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Started by esoito, September 25, 2014, 10:55:22 PM

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Folks -- here's why it's worth supporting this forum.

I recently wrote: 

I'm a moderator here for one reason only --  to help Victor realize his software goals.

He has visionary dreams, hopes and aspirations that will give great benefits to future computer users worldwide. (No, I'm not talking only about his gambling software. His plans are much bigger than just that!)

My help in running the forum frees up much of the considerable time and energy he needs to code his software, as well as trying to earn a self-employed living in a financial environment that would challenge most of us.

So I do it for him for no financial gain, but because I share his extraordinary and visionary goals.

A man worth helping...

And here's part of Victor's reply where he explains exactly what he's trying to achieve:

My long-term software goals (beyond gambling) are:

- An easy-to-use web engine. In order to allow anyone to become a forum/community administrator without worrying about updates or the technical aspect.

- Creating easy programming languages to serve both as an introductory point as well as suitable for medium-sized development. At least two: one basic, one more advanced. The gist is them being future-proof, to compile to the "fashionable" platform of the moment; this way users do not have to re-learn every time a new technology arises and code re-use is elevated to the maximum.

- Making a family-oriented operating system. I see this aspect of computing very neglected. Having the ability to re-use computing power to allow more members of a family to have a computing venue, re-using as much of the family's current hardware as possible. The gist would be multi-seat/multi-user abilities in an easy fashion. Today's devices are able to handle great amounts of work. This can be a boon for low-to-medium-income families.

All of them accompanied by an optional membership service (i.e. official hosting for the web engine, source version control for the languages, cloud space for backups from the family OS).

Rest assured I am committed to BetSelection; likewise it is also worthy to note that -rather sooner than later- a spin-off site devoted to these software goals can appear alongside to complement us. So we can devote at least a little towards eventually achieving these worthy goals.

I'm 100% focused in developing the software for us here, plus the above are long-term projects to be realized as we have a thriving community here... but as you can see, we are meant to be part of something bigger and much helpful to others as well. In time.

So your $$ support will help to translate his intentions into reality, sooner rather than later.

Given that for many $5 is one bet only then supporting the forum with $5 seems like a good bet to me!  ;)


My friend, I feel way under-estimated at my current jobs. I'm basically doing the same thing over and over and over; I'd rather explode creativity to the max!

BetSelection.cc is instrumental in building the core for a new tech-oriented spin-off to appear. I aim to be (eventually) making a living off the new site; rest assured I don't aim to make a living from the members here, but rather to give to them. Still, support for our site here is utmost important since we are the seeders to it. We are set to develop our new web engine, for our own internal use first, then it is expected to attract others as it is seen in use, so it kick-starts the programming languages then when it's solid, eventually the OS.

In short, we are the initial and most important core step.

I'd be happier building new technologies to make life a better and easier experience to internet fellows, rather than making roughly the same database-oriented programs time and time again. Yes it helps, but the fun to do such jobs is gone; a long time ago.

Now, the great thing is the BetSoftware framework is a fresh venue we are exploring, creating from scratch, building our own protocols and making creative solutions to our coding needs. Love "IT"! :)

BTW: -Curiously enough- web technologies, programming languages and operating systems are never-ending endeavors, so it's the sort of technologies you "marry" for a lifetime. If everything goes right, we end-up creating "cult" technologies, starting with BetSoftware here. A very positive revolution from which each of the people involved (other coders and users alike) get a share of the benefits.

Like you imply, empowering the creation of this: is worth doing.

Cheers! :thumbsup:
➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


"He has visionary dreams, hopes and aspirations that will give great benefits to future computer users worldwide. (No, I'm not talking only about his gambling software. His plans are much bigger than just that!)"

How many chances do you get to do what you want to do?  Sooner, or later, you're choices elsewhere add up.

This has always been a gambling board, with the programing, etc, secondary to that.  Primary to any goal is good managment and judgment.

But here, too many chances were squandered in the name of extreme and lofty "talk" of other things.

Victor "made his own bed" with his moderators, and new owners, while ignoring sound advice from old friends, and new.

"Water under the bridge."

Could've been great otherwise, esp'ly now that the Wizard's has gone for advertising another (, some unintelligent coupon site), as the one last gambling board for the masses.

Thanks for the memories, Vic.



Nice to hear from you Mr. G!

I'm a persistent fellow. The focus is certainly here. Only eventually would we "spill" to other communities when our internet 'wares are good enough for allowing it. Without disruption of our community. I have learned from the past.

...Yes, I have to work by day, but I can be a coding super-hero at night :D

This forum is built upon an open-source "core" used by other forums; A platform entirely engineered by me would mean a different "beast". We have the time, and we're slowly building the support.

There's still plenty of innovation to be made in programs for our small gambling-oriented world. That's our starting point :nod:
➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


This post is a mess of unfortunate timing. Virtually nobody wants to give their support. and the people who give it do not want to give to the people in the staff. At most we want to give to the strict maintenance of the website. Please consider this fact before posting things like this. When I give I do not say $ 5 USD for esoito or Victor, but $ 5 USD for the forum. Remove this . rightly so no support.
say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.


Frankly speaking, it's dissapointing that a core group of 50-60 users who log in frequently can't raise $50 to pay for another years domain costs.

I admire guys like Vic, Esoito and ADulay who give their valuable time so we can enjoy sharing our ideas and reading what's new.

Am I wrong in saying that at the very least it has to be worth the price of a pint at least once a year.   :rose:


Wannawin is not right.

Rest assured moderators receive NOTHING from donations.

Never have. Never will.

Victor uses the money to pay for domain renewal and hosting.

So we face a simple, stark formula:     no domain renewal + no hosting fees = no forum.


Quote from: wannawin on September 28, 2014, 05:31:40 PM
This post is a mess of unfortunate timing. Virtually nobody wants to give their support. and the people who give it do not want to give to the people in the staff. At most we want to give to the strict maintenance of the website. Please consider this fact before posting things like this. When I give I do not say $ 5 USD for esoito or Victor, but $ 5 USD for the forum. Remove this . rightly so no support.


  I'm not quite sure where you've gotten the idea that the moderators are some type of paid staff.   This is completely untrue.

  The moderators are not paid at all.  No money, no credit, zero, nada, zilch.

  So, let's try to put that "rumor/fact" to rest right now.



Apologies friends. I always end up tangled in talks like this confrontational stuff. On the bus, at the beach, on the market . they haunt me. The problem of having born outspoken and say things immediately without thinking much.
I often say what people around me do not say for education or fear. but other times speak without thinking. Without many turns. For a moment I thought that it cost much less and contribution was requested by vice. But the prices are what they are. thank you for giving of your time here as volunteers. For the benefit of us.
say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.


Hello dear Walter,

Please rest assured it is for sustaining the website, not for our personal gain.

➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor