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Messages - Falkor2k15

Thanks for your (unsolicited) advice - though I'm under no such obligation as there's nothing being sold here. The initial concepts have IMO been presented satisfactorily at least, so it's now entirely down to the interest and effort of any would-be students. I'm not promoting anything commercial - it's purely out of love for the subject matter. If others don't share such passions then that's entirely understandable - each to their own.

Sure thing - I've deleted your account.
TheMagician, the answer to your question is politics. There's a lot of private letters and classified information that shouldn't be made available to members of the public who are not interested in private study; besides, it wouldn't be of any use to anyone who hadn't already learnt the basics, inviting depreciation instead, so I feel there's no need to overwhelm visitors - regardless of the political problem. However, if you do get to the stage where you have progressed and are ready for more information then by all means discuss on the forum and make it known. There's a whole library out there, but you have to be motivated by the subject matter - beginning with the introductory books first before progressing to the more technical, in-depth, books.
Quote from: esoito on July 21, 2017, 11:20:20 PM
It's both interesting and very frustrating -- several items have censored written across them.

That's fine.  But how exactly can we make them uncensored?  (Assuming that's possible, of course.)

Are we supposed to register with the forum and then -- hey presto -- all is revealed?

Were you able to understand the concepts up to that point? Which slide would you like to see uncensored? Yeah, it would help if you registered at the forum - can learn more about the concepts - and many slides have been re-posted uncensored in various topics there. It all depends if you find this subject interesting or not, which I guess you do. But it does require dedication and effort on the part of the student - cannot run before you can walk. What is your understanding so far?

TheMagician, I haven't finished developing the site yet, but nobody has bothered inquiring either. The site database is of no benefit unless people first have an interest; are open-minded; can understand the basic principles; and are willing to put in the time and effort required. A passion for the beauty of nature and the cosmos is also highly beneficial but not mandatory.
Cheers for the positive feedback, guys! :) It's all about the "process" of fractals and the indeed the Cosmos...

Introducing my new website (WIP!) for cross-referencing concepts across a variety of sources and advancing studies specifically for Priyanka's Non-Random methods discussed mostly at Steve's forums - but also here. Feel free to join the forum too - but the scope is very limited. There is no adverts or anything - open purely for private study - and recommended only for dedicated students.  :thumbsup:

Bally's Blog / Re: Reviving the Law of the Third
August 26, 2016, 12:14:51 PM
I tried a lot of third law stuff before, but seem to be doing better playing number Cycles, Non-Random and combination play. I think this is the way forward out of random play - not intending to hijack your topic though. Good luck!
Bally's Blog / Re: Reviving the Law of the Third
August 26, 2016, 11:39:25 AM
i tested something similar: use oldest 18 numbers to bet against as EC - still 50/50. I think you constantly shifting previous numbers make no difference. The result of 1 or more spins following 19/18 is always different across different data sets, i.e random.
Roulette Forum / Re: Law of The Third
August 26, 2016, 10:29:56 AM
esoito, have you managed to consistently win primarily using Law of the Third and ideas discussed in document? My experience is that each permutation (your interval?) is random and cannot be brought in line - but possibly there is a connection from one permutation to the next based on regression towards the mean. Also, when looking for triggers based on certain permutations I got different results across different data sets.
Is arranging chaos the technique used for creating own dozens, etc.?
Azim, check out the attached for a few examples of multi-directional VdW.
Quote from: plolp on August 20, 2016, 08:21:50 AM
Winrate ; 3,16

not so impressive it

I passed easily ,  3,64

I'm a math genius for that?
You understand what those numbers mean? She tripled her money, whereas everyone else generally lost to the house edge.
Quote from: Jake on August 19, 2016, 05:32:15 PM
Prove it. ::)
VdW came by way of PhD maths genius Priyanka (presumably via her Senseis from Argentina: Manrique who died in 2008 and his master Nono Santelli who died prior to 2004), and this Non-Random concept was introduced to us in September 2015 over at RouletteForum.cc. Priyanka is also under oath: probably a member of the Freemasons or Jesuits. Here was Priyanka's position on the multiplayer roulette leader board when she was active there:

With VdW she designed this game lose 300 very quickly - but using small unit chips and placing double dozen bets where it's harder to throw away your money:

Same/Diff.Defined byCycleNumberDozenWin/LoseComments
2232212End of Cycle: bet the other 2 dozens
71WBet the last 2 dozens
d1211101WEnd of Cycle: bet the other 2 dozens
162Bet the last 2 dozens
d2122242End of Cycle: bet the other 2 dozens
41Bet the last 2 dozens
d23122242End of Cycle: bet the other 2 dozens
s22312242End of Cycle: bet the other 2 dozens
d1211121End of Cycle: bet the other 2 dozens
d2122242End of Cycle: bet the other 2 dozens
61Bet the last 2 dozens
232Bet the last 2 dozens
363Bet the other 2 dozens
s1123111WEnd of Cycle. Bet the last 2 dozens
s11161WEnd of Cycle: bet the other 2 dozens
192Bet the last 2 dozens
s3323293WEnd of Cycle: bet the other 2 dozens
11Bet the last 2 dozens

With VdW this game was designed to win: