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Started by FLAT_IN_O, February 07, 2014, 04:20:54 PM

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i am not exactly from there. But i am from East Europe originally. No, i am not offended. I am just surprised how easily some people create wrong stereotypes.


Quote from: Xander on February 08, 2014, 12:09:32 AM

Are you from there?

If you are, then I take back some of what I've said about there.  ;)  ( I thought you were Canadian?)

It bad practice to form an opinion based on others writings and experience. I don't really know you, but that doesn't seem to be your way. You seem to be similar to myself in the fact that you speak with authority on what you have proven for yourself (seen with your own eyes, so to speak), not blind faith.

rule no. 1. don't form an opinion based on anything the media has written. They have to sell papers.

Just thinking out loud really. Hope It didn't come across too badly.


Human mind is easily manipulated. Minor problems at Olympics can create totally wrong picture at what is really goin on there. As i said i am not an admirer of Putin, but City of Sochi itself is something different. Take Croatia or Greece, you will get similar picture. It is a resort place. It can't have a lack of food or water. Actually there is no lack of food or water in Russia at all. Some food  can be expensive for some people yes. But there is no lack of it.  and long lines in stores are the thing of the past.


The news here in the US, Canada, and the European news is showing that Sochi is not ready for the games, and that the place is like a ghetto.


I don't know what you mean by ghetto. I can't for sure agree or disagree with you about readiness for Olympics.
There are some minor problems, yes. I don't know what they really mean. As i already showed you other Olympics had problems as well.

Well, i told you what it is really like. Resort city. Now you can imagine that it looks wilder than Alaska. I don't mind  :)

have a look like at what kind of ghetto it is



Quote from: Xander on February 08, 2014, 12:52:26 AM
The news here in the US, Canada, and the European news is showing that Sochi is not ready for the games, and that the place is like a ghetto.
don't be so brainwashed by the media.


Our media in the western world isn't the same as it is in the socialist and communist countries.  It's pretty good.  Especially Fox News.


What do u mean by socialist and communist countries? North Korea and Cuba?

Xander, you remind me of Rip Van Winkel.

and media is created by PEOPLE. Sometimes people see not what is in reality but rather what they wanna see.
I imagine what you could write about some things be you a journalist. People would get totally wrong idea.
you see you operate by ideas of Cold War. The world changed. Quite a bit since then.


You don't know what are you talking about.......My wife is from Sochi,married there,have a flat there,and been
there about 6 times since 2000......Sochi is one of the most beautifull citys in the world.....one of rare world cities that have a tropic and continental climate,the living standard is same as anywhere else in the world..
and take my world as have travel all globe so far and seen all the misery of Europian larger cities.
About the Russian gambling....yes few years back government prohibited gambling as it was destroying many
families there,but now they are building 2 new Macaos there....one nearby Vladivostock and the other/which
is almost finished,can google it/near Krasnodar/Sochi area/for rich clients.
As I said you are brainwashed by your medias.....to find the true.....You must travel and see it yourself.
Did you know that most tourists that come in EU summer resorts are Russians....and that they are best
consumers.Does that tell you anything.Wrong picture you have in your head.Go and travel instead of living
in your virtual world of AP roulette.


Quote from: Xander on February 07, 2014, 11:32:22 PM

Canada isn't the third world.    They did a great job with those Olympics. 

In Sochi, many people don't even have fresh water or fresh food!

--Your above statement show me how backward thinking you have.
--Did you know that Sochi have one of the purest drinking water in the
   world,and that every house there have most tropic fruits imaginable.
  That food and meat is 6 times cheaper then in EU,and that average pay
  is about 800 doll,20000 rub......and that a person can bay 6 times as much
  then ppl. in EU.As said earlier you are 50 years late.


And you can see interior of the sportman rooms and their willage.


And if you have watched opening of the games....above happened deliberately....the 5th.ring didn't
opened......Why???????it is Putins message to Obama.......as 5th.ring represent USA.


I have an open mind on sochi as I've never been.
The first thing the media journalist looks for is to impress the editor and make his angle stand out.
Nice water and tropical fruit will not impress the editor.
He wants deaths at best and some level of suffering at worse.

"Go and find out if anyone's been poisoned by that water or fruit or I'm not interested"

Scare mongering doom merchants.


You are quite right Turner...they got to earn their wages...the more dramas and lies the better.


Take the London Marathon....

Journalist..... "I've covered the Marathon....I have 2000 words. Got a lovely story of a man who ran bare foot for charity""

Editor .... " did anyone have a heart attack?"

Journalist..." no"

Editor...." broken leg?"

Journalist "Nope"

Editor...." blisters on their feet.....very sore ones?"