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Kansas State Highway Patrol

Started by RouletteKEY, June 08, 2013, 12:38:41 PM

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Story  from a Kansas  StateHighway Patrol  officer :

I made a traffic  stop on an elderly lady the other day for  speeding
  on U.S. 166 Eastbound at Mile Marker  73  just East of Sedan , KS.
  I asked for her driver's license,  registration, and  proof of insurance.
  The  lady took out the required  information and handed it to me.
  In with the cards I was somewhat surprised  (due to her advanced age)
  to see she had a conceal carry permit. I  looked at her and ask  if
  she had a weapon in her possession at this  time.
  She responded that she indeed had a  .45  automatic in her glove  box.
  Something---body  language, or the way  she said it---made me want
  to ask if she had any other firearms. She  did admit to also having
  a  9mm Glock in her center console.  Now I had to ask one more
  time if that was all. She responded once  again that she did have
  just one more, a .38 special in her purse.  I then asked her what
  was she so afraid of.
  She looked me right in the eye and said,  "Not a f-cking thing!"


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


I had a friend who went to the states...Georgia, I think...and he was staying with family.
he hired a car one day, and was pulled over by the police. They let him on his way after a few checks.

When he got back, he told the folks he was stopping with..... that the police officer seemed disabled, like all bent up as he stood at the side of the car. They said "was he stood like this?"...and did a pose.
He said..."Yes....just like that....feet way back, and bent forward."

They said...."Oh that's so you can't shoot him through the door."

that's a real fecking shock to hear that..... as someone from England.


Officers need not fear those who have licenses to carry. 

In Oklahoma we have a "Make My Day" law.  If I find you in my home, I can kill you legally.  No questions asked.

And, yes, it happens. 

We are caught in a dilemma over here:  The bad guys have guns and they always will.  The police can't be everywhere.  So it's up to the homeowner to protect his/her family.

That's life in our world.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Has Bailey turned a page on that book yet Sam? 8)



Oh, she finished that one long ago.  We just happened to get a candid photo of her being herself.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on June 10, 2013, 12:25:50 AM
Officers need not fear those who have licenses to carry. 

In Oklahoma we have a "Make My Day" law.  If I find you in my home, I can kill you legally.  No questions asked.

And, yes, it happens. 
----Different here,Sam.

If you kill the burglar,with the gun in his hand/prepared to kill you/they prosecute me,as it would be
only pressumption that he could kill me.I shouldn't have opposed him....said the judge.
Now 2 trained dogs are watching after my estate.


No gun or weapon needed in the hands of the intruder.  He must merely break into your home and you have the right to kill him.

Is it harsh?  Consider the woman protecting her children.  She killed him on the front porch.  He had a knife and he wasn't buttering bread. 

Thank God she killed him.  That's one less that might come to my door.

Yes, I'm armed and would do everything possible to avoid shooting.  But if I see a gun.............

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on June 11, 2013, 03:13:09 AM
  But if I see a gun.............
.... I am sure you will play Russian roulette on it :). I can see Sam like this.
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine



I laugh at your joke!!

Seriously, that's the very Okie whose door you do NOT want to kick in.  What you can't see in that pic is his redneck woman in the background with her double-barreled 12 gauge. 

Editorial:  We are fed up with working our butts off to have some druggie steal our stuff and hock it for meth. 

..and that's the name of that tune..


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers