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Started by Blue_Angel, September 25, 2013, 09:48:46 AM

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First of all, for those who don't know what the initials R.N.G. mean is: Random Number Generator.
RNG is a program and like any other program, which has been created by humans, has vulnerabilities because is in the human nature to generates faults.
The purpose of this manual is to exploit those "vulnerabilities" by interpreting properly the signs we are receiving while gambling online and offline.With a different perspective, the same outcomes would produce different results...
Imagine roulette as transmitter and you the receiver, the "contact" would fail only if you wouldn't "decode" the "messages".
Thus it's a constant update of the statistical data, or the "signs" if you prefer.#In order you to be Up-to-date you should have 100 % concentration on the time of action and keep a record till you stop gambling.
Roulette has no memory but the repetition of certain patents is totally irrelevant with memory.


The programmers have decided that they would let the RNG do all the dirty work.
The game of roulette will use the next RNG on the list to determine how the path is created.
If the path ends in a vertical direction (upwards or downwards), the RNG will be any number from 19 through 36 which means HIGH.
If the path is horizontal (leftwards or rightwards), the RNG will be any number from 1 through 18
(LOW, including number 0).
If the last two numbers generated a path with direction from up to right, right-up, left-down,down-left, left-up, up-left, right-down and down to right, then this means NO BET!
Note that this doesn't pinpoint the exact number.

Just imagine roulette wheel as a compass,with its top on the number Zero, now split the wheel in four parts, upper, down, left and right.
Take the last two numbers and connect them with a line on the wheel...how is the direction you've just created?
Towards what direction?
Maybe sounds complicated and confusing, but it's really easy and like every other thing in life, it could be a habit after some practice.
So how can we exploit this theory to predetermine pseudo-random numbers?
To fully manipulate the RNG sequence, we need to make a list of numbers.
I will designate the letter L to represent the range of 0-18 (whenever the reconstructed RNG path makes a vertical path) and the letter H to represent the range of 19-36 whenever the reconstructed RNG path makes a horizontal path).
Once we have written down our first RNG, press the spin button to generate another one.
Make another loop (spin) like the previous example and record the next RNG.
(Remember that the RNG sequence is pre-determined)
Take a look at this example:H - L - H - L - L - H - H - H - L - L
Depending on the situation, you may want to make this list shorter or longer.

But before that, let's see how the RNG is actually used in roulette.
What is the RNG used for?
One of the more prominent uses of the RNG is in calculating hit rate.
When betting, both your prediction and the opposite outcome will have a hit rate, the percentage or likelihood that a wheel's section will hit or miss.
While the RNG does NOT calculate these predetermined stats (those are based on actual odds),
it does determine a number that will be used to see if your bet will succeed or not.
Let's use the example we had earlier only this time, we'll make up numbers to better illustrate it.
H   L   H   L   L   H   H   H   L   L
24 18 32 14 15 33  31 27  12  4
You can use RNs (Random Numbers) the same way you found them, by forcing the game to reconstruct a path with two possibilities.
If you wish to use 2 RNs (Random Numbers) in a list, make a loop (spin) until the path is made (up to down or left to right and vice versa), press spin again, make another loop until the path is remade, press spin, then bet accordingly.
The game uses the previous numbers in the sequence and averages them to determine hit rate odds.
If this number is smaller than a bet's hit rate percentage, the prediction will hit (succeed).
If this number is equal to or larger than your bet's hit rate percentage, the bet will miss (fail).
When predicting correctly the game will use 3 RNs, two for updating outside bets odds and one for the numbers.
If you loose, the game will only use the 2 RNs for updating hit rate odds.
Any predicted straight up number hit will use 4 RNs.The RNG is also used when your units are growing, once you gain 100 units, the stats will be updated.
When updating, the odds may increase and/or decrease accordingly any of the six possible stats (outside bets).
The game will use the next 6 RNs (random numbers) in the RNG sequence to determine the odds that each stat's (outside bets) odds will go up and/or down.
The order of the level-up/down sequence is LOW,EVEN, BLACK, HIGH, ODD, RED.
It's slightly different than the order presented in the table layout (which is LOW, EVEN, BLACK, RED, ODD, HIGH from the left to right).
Let's say you won your bet, how many numbers you should calculate to determine next spin's hit rate (odds)?
If you answered 3, you are right.
For example the last three outcomes were 24 plus 36 plus 7 to get 22.33 % (24 + 36 + 7 = 67 / 3 = 22.33)
Since 22.33 % is smaller than approximately 50 %, an outside bet (low/high,black/red,even/odd) will be successful.
Skipping 2, 3, 4 or 6 RNs (Random Numbers) will produce the hit rate odds of the next spin.
You get the picture now?This is the idea behind the linear congruential generator (pseudo-random-number-generator).

My theory is a careful calculation and not a guesswork based on hunches and telepathy.
Furthermore it's much more simpler, easier and faster than any other VB method out there, thus more practical and better.
A small note for those who don't know what the initials VB mean is: Visual Ballistics.
A big number (corresponding to the circumference of the wheel) times a big number (the number of trips made around the wheel before the ball comes to rest) yields a very big number (the total distance that the ball travels).
Adding this distance to the starting point (the release point of the ball) determines exactly where the ball will end up.
Taking the remainder of this total with respect to the wheel circumference determines the final position of the ball, by subtracting off all the loops made around the wheel by the ball.
Once you clock the rotor's speed you won't have to re-calculate it because rotor's speed is stable.
Croupier's or if you prefer, ball's speed is slightly different on every spin.
Since we can't bet during the last rotation of the ball before it rests on one of the 37 pockets, we have to take the average speed of the current croupier.
Therefore we have to update/re-calculate the ball's speed with every new croupier or whenever we think it's necessary.In order to time the rotor and the ball, it's much better to use a digital timer because even fractionsof the second do count towards a significant difference on the outcome.
Therefore you can't perform this calculation so precisely in your mind, the easiest and better way of a digital timer is strongly recommended.
Watch closely the spinning rotor, watch for the zero,or any other number of your choice, to start and pass a specific point A of the wheel,this point could be a deflector.
Zero is easier to mark because of the green color.When zero reaches that specific point A (deflector), push your timer's stop button immediately.
That concludes the timing of the rotor, from my experience, it's usually around 1.2 seconds for a full rotation (from point A back to the same point A).
The rotor's speed won't change, so now you must focus on timing the ball which is harder.
Like you did for timing the rotor, the same way you will time the ball, watch closely where the croupier is releasing the ball on the wheel, start timing from that number till the ball returns to the same number after the first rotation around the wheel's rim.
Not every croupier is throwing the ball with the same power, neither is exactly the same power from spin to spin.
An average release power is 14 full rotations, when you have a croupier who from the time he/she releases the ball till the time the ball lands in one of the 37 pockets, makes 14 full rotations which is equal with an average time of 0.8 seconds per rotation.
The time of the first rotation is the fastest till the time of the last before it falls, which is the slowest.
So not every rotation is the same speed but we need the average, in order to achieve this you need to time the first and last spin, add the two durations and divide the sum by two.
Now you have the average time per rotation, multiply this duration by the total number of rotations and you have the total rotation time of the ball.Like I said the release power is not the same, that's why you need to time the croupier from 5 up to 10 spins before you place your first bet.
This way you will have the average timing of your croupier.
Next thing to do is to divide the total rotation time of the ball by the rotors spinning time.
For example the croupier is throwing the ball with such power which makes the ball rotating 14 times before it lands and this happens 7 out of 10 times, 2 times makes 13 rotations and 1 time 15, the calculation would be the following:
14 (rotations) x 0.8 (average secs/rotation) = 11.213 (rotations) x 0.9 (average secs/rotation) = 11.715 (rotations) x 0.7 (average secs/rotation) = 10.5(11.2 x 7) + (11.7 x 2) + (10.5 x 1) / 10(78.4 + 23.4 + 10.5) / 10112.3 / 10 = 11.23
This is the average timing of your croupier, in order to pre-determine where the ball will fall, you should divide the average timing of your croupier by the rotors time.11.23 / 1.2 = 9.35
This means that the ball will land 35 % further from the release point.
If you wonder what means 35 % further, then consider that the wheel has a total of 37 numbers,so the 100 % is 37 numbers, how much would be the 35 % ?35 % is something more than the 1/3(one third) of the wheel, if we divide 37 by 3 equals 12.33, thus approximately 13.
Which means 13 numbers after the releasing point, when saying after I mean towards the ball's direction and not towards the rotor's.
Due to the deflectors it's strongly advisable to place your bets on 12 numbers, 3 numbers before the number we found from the aforementioned calculations plus 9 numbers after the same number (including the pinpointed number)
When you win, you will earn two times your bet (net profit) or three times your bet accumulated profit (including your bet).
The way you bet it's totally up to you, to bet on twelve numbers is just my suggestion, you may bet as many or as few numbers you wish, with or without any betting progressions.
Like I said from the beginning, my aim is to reveal you a way of determining the outcome and not to tell you HOW MUCH but WHERE to bet.
The quantity is better being determined by your budget / bankroll.
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


Better re-arrange this text if you want to be read!   :-\



So right on the money.  I tried to read it but couldn't for lack of a paragraph!

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Strange that isn't it.....you don't read when you are reading. This has to be read....and it's a strain

although I wouldn't of started off by telling a group of roulette pros that RNG stands for Roulette Number Generator.

Everyone knows its Realistic Number Generator.


What a ball ache!

If our friend Blue Angel posts anything like this again...I'll just delete it.!


Actually we were both wrong because RNG stands for Random Number Generator,
but it's not really Random because it's a predetermined string of Numbers.

But my mistake was not because I didn't know, but because I was typing quickly.
Thanks for your comments, I will reform it in order All of you can read it comfortably.
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


I'm hoping and praying you knew Realistic Number Generator was a joke.....and you too are joking in a dry wit kinda way


''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


Quote from: Turner on September 26, 2013, 06:29:19 AM
I'm hoping and praying you knew Realistic Number Generator was a joke.....and you too are joking in a dry wit kinda way

Well... There's your answer ;)