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Messages - tapalov1

Quote from: Albalaha on February 11, 2020, 03:06:42 AM
           Curve fitting or saying that I will win by playing other side is not the challenge in this thread. This topic is all about sustaining through the worst and winning thereafter in below average times for an EC bet( not betting on the counterpart EC together) that could be played in normal sessions too. You failed to explain what you propose to do in such scenario hence your way is out of topic here.


           Since we observed 30/100 as worst, it doesn't guarantee that even worse can not happen. It is only an estimated/observed limit. We need to prepare ourselves for even 20/100. Actually, we should not focus upon winning the worst itself but rather losing least in such cases and winning back all losses without expecting compensatory or clumping wins thereafter. If you think you can sustain 30/100 by pushing the hardest but not 28/100, it is as bad an idea as basic martingale.
                     Regarding Modified labby, yes I have incorporated mini stop losses and several other safeguards to avoid losing all, even if it goes 10/100. Recovery is not that difficult if you lose least in the worst phases. Losing huge in bad phases is what kills most progression players. That is the biggest blunder one can do.
The methodology is not exactly how it should be played, what if it happens is that permanence favors the results by having enough dispersion of an equiprobable coverage, say that it could be called a modification of a planning or balance management, in which to be enough Balls will meet some odds.
General Discussion / Re: Albalaha, about the EC30/100.
February 09, 2020, 12:36:05 PM