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Messages - The Crow

Inside betting is best way to bet, any where from 1 to 18 numbers. I can only speak from my own experiences. The word "harsh" only exist in one's mind when one is losing. The only thing I find harsh about playing roulette is; it is boring.

If anything, if a player finds roulette exciting and fun, that player has a gambling problem. Now that my friends is a harsh reality.

The Crow
Good luck Giz, I wish you well, a wise decision.

The Crow
General Discussion / Re: FORUMS R.I.P.
October 25, 2018, 07:29:31 AM
1.How possible is an, approximately, 80% of all forums' members to have a long term winning strategy such as yours?

80% are liars.

2.Would not that be highly unlikely?

Yes, highly unlikely.

3. There are not as many members as they used to be

Members are there, just unwilling to contribute.

4. From the fewer members there is significant less interest in participating on topics regarding strategies and in general about how to win on long term basis than what it used to be on the past.

Times change, people move on, same old ideas.

5. People prefer to discuss more about unrelated subjects rather than contributing all as a team to a mutual and beneficial cause/goal

Nobody wants to talk about roulette because they do not have strategies that are guaranteed to win. If they do, they will not be quick to talk about it, just observe.

6. More minds are able to achieve easier and better than a single alone.

Team building and participation are used in corporations to achieve the mission statements set forth by the CEO and Directors. In the roulette world, the player's mission is to make money, not to share, gambling is a selfish profession.

7. Even if you would share a long term winning method, do you think that all gamblers worldwide would read your topic?

I would never post a winning method on any public forum. Gamblers worldwide read my topics at private forums.

8. Do you think that from those who would read it all of them would use it, let alone to the letter??

No doubt.

9. Do you think that casinos would close, stop roulette game, or even change its rules, which have never changed since 1 and a half century ago???

They will never close. They will ban players, like card counters.

10. What is the real reason behind this behavior?

When you say this behavior, do you mean apathy? Nobody cares because most believe there is no winning strategy. Those who do believe it exist, they want it for free. There lies the issue.

Everyone wants something for nothing. No free lunches people. The most successful roulette players pay for their education.

11. Don't you think that forums are a great mean to connect people worldwide under a common cause/goal?

Yes forums are a great mean to connect people worldwide, share roulette stories, but not to disclose private strategies, only to say that winning strategies do exist.

12. Why they are not focused groups of individuals, instead we see too much blah blah speaking about nothing practically, or about promoting products and services to potential customers?

There are focused groups who share ideas. They belong to private groups who paid to learn a skill and can speak to one another freely. The players here do not deserve, always want something for nothing. You get what you pay for.

13. Why when there were important efforts a few persons derailed those topics and from the practical considerations we ended up striving to prove a point, defending our positions from the intruding negativity?

When someone offers an opinion, suddenly it's intruding and negative. It's a point of view, negative to some, factual to others. Is it wrong to tell someone not to disclose their information because the person is naive about their findings?

I don't like to see people being taken advantage, Gizmotron deserve better than that. But, if chooses to disclose his findings, that's on him. He will soon find out who his real friends are.

14. If some have found something which works AND don't desire to share it then what on earth are they doing here?

For obvious reasons, Why do you not share your best strategy that makes money? Why are you here?

15. If they want to have a conversation and/or pass time then why they don't do it outside forums, with any other persons and/or activities?

What makes you think that they do not have conversations elsewhere?
Without being too obvious, the message I was trying to convey to Gizmotron is not to disclose his secret because I have seen him work so hard over the years and for him to give it away is a shame. I understand Gizmotron seeks validation, but I believe he will be best served to be quiet and just make money.

The Crow
"A little bird was flying south for the Winter. It was so cold the bird froze and fell to the ground into a large field.

While he was lying there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on him.
As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung, he began to realize how warm he was.

The dung was actually thawing him out!
He lay there all warm and happy, and soon began to sing for joy.

A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate. Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung, and promptly dug him out and ate him.

Morals of the story:

(1) Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy.
(2) Not everyone who gets you out of stuff is your friend.
(3) And when you're in deep stuff, it's best to keep your mouth shut!"
At the end of the day, you have something that works for you and hopefully you have a following that will benefit from you efforts. For me, I am at the point where it does not matter. I have something that works for me, who cares?

I don't agree with the math boyzs. They will never figure it out; their downfall, OCD, limited to laws "discovered" by other OCD types. Don't get me wrong. Math has it's place, not in roulette, when it comes to winning. Why? Roulette is a negative expectation game. Wrong!!!!

My approach is, how much money do I want to take home today? Not, I hope I win today.
Sorry Giz, you are the one who posted all of my old posts to get a reaction from me. It's not what you wanted to hear.

I simply told you the truth, just stating the facts. I can back up all of my claims, 100%.

In fact, I can contact Victor and provide proof so he can acknowledge to you that I do have what I say.

The Crow

While there are thousands of characteristics to choose from, there is only one that matters. Having the skills and knowledge of recognizing occurrences comes with experience. What good are these skills when it is not properly applied to playing roulette? I can teach a layman, who has never played roulette, one skill; and they will win every single time.

Recently, I taught two individuals that one skill. One person was not concerned with how much he made, but the consistency the strategy provided, as he played .25 cents betting, buy in 8.00 to 20.00. He won 5 sessions in a row, 100.00 in two hours. That was not his main concern. He was super happy about the consistency.

The other player is currently playing everyday for one hour and makes 100.00 to 170.00 each session. He plays only one session per visit. He started a week ago.

These two players now belong to the exclusive group and talk among themselves. So you see, all this talk about randomness, strategies, patterns, is just that, talk, people searching for answers. You have found a glimpse of recognition. All you have to do is know how to apply it skillfully.

The Crow


I don't understand your reasoning for posting old post of mine and requesting responses from them. With regard to your topic, your examples do not show how to capitalize on the trends provided, nor does it show what 0 6, P, S represents. You may have explained it in other posts, but it would appreciated if you post them here for other people who are not familiar with your groupings.

Hello Gizmotron,

I am happy for you. But, I have some news for you. You are way behind on the discovery ladder. There is a group that has been exploiting this concept for years, sophisticated and fine tuned. Anyway, good for you.

The Crow
Just wondering, how many roulette schools are there?
What are the criteria for a school to be successful?
Who's the most successful?
Gizmotron / Re: For alrelax
June 04, 2018, 04:34:31 AM
Thanks Vic for your reply.
Gizmotron / Re: For alrelax
June 01, 2018, 11:59:38 PM
Hi Vic,

Please confirm. Alex is now mutual owner of BetSeletion.cc. or something to that effect.
Win 1,924.00 per week and you can start giving advice again.

The Crow
Gizmotron / Re: Overcome the Chimp
July 04, 2017, 05:41:16 AM
Goodbye Mark,

Welcome to my world. You finally made it.

The Crow