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Messages - Atlantis

Seems the results are good on the horror if just betting ONCE only after wLL...?

General Discussion / Re: Making the -2,7 to 0
August 22, 2017, 02:14:28 PM
Formations :

123/321/231/312/213/132=Run (R) sign
121/232/131/313/212/323=Change (C) sign

we bet after 3 signs have formed and from there continuous play looking always the last 3 Signs

Betting selections:

RRR= Bet R
CCC= Bet C

RCR= Bet C
CRC= Bet R



Hi moglizu,

Maybe we can have different formations and triggers that might work equally as well or even better?

For instance on another forum a member writes about the infamous w3million CONSISTENT WINNING BET:

I will give some help for the people that are still trying to find the bet.

The boffins bet is a loser... it's no better than betting randomly.

Flat betting is the only way.
If the betting selection is a winner the safest way is flat.

Flat betting means to bet in every spin the same amount of chips in every bet.

All I know is that I never lose a session by playing this bet.

I m not here to brag or to tease or to sell something.
I am here to help.
And yes... the people that are still searching the bet, get a great help of the things I am posting.

Find patterns that are happening more often and bet them.
Bet them flat... If your betting is a real winner it will be winning flat.

I would also like to make one proposition on the bet.
I have found that betting only 2 chips (of the movement) and not all 4. (dozens only? - A)

One day I found a bet that was fitting Charles clues 100%. I started testing it and I was surprised by the stability and the slow profits that was making (I repeat by betting 2 doz or 2 col or even both).

The phenomenon of RRCC-CCRR or RCCR-CRRC was happening all the time in my papers of tracking. (After the triggers).

I have found that betting only 2 chips (of the movement) and not all 4 is giving more stability. Although testing all 3500 spins with the 4 chips gave more profitability.

This can't be luck.
Even I am shocked at these results and the interesting point is that it's the ACETF bet Charles was describing in his clues.

The BR of this bet if played with 2 chips is 30 chips.

There are 2 kind of patterns to happen
1) AAAA or BBBB         
    ABAB or BABA         

    ABBA or BAAB

The bet has triggers that trap the **2nd pattern**

If R = Runs (or repeat)
C= Change (or chop)

Possibly could bet after 3 "movements" or wheel dozen results to match the below criteria:

RRC - bet C         ;  CCR - bet R

RCC - bet R        ;  CRR - bet C

There would be a 'no-bet' if  last 3 results formed: RRR or CCC or RCR or CRC.

moglizu said:

we bet after 3 signs have formed and from there continuous play looking always the last 3 Signs

You would look to 'trap' the qualifying formations only somehow.... (Maybe the triggers I'm using are not right. I don't know.- A)

Bet on R = bet the Last Dozen + the previously hit dozen.

Bet on C =  Ignore Last Dozen hit and bet the other 2 doz.

Flatbet (insurance cover on 0?)


2                               First result recorded

1 C

1 R

1 R                           CRR = bet for C = bet d2+d3
2 C       win+1           RRC = bet for C = bet d1+d3     

3 C       win+1           RCC = bet for R = bet d3+d2

1 C       lost-2            CCC = no bet

1 R                            CCR = bet for R = bet d1+d3

1 R        win+1           CRR = bet for C = bet d2+d3     

3 C        win+1           RRC = bet for C = bet d1+d2
1 C        win+1           RCC = bet for R = bet d1+d3

1 R        win+1           CCR = bet for R = bet d1+d3

1 R         win+1          CRR = bet for C = bet d1+d3     

3 C         win+1          RRC = bet for C = bet d1+d2

2 C        win+1           RCC= bet for R = bet d2+d3

3 C         win+1          CCC = no bet 
3 R                            CCR = bet for R = bet d3+d2   

3 R         win+1          CRR = bet for C = bet d1+d2


Thoughts? Does anyone have a different interpretation to put forward?
I don't know however if something like this might pass the 100 spins or 100 bets challenge and always be in profit?
If could win 30 sessions of 100 spins or 100 bets and still be in + well that would be something! :)

Roulette Forum / Re: Triplet Dozens
August 17, 2017, 06:15:14 PM
Thanks hexfex82,

Yes - the original way waiting for 2 non-repeat trigger is better/safer I think. One bet only. Maybe keep at flat bet too...?
Rather than trying to guess/predict.
However, I think overall something is missing to make this better. I need to think - but maybe a hedge is required and a token bet on the zero too. I am going to try and see if I can convert/tweak it somehow. I'm stopping play for now after a 'hard' session myself.
Thanks for your results. I'll come back to this again as I think something in it.

Roulette Forum / Re: Triplet Dozens
August 17, 2017, 10:47:19 AM
I like this as:
You're not playing every spin.
You can avoid some 0's because of that.
Plenty of time to record and chart play (less chance of mistakes)
Not complicated to understand and easy to spot triggers.
Playing on live dealer SPEED roulette is my preference. (with chat and sound off; I listen to my favorite music while playing)
Gives you time to think and not rushed to make decisions.
I know its just another Double Doz bet; but has a nice feelgood 'vibe' to me; patience required though.

Later maybe I try with separate progression for the columns.

Another way to play is to also record # of repeats and the # of same/diff. If you think an imbalance might be occurring (repeats lagging behind) then think about bet, bearing in mind 18/27 repeats is avg.

Triplet formations

at this point you have 4 triplet repeats and 3 others = 4/3 to repeat.
I'm tempted to play for repeat to start to pull away any time soon...

Example session just now. First I check the past history marquee and get some triple results before starting play...

R=repeat triple
S=same triple
D=different triple

O=total same/different triples

311 R
212 R
332 R
232 R
312 D
222 S---- 4R/2O
132 D-----4R/3O L-2 -2
112 R-----5R/3O w+2 +0
332 R-----6R/3O w+1 +1
133 R-----7R/3O w+1 +2
121 R-----8R/3O w+1 +3
133 R-----9R/3O w+1 +4 - I stopped here and wait; expecting S or D
113 R-----10R/3O
221 R-----11R/3O
232 R-----12R/3O
113 R-----13R/3O

My gut is telling me expecting S or D to happen pretty soon seeing as I have 13 triple repeats out of 16 triple results I quit here.

(However, could have played for single dozen (S or D) here)

But I decide not to risk it and keep hold of my +4 and come back later for a new session

This is more flexible, individual approach and in the style of adapting and reacting to what the wheel is throwing at you + gut feeling/instinct rather than playing according to the strict, rigid rules of a systematic route.

Hope this helps.

General Discussion / JUST SO YOU ALL KNOW 2
August 17, 2017, 10:22:13 AM
@esoito Nice to see those aliases have been muted now  :whistle:

I saw this message on S. Tabone's personal site:
I returned from Monaco (14th AUG 2017) where over that weekend I gambled my strategy for a whale in Casino de Monte-Carlo. I made him €75,000 and I received 15% commission from those wins and my 1st class travel, 5 star hotel and all expenses had also been paid for.

Sounds plausible - BUT - IS IT ACTUAL FACT?
I find it all the more passing strange that whilst he was away enjoying himself in the company of the whale in the Monaco locality at the Casino that this just happened to turn out to be the very same weekend that he would choose to even think of our little forum here at betselection.cc, and yet the logs show he found the time and temerity to interrupt his busy weekend schedule abroad to concentrate on posting several messages about 'alrelax' over that weekend period of Aug 12-13 (check the posts for time confirmation on that)

After his transgressions on the forum and also the deception he pulled on gamblingforums.com (posting under an alias to testimonial his OWN book with a positive review)

can anyone seriously believe this report of a jaunt over to Monaco? Does it have the ring of truth about it? Or maybe it is simply another false boast - further deception upon deception to try and lend some much needed favourable credibility for his ongoing book sales project??

General Discussion / Re: Enough with the spamming!
August 15, 2017, 12:33:54 PM
Quote from: esoito on August 15, 2017, 05:32:13 AM
And the Good News is....tada.....Tabone is now officially removed from the forum.

After all, he kept saying he would leave the forum but without actually doing it, so Victor has simply helped him through the door.

Let's all move on and find something useful to spend our remaining lifespans on.

Yes esoito. :)
The forum seems a cleaner, fresher and nicer place this morning.  :) :thumbsup: :nod: :applause:  :whistle:
General Discussion / Re: Enough with the spamming!
August 14, 2017, 02:18:19 PM
Quote from: Mike on August 14, 2017, 06:56:04 AM

This is getting ridiculous. Can Stephen and his proxies (symon_lucky, john_stemart and others) not be banned by i.p.? The guy is clearly deranged and desperate as can be seen from this pm which he sent me today.

By the way, I have no intention of buying his book, whether from Amazon at $349 or by paypal for $25, but if anyone who has it sends me a copy I will simulate the system and post the results on the forum. I will also give a FAIR review on amazon. It was actually my intention to buy a copy of the book but then all this nonsense started and frankly I have interest in doing so any longer.

To receive your copy Paypal me $25 stephentab@hotmail.co.uk and send me an email: stephentab@hotmail.co.uk with your Paypal transaction ID, stating: (Golden Secret 3.0) and I will email a copy to you.

Hi Mike,

Please note if you send him funds ($25) via PayPal as a gift upfront first (donation) you MAY NOT be able to claim a refund later!!! This is different than actually BUYING it via a PayPal merchant button and getting a digital download link from a dedicated sales page where you have the usual PayPal consumer protection and entitlement to refund for goods not fit for purpose etc. and of course he knows this... Just saying to take care, proceed carefully and watch out and know your rights, that's all.

General Discussion / Re: Enough with the spamming!
August 14, 2017, 11:45:49 AM
Quote from: sean on August 14, 2017, 11:23:39 AM
You are not alone.

Thanks sean. Although it would have been better if you hadn't posted more of his links. That's what he wants. All part of his little game with ordinary and regular members such as ourselves. BTW, you can block PM's from him by setting your Ignore Buddies on your member profile if you get sick of it. That's what I did, mate.  :thumbsup:

Tabone - One minute he's praising me for helping to increase his sales - next minute he's complaining about me. I dunno.
Talk about a Jekyll and Hide persona!  ???

What a twisted and sad individual. Why are you spending all your time here and are not out fleecing the casinos with your Golden Wonder formula?  >:(

I think it more to do with link popularity and search engine positioning, The more the links and the more text with the associated full name of the system appears - so much for the better for his sales campaign to increase traffic to his EPOS - and believe me, that's just what this is a bombardment. A calculated, sustained, persistent drive to increase sales at any odds at any price, come what may... Even if he tramples all over the forum in totally unrelated topics.

Yes - we heard about your book alright - we got the message - now please let it lie.

If you think it's just me that feels this way about you then you are wrong. There are a lot of longstanding and reasonable members following this who actually agree with my main points about you but have kept silent or not bothered to engage or chastise you for your wrongdoings - AS OF YET. But they can see as clear as daylight when somebody is out of order and taking liberties. You do yourself a disservice if you think that by taking this high and mighty approach it will be a route to winning friends or helping to achieve sales.

Just look at where it's gotten you - Another day passes and now its come down to PANIC selling at bargain basement cut prices in order to eke out that extra needed buck or two. A sign of more desperation setting in.

And, while I'm here, you really need to work on your personality and communication skills, brother.

It's all too apparent that you have an overweening sensitiveness to any quite reasonable mild criticism or trivial comment made about you; to the extent that you take things completely the wrong way and imagine there is some kind of group engineered conspiracy "attack" on your personal character or integrity so much so that you must immediately retaliate obnoxiously using quite unwholesome, but let me say not unexpected but the familiar predictable tactics that are the hallmark signature of a "forum troll"!

Your overbearing sense of self-importance and egoism is also quite repugnant and unwelcome. That "holier than thou" attitude that you are always in the right and others must therefore manifestly wrong is symptomatic of a spoilt, unruly child who throws his rattle out of his pram and starts bawling and misbehaving if he is in any way reprimanded and cannot get his own way or what he feels he deserves in life.

I'll say no more on this - for now. People know where I stand on this issue by now and don't want to go over old ground again... I expect we'll be hearing from Admin quite soon and I have faith that a right decision will be reached. Meantime I hope and trust that ST will uphold his promise of leaving here which he has TWICE stated he would do.

Knowing his motives,  I wouldn't bet on him keeping or abiding by that promise. Let's see, shall we.

General Discussion / Re: Enough with the spamming!
August 14, 2017, 07:38:02 AM
Quote from: Mike on August 14, 2017, 06:56:04 AM

This is getting ridiculous. Can Stephen and his proxies (symon_lucky, john_stemart and others) not be banned by i.p.? The guy is clearly deranged and desperate as can be seen from this pm which he sent me today.

By the way, I have no intention of buying his book, whether from Amazon at $349 or by paypal for $25, but if anyone who has it sends me a copy I will simulate the system and post the results on the forum. I will also give a FAIR review on amazon. It was actually my intention to buy a copy of the book but then all this nonsense started and frankly I have interest in doing so any longer.

Hi Mike,

It is beyond ridiculous, Mike. What type of person would shamelessly engage in such an illegal forum activity like over-spamming?
I warned them over at Gamblersforum.com that if he came back there what to expect from him...
That's where he posted under an alias promoting his book - actually pretending he was someone else - not owning up to the fact he was really the book author. Trying to hoodwink and outsmart the members with Bogus shenanigans. How terrible and desperate is that, I ask you?

And it happened over a few days during the time when he said he was supposedly "away" and not posting. I genuinely pity the poor sods if he goes back to that forum... Mind you I do not think he would last long over there now I have exposed him and blown his cover and called him out for what he really is...  Forewarned is Forearmed :)

Quote from: alrelax on August 12, 2017, 03:51:41 PM
Atlantis, he most certainly is!  Last night Stephen engaged me on p.m, and to tell the truth it got bad.  I blocked him and just put an end to it,  it was ludercious what he was saying about taking over, his fans, his power, his knowledge.  Enough is enough.

If true, that is absolutely awful. I hope you reported it to the mods. This cannot go on. It will be the death of the forum - speaking of which I do not understand what Vic was doing cutting a deal with such a person as this!! Why? If it is fees for the maintenance of the forum then a simple answer is close this down and re-open a FREE FORUM without ANY expenses at all. There are many such around. It doesn't matter if there's a few ads to contend with - as long as it eases any financial pressure - and prevents similar takeovers in the future. I agree with alrelax - not a nice place - am thinking of going myself actually... 
Shamzy wrote:
As far as I know the man was banned from this site so your writing to yourself. How does he know what your writing. If you want to put your threats to him you should email him. I'm sure it will only improve his sales. Lol

Oh he's been watching alright. Don't worry about that. He logged in this morning:

Last Active: Today at 06:38:54 am

Thanks for the feedback, audionut.

FWIW, I can mention that if you happen to buy the kindle version on Amazon and pay with paypal seems you can easily get a refund if you're not happy for a particular reason (eg: it didn't work for me) as long as you do it within 7 days of purchase. Hmmm... So you can get your money returned after all? Worked for me in the past.  Don't suppose it a good idea to abuse this option too much though - but since this is a GAMBLING product and all....  :P


Damn sickening shame.

Never mind. Happy winnings, Sham!

Over and out.

This is a GAMBLING book and I do not see any GUARANTEES or MONEY BACK REFUND offered if it does not work...

But seriously - ultimate gold bullet proof whatever - is it REALLY going to shatter baccarat? - I mean, ask yourself this: I am being promised or offered a SECRET MAGIC MONEY TREE and - - - - yet I ONLY have to pay just a few measly dollars !*!?


I do not want to "shatter" your dreams, however - believe and buy into the dream if you MUST.

But there's an old saying which I shall not repeat here...

John_Stemart wrote:
well I might as well order it since I could make a lot of money using it.

*could* being the operative word...

I guess its an investment.

Hope you're a good guesser!

Take care and Good luck.
