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Please help. Playtech live games don't work on my computer anymore

Started by iggiv, November 18, 2013, 06:37:29 PM

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windows 7. any playtech live games stopped working. including downloaded and flash versions.


Iggiv, two questions:

1) Is it downloaded version or online?

2) Have you tried in another computer?

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did not try on another computer. tried it both in flash and downloaded mode. from browser and from software. only in one casino both. in all other casinos tried it with browser. I don't think they banned me, they say i should have no problem to play live.

also other playtech casinos (from different groups) could not ban me  as well.

it is a problem with my computer i guess.


In which case running a few scans could help:  MalwareBytes and SuperAntispyware (free versions) would be a good starting point.

Do the scans in safe mode so any nasties don't get a chance to run and make removal more difficult.

Depending on what they find and remove you could end up with a resolution to your problem. But don't count on it.

NB:  Make sure your backups are up-to-date before scanning. Sometimes (not always, thankfully)  removal of stuff causes a system crash as a payback for removing it!!



i guess i will need to reinstall but before that i will use your advice, thanx


Yes, you might eventually need to reinstall but first:

1  it's worth doing the scans (in safe mode) just in case that's all that's needed

2  try another 2 or 3 browsers such as Chrome, Firefox and/or Pale Moon

3  try on another PC as Victor suggests

If you eventually do decide to reinstall then may I urge you to do a 'clean' install?  That's when you wipe the HDD totally (format) before installing Windows.

In that way you are sure you've removed any residual nasties AND their hidden triggers that make them re-appear.

Without doing formatting first you are simply putting a clean, healthy copy of Windows on top of a (probably) unhealthy Windows, and there's a strong risk of inheriting underlying problems.

But either way, be sure to backup your data first -- the stuff you created and that you'll weep over if you never see it again.  :(   (Programs are reinstalled from their CDs/DVDs or the setup files you download again)

And before you reinstall (if that's you decision) make sure you have your Windows number key handy (it's often stuck somewhere on your PC) in case you need to type it in.

Good luck. There's always an element of that involved...!! :nod:

[Sorry if I'm banging on a bit, but I work on peoples' sick PCs some mornings so I'm a bit of an  enthusiast...LOL]


thanx a lot for your help! yes, i know about backup and format. Learned it. There are even cases (rare cases) when format doesn't help and u need to kill your partition (partitions) and create them again.

I hope that this a computer problem and all playtech casinos did not ban me from the live games. It's unlikely.

And they told me so as well. this must be a computer problem. My wild guess is this that some b*stard stuff won't let me connect to live games. Because i can't even install their software anymore after i did rollback of windows.


Quote from: iggiv on November 21, 2013, 01:19:34 AM
thanx a lot for your help! yes, i know about backup and format. Learned it. There are even cases (rare cases) when format doesn't help and u need to kill your partition (partitions) and create them again.

Well done for taking the trouble to learn!!  :thumbsup: Relatively few users bother -- far too hard for the poor dears!!

I hope that this a computer problem and all playtech casinos did not ban me from the live games. It's unlikely.
And they told me so as well. this must be a computer problem. My wild guess is this that some b*stard stuff won't let me connect to live games. Because i can't even install their software anymore after i did rollback of windows.

Aha...   The rollback is more likely to work if you pick one with a date before the Playtech problem appeared -- at least a week or two before, to be on the safe side.  But even that might not be far enough back. Suck'n'see. That's assuming you have enough restore-files to choose from, of course.

However, from what you're saying, the wipe'n'reinstall is sounding more and more likely.

Seeing as you know about partitioning this might help:  I normally wipe the customer's partition containing the OS and then remake it, followed by a quick format (if it will let you -- some won't -- otherwise the full format which takes ages on large storage HDDs).

Re-partitioning saves a heap of preparation time, and it ensures a sterile environment in which to rebuild.

And if you're up to it, creating a separate partition for your data is administratively efficient, cuts down on defrag time, is easier to back up and takes less time to back up.


Esoito, the story is becoming looking as almost a detective fiction now. Because...tell u what i did.
I tried to go to live games from ANOTHER COMPUTER and got the same black window. Another computer was MAC, my friend.

Well, well, well, i thought. Maybe i got blacklisted from Playtech? Let me try to open another account with another name and address. I did. And...black window again.

Beats me. Anyone got the same problem? Looks like it is not a computer problem now, because on a different computer the same thing happened. Looks like my computer is intact...

the next thing i am gonna do is trying to open a new account from another place with other IP.


i think i got it.

I guess playtech stopped giving live games for this jurisdiction.


A happy outcome.   :applause:   (After all that)

I'm glad trouble-shooting option number 3 put you on the right track!

I found life was so much simpler when I had  a candle and a quill -- and no horror-box....LOLOL


well, less headache with hardware, but many less live wheels online to play. Playtech was big deal...not anymore.
thanx Esoito