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Messages - 6th-sense

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 13, 2013, 03:42:44 PM
sputnik ...nonsense i completley agree[smiley]aes/angel.png[/smiley]
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 12, 2013, 06:24:51 PM
voodoo...anyone really take a look at the table?.....remember there was a few references to it and thinking outside the box...every cross section of dozen and column has at least 2 of the same group numbers except dozen 2....and cross section doz3 col 1.....16 numbers...also all lines are the same except lines 4...and 10....could doz 2 be the main trigger ..and the 4 bets placed on double street 1...single street 3...split 26/27...and 1 unit on quad... a thought all triggered by doz 2
should also say DISENGAGE THE R/B ENGINE which i had built in...it kicks in when there is a win to bet against a random 4 sequence of red an black results in a martingale...1,2,4,8..this was to put off repeats on any sector sort of to randomise the betting patterns...plus to see if nick could do it as sheet was pretty easy for him to build.. i like to keep him sharp....turn this off you don,t need it....
and last but not least is the 1st version with a cycle bet of 1..2...3..ie it bets 1 amount then twice that amount...then 3 times that amount......all controlled by the sheets profit and stoploss...and bots settings too...all built by nick ....to run on stefs bot....the 1st sheet for me is close to the holy grail..it wins stacks of money...but as i say and Sam says bv only lets u win so much....regardless of there ecncryption sha keys...the 2nd sheet i not used too much but could be along the lines graildigger is after...with that column thrown in...as usual i pay for nick to make sheets and he is great value for money but give them freely....they all run on stefs bot,,,so help yourself
ok now that system is up...i asked for help but got none....in money management so i had to figure a way to do it myself......now according to the laws of roulette a dozen can usually go cold for at least 20 spins..so i decided to just bet above system with just the dozen that's in play at the time of the bet..which is selected as said above...this sheet nick did allows you to choose the amount to put on the splits AND on the dozens....his idea which i didn,t even think of but fantastic...to play with...
now this is a 3 point bet...2 splits 1 dozen...could the extra chip that graildigger is looking for be placed on the newest column...as in ceh words food for thought[attach=2]....
ok heres the system i wanted help with a better money management with but my thread got waylaid with other comments.. the idea behind it is a combination of my abc system and the a 9 cycle system combined...
if a number in a double street hits twice or a 2 numbers in a cross  section bet of doz and columns...
there are 9 sections...ie numbers 1,4,7,10...are section doz1.col1...ie section 1...a cross reference.of doz and col...
it will bet against that double street and cross section of that triggered number..which is triggered by a double hit in either of them sections...so if 2 numbers in a double street hit say 16...18...it,ll bet against double street 13 to 18 plus the section with 18 in on the cross reference which is 15,18,21,24....

now a section or sector has a 9 to 1 chance of losing again and the double street has a 6 to 1 chance of losing....the splits that are bet inside the dozen of the triggered bet is an even no win bet u get your money back...they are bet with 1 unit between them that is 2 units,,,that leaves us 8 units on the other dozens...which gives us a 6 unit win...making it in essence a 3 to 1 ratio or break even bet ...so from 6 to 1 on street and 9 to 1 on the sectors...we now should have an advantage with this 3 to 1 loss...we only need to really win 4 to 1 to be in profit...does this give an edge ...seems to be at moment..not flat-betting though sometimes it can be up a  lot...
maybe take profit and stop ...but using the bot..up one on a loss and just reset when in new high with a virtual loss of 1 or 2 on sheet settings can make it great...
this sheet as always is named by nick..designed by me built by nick and run on Stefs bot....this sheet as usual runs on bot...also remember these sheets i give are not static bets....they float about inside the dozen and react to what is happening in that particular dozen at that time.....
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 11, 2013, 07:58:39 PM
you have to remember that results in a tracker is like climbing the rungs of a ladder i posted rpro tracker on other site a long time ago but it will not allow me to upload here as the site says its too big...but columns and dozens are shown properly as well as other stuff and you notice its likes climbing the rungs of a ladder a misstep on one side but not the other...well not too much anyway
Wow pretty honoured to have my name up there just for that I'll post my latest 2 excell sheets which one I think is as close as I've been to the grail with a slight adaption maybe go towards grail diggers hgceh bet as it could be a 4 unit spread with doz and  col involved
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 11, 2013, 03:16:47 PM
it was charles edward hampshire.....column ..even..high lol
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 11, 2013, 03:00:33 PM
yes graildigger that's what you are looking for.....i have only the manuscript in word docx form..i spent a lot of time doing that file and am not willing to put the docx here...the book itself is in book form is on kindle store i did have it available for free download for five days and that's up now.
..i got to wait another 60 days before i can do that offer again. ...it doesn,t say in there anything about columns and dozens that came about separate from the site of win3million.....
i think i,ve found a way with the selection but i need a better money management system i have now tweaked the bet from two dozens to 1...but still a good money management would be good ...i,m thinking of the whittaker ptogression...though its slightly not a single dozen bet..becouse of  the 2 splits breaking it even....
Online Casinos / Re: Betvoyager syncronization error
October 04, 2013, 06:29:56 PM
i think its the way the chips r set out...they overlap each other now....so bots need redoing
hi everyone...i have designed a system that is specifically designed for the BV no zero table.....
and to be used in conjunction with the bot..built of course my nicksmi...
it may be used for the no zero table...
I have tested this bet and a few other members on here too have it....

Ok before i describe a basic outline of the system me and nick have different views on the money management so I,m calling for help as I'm stuck..

I have stated before that BV if u win too much stops you from winning more..

Another member can confirm this..he,s finding betvoyager hard to overcome after a certain point this time its 350 euro..and he,s struggling against the casino...not much you think but its base-bet is .10 cents


ok this pic is todays results over 7 hours play...it got cut off once...this is with a slightly different setting on the bot itself...

1st i have to say i haven't lost the 1000 bankroll yet..this picture is just one i took today i really should take more and i will

now me and nick are disagreeing about the sheet..he thinks it's a failure as the money won is not in respect to money lost...this was on the zero table betting in pennies where nick was down 93 or 97 euro...it recovered and he ended up in plus...but that bet was a win of a minimum .06 cents...when i mean minimum..that's the least you will win..

the no zero table fairs a lot better but does have draw-downs too..it hasn't lost yet..but this is all in demo mode...not real money like the other member who is playing real money...

so thus the problem i have is this..the betselection is perfect....its winning...even with the money management i have now but could there be room for improvement...i,m open to any suggestions on an improvement of the money management...

so for any ideas you need to basically know a bit about the system and a couple of ways i,m betting to get an idea where i,m coming from...

Basically in the picture you will see the dozens and the splits in one dozen are bet on...the splits have 1 unit on each which is 2 units in total leaving me 16 units split between the dozens...

my theory is a hit on the splits breaks even...a hit on the dozens give me a 6 unit win..in essence a 3 to 1 ratio to break even...so if i lose i need 3 wins to break even..

so that is the pure basic idea of the system...the other part is the actual bet selection..why we choose what we choose...

ok so this is where i,m stuck...i bet 3 ways up 1 on a loss up 2 on a win..continuous betting  reset on a new high
..second way is virtual loss 2 up 1 on a loss reset when in new high...
third is same as above  but virtual loss 1


see they got a couple of LOVE IS cartoons on there i use to really like them...
thanks i,m checking it out now :thumbsup: