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Messages - purple

Yes Sputnik, I bought the book and it's hands down the most complete roulette book out there. i had bought the ebook a few years ago and used the systems in the casinos and ... have been making good money ever since. As it says there's no system to beat the casino mechanically but you can win 8 out of 10 sessions with proper play. In the book there's now more material on 99% maths systems, for progressions, and an excellent dealer signature system that has been a winner for me. It's really well written, with hundreds of diagrams, the guy obviously knows what he's talking about. My only complaint is that it wasn't published sooner!
I also have some basic visual ballistics skills that I use to double check on which numbers to choose.
As for the math boyz they can go play with their .. toyz...
The more roulette tables there are in the casino the more probable it is that one of them will exhibit very long sleepers.
I look at the number boards next to the tables,and at some point I'll see one table with 10 or more reds or blacks etc
So freak events definitely do happen. That's why I always hedge bets. Never put all your eggs in one basket, as the saying goes.
Now if you see a table where certain colors, or numbers are trending then I'd back these for a set number of spins, with a positive progression (up as you win), such as parley bets.