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Messages - 6th-sense

wannawin i like that pic where did you get it from?
also for everyone who has a kindle,i have made this book is free for the next 5 days ..
ok another opportunity for those who missed it 1st time around


ok been busy with nicksmi this last week...i,m wondering what the limit is to upload files in mb...i have a few old ones and some new ones including MR J 8 train but it won,t let me upload them they are not above 5mb....all my sheets work on the bot  :-\

ok have been really busy so not posted for ages...as on the other site heres a few pics of a sheet a had nick make..and the sheet itself....S--L--S....

its triggers are any 2 numbers that appear in a line...a double street ,,,a sector ...on the table...it,ll bet that for its own number of spins..
double street it,ll bet 6 times for a hit...single street 12 times..a sector 9 times ,,,ok as promised heres a screen shot of that sytem i had made by nick....

it  has massive losses flatbetting...but with the settings i got there as you can see it comes back....

nick is working on a unique way i have given him to reverse this sheet...using the sheet itself instead of a sytem but as a tracker....i paid for this and nick spent time on it...

but i don,t and never mind sharing...other people with ideas can improve...the only way to properly test in my opinion and play about with settings is with the bot...
i think so it does look like mine which is how i wanted it set out...heres a pic..i,ve uploaded here again the tracker in case they were any problems with the upload

That was nickmsi ideas...and pretty interesting...Iv'e not read anything else on that.

As nick says feel free or anyone to put ideas on that subject forward....
As to this blog it's a 1st for me and its all ad hoc as i go...
Also an upgrade to the 1st Excel sheet of hartscape is here now...its shows the dominant black/red...even/odd of each of the three separate groups....gears and cogs.....some at least..there is a tendency to be less than 50% per 100 spins of these 3 separate groups..what does it mean to me in a blog fashion ...
a few ideas is can i capitalize on this?
how many times do runs of 3 groups happen...what's the ratio  of betting the 2 groups against the last 2 of the 3 in that group..to them runs?....
more thoughts are towards what that dominant 2 EC,s show and what to bet for using them?...
for that next spin...different ideas...what if ..playing around with ideas now that that dominant 2 is black odd ...would we bet doz 2 and 3 because they are most dominant in them dozens?....
again ideas just thinking aloud..
lots of ideas just for this 1 tracker alone...

with  nicksmi permission i,ll post an interesting concept he emailed me concerning dyselexics bet...

Some of you still don't understand what I am trying to show with these alternating EC.

To make it simpler, I have attached the spreadsheet with the unique numbers already filled in that show

you can have 36 unique numbers that alternate LHLHLH....

you can have 36 unique numbers that alternate OEOEOE....

you can have 36 unique numbers that alternate RBRBRB. . . . .(Sorry I erred in yesterday's email), you can have 36 alternating RBRBR . . what I meant to say was that you cannot have 36 numbers alternating on ALL EC's simultaneously.

Now look what happens when you combine R/B with E/O.  There are only 20 unique numbers that would allow them to alternate RO/BE/RO/BE . . .

Look what happens when you combine R/B with H/L.  There are only 18 unique numbers that would allow them to alternate RL/BH/RL/BH. . .

Finally look what happens when you combine E/O with H/L. (or all 3 EC's).  There are only 10 unique numbers that would allow them to alternate O/L/EH/OL/EH . . .

The pigeon holes are filled.  Something has to happen, either a number has to repeat or an EC has to streak.

Once you understand this concept, the question is how can we use it.



this is probably one of most unique ideas i,ve heard for a long time..and credit to nick coming up with it ......
this is a first for me...blogging....so please this blog is only ideas of mine and you can make what you want from the journey of this blog over time to come...

please don,t inundate it with arguments and systems...and possibilities..just make a new topic or i can make a new topic if you ask under the umbrella of my blog space so discussions if any could there...


my idea of roulette is of a churning machine ...forever churning and running ...that machine as all machines needs gears and cogs to run...
them gears and cogs are made up in my mind of all the things we come to know about roulette..dozens,columns,even chances and many more.....the fuel for this machine is the dealer...
this machine as all machines does have limitations....but random though limited is its greatest asset...though we all know the law of the third..does it really help?

this last few weeks i have been playing about with an excellent tracker nicksmi has made up for me....it tracks the groups ..ie red odd,,,red even,,,black odd,,,black even..it tells me when 3 separate groups come out..and in what order..what use is it you may ask?....well it charts some of the gears and cogs that run this machine and with a little imagination something could definitely come from it...definitely 2 or 3 systems could easily be made up from these results....

its frustrating at the moment because i am super busy in my life and can,t spend as much time as i need to with this tracker but have lots of ideas but how to put them into a system is the key.....i,ve attached it so people can look..

right now i have to go its the children's sports day....
6th-sense / Re: 6th's blog?
July 11, 2013, 03:32:32 PM
thanks Victor

6th-sense / 6th's blog?
July 11, 2013, 02:22:44 PM
i too would like to have a blog...a blog for ideas...personel things..plus maybe systems i made or am in process of making....and bot excell sheets to upload too..for the bv/smartlive.dublinbet bot..also things that happen in my day to day life.....a blog essentially where people can make on some of my ideas..laugh at my goings on in life...not a blog for arguing ...just a simple diary...week to week basis...
Off-topic / losing weight
June 10, 2013, 06:59:38 PM
man looks at an add in a news paper and it says lose 5kg in a week
so he rings and books an appoitment the next day and he turns up
and a Woman in pt shorts and a tight top says "IF YOU CAN CATCH
ME ,YOU CAN FXXK ME"...so he did it for a week and he didn,t catch
her but lost 5kg and he goes on  the lose 10kg in a week program....

this time she was hotter and she was in bikini and she says "CATCH
ME YOU CAN FXXK ME"...and he didn,t catch her but he lost another 10kg
and he thought he loves this program so he ask to go on the 25kg in
a week program and they said you sure?...he said yes so he turns up the
the next day and this tall gay muscle guy is standing over him in just shorts
Off-topic / crashed my car today
June 10, 2013, 06:39:01 PM
crashed my car today into the back of another car....steam coming out under my bonnet,,,a dwarf jumps out of the car in front..

" I,M NOT HAPPY" he shouts angrly...

i look at him scratch my head "OK " i said ...." I GIVE UP WHICH ONE ARE YOU THEN"
Off-topic / Re: "Its £5.00 per inch........."
June 10, 2013, 06:34:01 PM
hi chris..reminds me of a brothel i heard of up your way,,,,they charge  by the inch tooo...u want there number you'll get in for free lol