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lifetime progression

Started by Priyanka, August 22, 2013, 02:04:41 PM

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I am heading for a short adventure trip. Life always springs surprises and long wanted to do bungee jumping. Heading to NZ to do some crazy things.
Planned for a week out there. Hope I come back in one piece J

But thought, will share an interesting progression idea that I was working on. You all can have a chat (laugh ??) about it while am away J
If an EC progression is able to sustain 24 steps, without getting anywhere closer to table maximum is it good enough? May be, May be not.

But here it goes. Again it is conceptual and after running a number of tests through various types of progressions, this is as close a more successful mechanical progression can get to.
It is very effective because this is how close a progression can get to flat betting.

I will try explaining this in EC context, but the same can be adopted to other positions as well, very effectively.
Can someone be kind enough to post 100 spins. 2-3 sets will be good.

Bet selection – Use what one is comfortable with. OTL, FTL, 3SD whatever pleases you. To me it’s a simple bet on black always J

Level 1 – Flat bet on 1 unit. Until you reach 10 spins or you are up by 1 unit. Whichever is earlier. If you reach a point where you are up by 1 unit, restart the progression from level 1 again.
Level 2 – You will reach this stage if you have bet for 10 spins are you in negative territory. Now lets say you won 3 spins, lost 7 spins. You are in negative  of -4u. Add the unit that you are in negative to 1 u.
In this example you get 5u (4+1).
Flat bet 5 units until you reach 10 spins or you are up by 5 units. Whichever is earlier.
If you  reach a point where you are up 5u, restart from level 1.
Level 3 – You will reach this if you have bet for 20 spins and you are still in negative territory. Now lets say you are combined in negative of -4u from first set and -10u from second set, add those together, along with 1u.
You will get 15u (4 + 10 +1).
Flat bet 15 units until you reach 10 spins or you are up by 15 units.

You can go on and on. But so far, I have stopped at Level 3, cursing my luck and started all over again. And to quote ignatus “This works”


That's good but you should go a little slower up, just an opinion


Quote from: Archie on August 23, 2013, 03:29:28 AM
Yes, if you stay under the maximum, and double up when lose.  But, you would have to be a billionaire who likes to waste his time starting out, and mostly remaining, at the minimum levels.  And, all for very tiny wins.

I'm guessing that the progression of which you share has about a 1/12th chance of failing at each level.  That means that all three levels will fail together about one in 1,500 attempts.  Not very comforting.
Not sure about tiny wins. This nets me closer to 1 unit every 5 spin with some little tweaks.  Yeah, may be small. 

Regarding 1500 spins, for once I have to agree completely.  It fails once in 1500 spin on an average in my tests.  You are right. 


like this I suppose......red all the time.

betting 42u was uncomfortable even in RX.....rest was 2u-12u (and 42u a few spins)


If uncomfortable don't bet 42u. Stop and reset to 1 when you reach lets say 15-20u.

As I said it's a concept, there are lots of tweaks you can do with it! Make the tweak you like and play what is comfortable to you. The more uncomfortable you are, you are losing the game I guess :)


Pushing an uncomfortable amount out onto the felt is often what separates a winning from a losing session...and yes I am well aware that it also sometimes separates a bad night from a disasterous one...I just chalk that up to the essence of gambling and move along...on to the next bet.  (Notice I didn't say I was happily moving along if it went South on me...but still...you have to keep moving forward)

Bet selection, stop losses as a judicious part of money management along with reasoned progressions, patience and bankroll will usually keep your head above water....we've been down this path before though.


Been there done that.
Can t win.
Peaceful warrior


Since Priyanka posted this progression I have used it hundreds of times and it works great for me; Thanks Priyanka.
I think without proper bet selection method for ec it is very difficult to win with this progression or with any other
progression, unless there is a huge bank roll available.
Otherwise, it may be it might be an idea to review the bet selection methodology for ec......