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Messages - andrebac

General Discussion / Re: Selling in the forum
October 29, 2017, 03:37:32 PM
I am interested in any fresh, different, point of view.
After that, up to me decide if it's worth or not.
Maybe some more interesting than AR fresh air...
Quote from: Chamzy on August 11, 2017, 02:22:34 AM
Before I become a member recently, I wanted to ask for a free copy just for the fun of joining in but I don't mind paying, I can afford it after all I have a really good pension. I wanted to write to Mr. Tabone but then he was set upon and banned.

And then I read that his book was coming out and I bought the kindle, the ultimate golden secret baccarat winning strategy. I had also bought his previous book, the silver bullet proof 2.1, now I can see the full picture, everything is clear. In his book Mr. Tabone writes that this is last book in the ultimate series.

I tried the 3.0 system yesterday in a casino and I won. I took a long break to think about his system and watched three shoes go by. i would have won on all of them.

I went to the cash desk and withdraw $1,000. I played $100 a hand and doubled down sometimes one time, I followed the system very carefully. I won on that shoe and the next. I ended up winning just under $600 and they were the easiest stress free wins I had ever had. 

When I returned home, I checked his system against 43 full shoes I had collected results for in casinos. I was amazed at how much I could have won. When I read in the book that the house edge is shattered, he is correct, his system does in fact shatter the house edge. As I wrote this book was worth every cent I paid and I will be writing to him directly to thank him.

I'm glad he gave you a free copy as he promised, just shows he is a genuine man and did not forget his promise to you despite being banned form this forum.

IMO, it wasn't better check  your 43 shoes BEFORE enter the casino?
it's like to buy a car and then check it...
soo funny
when the number 3 will be edited?
thank you.
looking in gamblersforum
instead of gambling forum
Quote from: ADulay on April 26, 2017, 02:18:42 AM
NickMSI is currently writing about VDW over on the GamblersForum and the boys over there are being pretty harsh.

Most of them have apparently missed what he was attempting to explain so it would be pointless for me to jump in and attempt a mid-course correction of the discussion.

I still find the concept reasonably fascinating and having boiled it down into 4 simple wagers, it can be played "sans card" if you prefer.

Andy, cannot find the conversation on gamblersforum.com.
anyone could help?
Even chance / Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 07, 2017, 10:29:14 PM
even if moglizu think that he gave crystal clear infos, there are some contradictions in his statements. I think to understand his method, anyway the statement you mentioned is pure b...stuff OR he released partial infos.
in any case I stop betting ANY system after 2-3 losses iar till 1-2 paper plus.
Even chance / Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 07, 2017, 07:23:13 AM
I m scratching my head on this statement, could you help?
Let me give you an example.

lets say we have 4 different wheels and the 3 of them have 10 REDS and 3 BLACKS.The 4th wheel has the reds and blacks balanced.
Now lets say we are betting in all the 3 wheels BLACK ( for the balance to come).

The 1 of the 3 can produce again RED(so we lose)
The 2nd can produce again RED (so we lose)
IF the 3d will produce BLACK(our bet) then we are winning in ALL 3 wheels no matter that the 2 wheels produced RED.

Even chance / Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 06, 2017, 11:18:29 PM
you stated that the "0" (zero) is an event. But you didn't explain how to manage it.
Methods' results / Re: 122 method ...
October 04, 2013, 04:19:02 PM
Quote from: kawa4711 on October 03, 2013, 05:44:11 PM

Me too

Best regards

me too, thanks
no, the testing was made simply flat betting, with no stop-loss.
...4 more shoes played:

1) 6, min 0, max 6
2) -2, min -5, mx 2
3) 7, min 0, max 7
4) -4, min -5, max 1
From my experience it's worth set a stop loss betting; I'd place mine at -2, then wait for a paper plus before restart live betting, this avoid that a bad run, yes sometimes they happen, kills your bankroll.
anyway I'm running the test flat betting. oscar's grind work well with this BS.
just my suggestions...
yest.nite I played 10 bac shoes from mines
I applied your system with 2 main groups:
group A: PP, PBP as triggers
group B: BB, PBP as triggers
1) 6, min -3, max 6
2) 1, min -1, max 2
3) 3, min -2, max 4
4) 0, min -1, max 3
5) -4, min -5, max 1
6) 2, min 0, max 5
7) 6, min -1, max 7
8) -1, min -3, max 3
9) 5, min -1, max 5
10) 6, min 1, max 6
...not bad flatting bets
I started playing it with EC's, it seems to work quite well, at a first attempt.
I'll keep you updated...

Malcop, tx for sharing this.
My question is:
after the trigger, do you suggest play thw whole string or just one shot, won or lost you wait for a new trigger? ...in your experience...