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Still snowing here!

Started by nOrMy2o0o, April 13, 2013, 12:51:09 PM

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I tought winter was finish, but this is what i saw when i got up this morning!  :yuck:

Mid-April, hope it's the last one...  >:( :(


Cheers, Normy


in witch country you are normy

i ve been to yhe beatch here in monte carlo !


In Québec, Canada, about 500km north of Montreal,

[Edit:  your location details removed for security reasons.]

Alma, QC G8B 3X9
ps: the beach is accessible only 3 month here!

Cheers, Normy


seriously Normy, I would think twice about giving your exact address location out in a public forum.

Can't U hide it somehow in a code, or show across the street?

Nice dwelling btw....very smart.  :glasses:


Why not? Actually, I have nothing to hide!  8)


It is a personal decision. I guess.

I never publish my personal details. I think I will never do it.

It amazes me how people get to use facebook or other internet websites with their profiles open to the public.
say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.


Actually I'm from Montreal ( salue nOrMy2o0o )

And when nOrMy2o0o says he has nothing to hide , I'd believe him.

Up there there aren't any Casinos nor are there any Mafia Hit Men.

So I'd say he's pretty safe.

[revealb]c'est des farces Normand [/revealb]

I'm going to Lac St. Jean this summer, I'll drop by unannounced >:D

See you then.



i agree

with normy and buffter

if you are not a scammer

you have no reason to hide !!!

salut a toi cousin du canada


Quote from: Buffster on April 13, 2013, 08:56:22 PM
Actually I'm from Montreal ( salue nOrMy2o0o )
Salut, alors tu as eu encore plus de neige que nous!

Quote from: Buffster on April 13, 2013, 08:56:22 PM
I'm going to Lac St. Jean this summer, I'll drop by unannounced >:D

See you then.
Tu est bienvenue...

Salut cousin Français!


Salue Norm

Well, yes, we did get more snow here in Montreal compared to you up north but, this morning, everything has melted here.
Hopefully, this will be our last snowfall of the season.

Till we meet, fingers crossed, this summer.



It had nothing to do with being labelled a scammer, or anything of the sort.
It was more about your identity and not having it stolen for ill gotten gains. its sooooo easily done.

My girlfriend recently had hers stolen (partly), and someone used her address and name(s) to get an £1000 speedy loan from one of those CAsh companies.
First thing she knew was a demand for immediate repayment!
Soooo easy to do.
(we think who ever did it, took some papers out of the rubbish (trash) bin!)

[revealB]all sorted now [/revealB]  :nod:

[reveal]until U have been the victim of ID theft, or had cash stolen from  your bank account, cause someone cloned a credit/debit card U have, U think and feel invincible.......All I am saying, is just be careful out there[/reveal]


I shred everything.

Probably a bit paranoid  :)
