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Started by Priyanka, July 05, 2013, 03:44:04 PM

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Signatures - They refer to the characteristic expression of a process or a thing or  a person. And over the short time I have been associated with this community there are certain signatures that caught my eye. I wanted to use this thread for everyone to capture any signatures that caught your eye and a short brief on what you derive out of it or explain their own signatures. No links please :) Else the mods will have a tough time to mod:)

Let me start the thread with a tribute to Greatgrampa. When I was asking where to start, a lot of people PMed me to read every single word he has written in this forum. Initially, I thought what all the fuss is about. Then when I started reading them, I realized those words are a new comers paradise. Its not the systems that caught my eye, with all due respect, as it might figure out in the top systems that have been written about. It is the way he explains the concepts, it is the way he understands the game inside out and able to bring out insights, it is way he puts things in a simplistic manner, it is the way he encourages people to have a open thought process, it is the way he is able to synchronize his thought process with other experienced people in the forum is what I am impressed about. It is sad that he couldn't complete all the threads that he started, but I for one is looking forward for his return to learn more from his experience.

Coming back to the signatures it was "Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine".

Reminds me of Peppa pig and Mr. Potato. Mr. Potato is the only non-animal character in the Peppa pig series. For people who don't know Peppa pig it's a cartoon in UK and I am a fan. Mr. Potato greets everyone with this line. Greatgrampa somehow fits into this standing out from the crowd. That way the signature is a true reflection of his character which is individualistic and at the same time very friendly and approachable. "Your friend and mine" - is he talking about roulette, is he talking about his character Greatgrampa? Only he can tell. But this definitely caught my eye, treating himself as a third person :)

Disclaimer : None of the signatures are mine and I don't want to offend anyone. If your signature appears here and if you don't like what's written, I politely request you to PM the person who posted it and get it removed. Thanks!


I quite like Ignatus's signature...................very "Free Minded thoughts"

It caught me eye the moment he adopted it.

Nice one Ignatus.  :thumbsup:

BTW..............I am to become a Grampa in November this year.
My daughter just had her second scan today, and its looks like she is expecting a girl.
My Mum & Dad, become Great-Grand parents at the same time! (and for the first time)

I think GreatGrampa means himself...................!(my opinion.)


My signature at the programming site:

QuoteThe human condition paradox is we can create devices to overcome our human limitations, but we can't overcome our very human condition.
➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


Great Vic and Chris!
The next signature that caught my eye is from another grampa (Guess Ralph, don't mind me calling this). The signature is "       The best way to fail, is not to try! "

There is a reason why people say signatures are really a reflection of one's self and this is a classic example. We would not have had an electric bulb today if Edison didn't see all the failures on choosing the element for the filament as a success in proving that those are not the right elements. We wouldn't have aeroplanes if people didn't believe in flying and didn't try to. You don't try something, then you are automatically classified as having failed to do that thing. Someone said. Dream! without dreaming, you wouldn't try and without trying you wouldn't succeed!

Ooh! Its late and I think I am blabbering! Better go to sleep now and try dreaming :)


My signature is sanskrit from the heart sutra. It means "nothing". Nothing savef me. When you find "nothing" you have found everything.
Nothing is a good place to start every momemt of the day.
Confused?....you will be! Lol


And my signature is a complete, utter and total failure because nobody seems at all interested in offering their help.

Not one person from here in all the weeks the signature has been there has taken up the invitation to offer their help.

Plenty of money to throw at the casinos, though.

What a sad indictment...



@ Marshall......

Can U just acknowledge that the offer at the head of the Home page, that Esoito has flagged up, is A FREE
donating/loan, that will be made by someone else! (with someone elses money)

It just get the process started. Thereafter you LOAN the money, and it is repaid to you, in full.

I'm am saddened to hear of your plight Sir, esp your incapacity.
I too know how expensive things get, esp when I put my three daughters thro University. [smiley]aes/money.png[/smiley]

All U have to do, is guide the loan to someone.
He is not asking for anyone to donate large sums of money.
If I was in Australia, I would come and fix your ceiling for U.......I am a builder.
Charging Aus$1975 and U could send $25 to that cause.
Please ask the repair man if U could have a $25 reduction, and u will make tea for him.



I vote with Marshall; always have and always will.

The United States is broke.  We exist off borrowed money from China.  Yet we send billions with a "B" to nations who would bomb us out of existence if they could.

I have no idea why I was born in this country and not some dirt-poor nation in Africa.  Or why I was born with the ability to fix things and just--by luck or God--fell into a business where I made a good living.

"The poor will always be with us."

"I didn't start the fire."

If I gave everything I own in the world to some do-gooder charity, would the World change?  Only my world as I would join the poor. 

The answer is:  There is no answer!

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


@ Sam/MB/All

The proposition from Esoito, is not giving per se, but loaning......

admittedly its at Zero rate interest, which may not suit some, but it helps small struggling businesses
throughout the World to develop and expand.

it's a LOAN, not a GIFT.

and the first $25 is already donated by another Kiva member, and all U do is choose the recipient!


Im sorry to hear you are in a unfavourable situation. I hope things upturn for you mate.

I truly mean that



Chris has actually followed up this Kiva thing and has passed on his findings above. Well done, mate.

As he has rightly pointed out you all have an opportunity with my Kiva invitation to lend (not give) a small portion of money to provide a net for others to catch their own fish thereafter. (Visit and you'll soon discern what I mean by that.)

Sam & Marshal BB (and any others) take special note:

My invitation enables you to even lend $25 THAT DOES. NOT. COME. OUT. OF. YOUR. POCKET.

[An anonymous benefactor is making that possible]

Can't be easier than that.  [So any personal financial difficulties need not be an impediment.]

Thereafter the money is re-lent to someone else after it is paid back.

For goodness' sake folks, at least visit the site and see for yourself how it works.

You can even lend a measly $25 yourself later on if you wish to. No compulsion. No catches.  [It's just a bit less to pour into the pockets of the casino owners.]

About a year ago I set aside a portion of money that I have distributed as several $25 loans.

Click on my photo and you will see several loans have already been paid back in full. So I simply re-lent that money to others.

See? It keeps getting turned over, doing the maximum good.

This brilliant scheme is run from California by a group of wonderful people.

At least take a look...


"Probability theory is nothing but common sense reduced to calculation" - Laplace

No points guessing who this belongs to, considering Laplace is the main developer of Bayesian interpretation of probability. How true his words are :) Who can ignore the powerful formula Pr = s+1/n+2. Try applying this on ECs, you will have fun :). In a game of random and probability, it is quite appropriate for a person to chose the avatar Bayes and quote Laplace.

However, the quote that I most remember is not something that Laplace said, but was said to Laplace.

'Oh! I see that you have grown thin—Sire, I have lost my daughter—Oh! that's not a reason for losing weight. You are a mathematician; put this event in an equation, and you will find that it adds up to zero.'

It was said by Napoleon! Very deep words!