this standard? My #3 Zumma Challenge is still on for everyone. I have yet to see any digestible approach of trying to beat that.
                I as a researcher and system developer (call me seller or scammer or whatever) start my testings on the worst session first and if the idea looks doing better than flat betting then I test semi-harsh, normal and favorable sessions as well.
          I want you guys to go with the same approach. If you shy away from harsh sessions and keep counting on your success in favorable and semi-harsh sessions only, you will only rely upon luck.
             Nobody is going to do tedious research and testing to beat this, I truly believe this. I do not find any other example in the entire forum world.
              If anyone among you really beats this challenge, I am not going to carry his work in my pockets. It will be openly available for all of us, to use in whatever manner, you wish.
                    I expected same level of topic bashing debate from you guys instead of problem bashing. Roulette will always be unbeatable for you. Long live casinos.

              There is only one member "Kattila" who openly took one of my challenges in this forum and did it in a reasonable manner. I posted it openly while my friend Philip (malcop) created a nice tracker for it.
Have a look: http://albalaha.lefora.com/2013/04/09/kattilas-dozen-method-with-tracker/
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Quote from: Albalaha on September 10, 2013, 02:56:20 AM
          What looks productive to you? Can you name one single system that has made you a better player, posted on this forum or anywhere else?
Al good buddy,

  You bet I can.  However, when anyone even thinks about mentioning that they might just be winning, they are immediately labeled as a system seller, scammer, liar, cheat and all kinds of other things.

   And horror of horrors, should they happen to mention that they may have actually paid for the information, they then become the all time favorite, a SHILL for the man!

   So, to answer your original question, yes, I can name several "systems" that have made me a better player.  The hard part becomes "convincing" people that you are telling the truth.

  As I really don't care anymore if anyone ever believes that I win real money at the casinos, it is pointless to enter any of these "challenges", especially ones where the only outcome is a series of W's and L's with no data to play against.

  I really don't know what to add.



Quote from: Albalaha on September 10, 2013, 02:56:20 AM

               Do you feel anybody over here has this standard? My #3 Zumma Challenge is still on for everyone. I have yet to see any digestible approach of trying to beat that.


  Hey, I told you (and showed you) how to beat that silly "challenge" and after I did, it quietly just died on your forum.

  You and I look at the problems differently.  Your attack is some sort of "brute force trauma" to the table while mine is a bit more cerebral and civilized.

  Anyway, if I can find some time I'll take a look at that mess at the top of the page and see if it's worth even dealing with, in spite of the lack of true data.

  I think I'll make up my own challenge.  Let's play dozens.

  Can anybody beat this?


  Yes, it's silly and about as original as your first post.

  If whatever method you're playing is giving your those kinds of results, YOU'RE USING A BAD SYSTEM!!!
