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Messages - paradigmus

Sports Betting Forum / Re: NFL betting results this year
September 30, 2021, 04:05:41 PM
I can't remember the last 2-3 games, and you say there are more than 60. I won't argue that they are good, but I've only seen the betting results on broadcast-neo.tv. And it really proves once again that people can and want to enrich themselves on winnings at the expense of good scores of players and teams in general. If you do decide to bet and look for a forecaster, the only indicator of reliability is the LOW PRICE and a few years of statistics. All sites where the price tag is four figures are cheating. Above board sites are hard to find. It took me about half a year to find one and it's the only one in my list of trusted sites where you can play without fear for your wallet.
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
December 23, 2020, 02:16:18 PM
So did I once engage in betting and our mentor taught me that it is necessary to take into account not only the probability, since it is not only about mathematics. There was an important coin aspect that I cite almost every time there is a debate about distance profit. An excellent analogy. The probability of falling out of one of the sides of the perfect coin is 50% = 0.5 or 1/2, which means that, on average, each side should fall out once out of two throws. But in fact, you can flip a coin ten times, and all ten - it will come up, for example, tails. This nuance is called variance, and it is it that often misleads many players. I tested this theory at ............./ and was practically convinced of the opposite, the probability value means the frequency with which this event will occur in an infinite number of attempts. The fewer tests, the more (in percentage terms) the actual result may deviate from the mathematical expectation. This is variance.