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The Ten Commandments of Online Gambling

Started by wannawin, April 12, 2014, 01:38:26 PM

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The Ten Commandments of Online Gambling

#1: Thou Shalt Know the Local Law

Sad to say, but in some places it's illegal to gamble on the Web. Know your legal
status in your home state, province, territory or country before wagering cash.
Online gambling laws are constantly changing and the best way to definitively
determine the current laws that apply to you is by contacting your local authorities.
Here's another item to consider. While many states say they prohibit online
gambling, they never bother individuals who engage in online gambling. The
online gambling prohibitions as they stand now, apply to the operators of online
As a bettor, your risk of running afoul of anti-gambling laws are almost nil.

#2: Thou Shalt Know Thy Casino

Good online casinos provide extensive info pages that tell you where they are
licensed, who is behind the operation, what their game rules and cash policies are,
and how to contact them for help. One of my favorite casinos has over 30 pages of
details on their operation, policies, and so on. Use that as a benchmark.Do your research. Check out message boards to see if your casino has been stiffing
its players.
The risk of getting involved with a dishonest online casino is very low. There
were many more fly-by-night operators several years ago. Time and self-policing
by the industry has driven most of the shady operators off the web.
One simple test that is nearly 100% accurate is to check the site itself. If the
casino has cheesy graphics and uses java based software rather than downloadable
software, you should probably avoid playing there.

#3: Thou Shalt Play For Free

Almost every casino offers a "Play for Free" option and if they don't, go
elsewhere. Playing for free is the first thing you should do since it's your way of
giving the casino a test drive. This will help you uncover unexpected problems or
snafus that are part-and-parcel of the online experience.
For example, it's better to know that the betting mechanism at Casino X drives you
up the wall before they have your money. Or maybe you can't access their site
through your local network. Maybe their games just plain won't run on your
machine. There are hundreds of casino sites online so there's no reason to rush into
Playing for Free is your first option for trying out one of our gambling strategies
online. What I usually do before risking money in any online casino is play
several games in exactly the same manner I will use when I am playing with real
money. Not only is this good practice, but it will generally alert you to any
aspects of the online game that you consider questionable.

#4: Thou Shalt Demand Adequate Customer Support

The better casinos offer toll-free telephone support 24 hours a day, 365 days a
year. Other customer support options include 24/7 chat, local phone numbers, fax
lines, and lastly, email. How available are they making themselves to you? Try out
the site's service by calling to ask a question, or just call to chat and see if anyone
is actually there. As a prospective customer, it's your right to see if anybody's
home. Because, if you do have a problem, you're damned sure going to want them
to be available and as helpful as humanly possible.
Keep in mind that a one-size-fits-all email address is the lowest level of service
going because their box could be clogged with messages, they may or may not be
there, they might not get your email, etc.

#5: Thou Shalt Know Thy Payout Options

The best payout plan I've heard of is UPS Express of any amount to any place in
the world, free of charge -- usually arriving at your door within 1 to 3 days. That's
exceptional, but worth keeping in mind. Most online casinos will credit your credit
card up to the amount you originally deposited, then send the remainder of your
winnings to you by check in the mail, which you'll usually receive in 1 to 2 weeks.
Often you can request a wire transfer for a small fee.
I'd suggest saying "pass" on a casino that places a charge on basic withdrawals.
Why should you pay them to give you your own money? A good casino treats its
winners (and losers) with respect.

#6: Thou Shalt Check Out the Bonuses

Bonuses have become a standard means of attracting and keeping players. These
range from sign-on and referral bonuses to frequent-player "comp" programs. The
bottom line is that a good casino will thank its players for their patronage with
these small gifts and gratuities and that means your dollar will go a little further
when you play with them. A no-bonus casino is a rare thing these days and
generally deserves all the special attention it offers.
You will only play when the casino is offering you a bonus greater than $100.
Fortunately, with over 1,800 online casinos, all competing for the same customers,
larger bonuses are becoming easier to find.

#7: Thou Shalt Know That All Games Are Not Created Equal

The Internet is a world of software and that means that the payouts, house
commissions, number of decks in play, number of zeros on the Roulette wheel,
and just about everything else can be set to whatever the software designers like.
Please note that I'm not saying that casino managers sit there and mess with the
games whenever they feel like it. What I am saying is that some online casinos
have better odds than others.
If roulette is your game, why play a double-zero game when you can play single-
zero? Prefer craps? Find casinos that let you plunk down double or triple free
odds, or better. This information is generally published in the casino's "rules and
info" section. If it isn't, feel free to contact their support people and ask. If they
won't tell you, find another casino.Some casinos go so far as to publish their payout tables right on their site. To be
taken seriously, these figures should be audited and certified by a reputable
accounting firm.

#8: Thou Shalt Protect Thy Data

When it comes time to actually sign up to "Play for Real", there are a few things
you should watch out for. For the sign-on process the casino should open a secure,
data-encrypted link to protect your personal info from being scooped up by the
bad guys.
Believe it, it's no joke. You must protect yourself by ensuring the security of your
While the browser people will tell you to check the little lock (Internet Explorer)
or key (Netscape) symbol at the bottom of your browser, there's more that you can
do to ensure your safety. In the address box of your browser check that the sign-on
page begins with "https://" instead of the usual "http://". And don't assume that the
casino will just "do it".
We've seen one case where the casino made all the assurances that a secure link
would be provided and then they just gave us a plain old Web page to fill in the
data. This "over-sight" could've cost us a lot of aggravation if someone scooped
our credit card number, or got our home address and phone numbers. If there's one
golden rule of online gambling it's caveat emptor, which is Latin for "watch your

#9: Thou Shalt Play To Win

Since you're playing online you can take your time to make your decisions. This is
the number one reason I prefer online games. You can play on your own schedule
and only play when you feel like it. Unfortunately, the easy access to these games
makes them treacherous for persons without a firm game plan.
If you decide to play online, then you should play to win. In order to do so, you
need to use a perfected system that has been tested and proven to work in online

#10: Thou Shalt Enjoy Thyself

When you choose to gamble on the Internet, you're forsaking the smoke, the free
drinks, the hangers-on and all the charms of the casino staff so you might as well
do whatever you can to get the most out of it. Light up a cigar, play "The Good,
the Bad, and The Ugly" soundtrack, have a croissant, whatever. You're the floor
manager when you play at home so make it good. Who better to pamper the player
than you?
One aspect I enjoy is "score keeping." When you use a winning strategy, a part of
the system will entail keeping score. This can be a simple as just recording the
game number, the amount you wagered and your net winnings. The part I really
enjoy is adding up a series of winning sessions and seeing my total winnings
When you play online, you can relax, take your time or play as fast as you want.
And, as your winnings mount up, this can provide the greater pleasure of all.
Here are some more things I like to consider besides the "Ten Commandments of
Online Gambling."On the surface, playing against anonymous persons over the Internet sounds way
too risky. However, there are important rules you can use to reduce your risk
of loss -

• You will only play at online casinos that meet my tests for "suitability." With
one of these casinos, you know that you will not be ripped off, because, in
most cases, the online casino is regulated and owned by a publicly held
company, often traded in our own NASDAQ markets.

• You will only buy in using procedures that give you "100% protection" should
a casino ever decide to unfairly keep your money. This one rule alone allows
you to play online anywhere in the world with little fear of ever being
say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.


Quote from: Archie on April 12, 2014, 06:19:24 PM
Nathan knows the 11th!
If you would share we will be grateful.
Many thanks.
say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.


The  11 th comandment:

Do not play online !.

Just visit your " friendly" neighborhood casino and have a great day.

In the meantime read Dosteyevski" The  Gambler"to keep focused on the reality of gambling.

Nathan Detroit


Your answers are really appreciated.
here we have the book for all the friends present to read.

say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.