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Messages - Rouletta

General Discussion / Double Ball Roulette
July 12, 2018, 03:16:26 PM
Hi everyone

Has some of you ever tried to play double ball roulette which is seems to be quite popular at
online casinos.....?

It seems quite good to me. Fast win, Fast profit, two chances to hit the correct number
and the possibility to hit the jackpot which pays 1300/1

Pls let me know your views thanks


Even chance / Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 06, 2017, 12:10:22 PM

Anyone can say whatever they want about the method of Moglizu but I'm concerned about the following:

A)  There is no evidence whatsoever that the method is really a winnning method

B) There is no evidence of testing results that demonstrates that the method is a winning method.....

C) It has been claimed that 4 people makes chips with the method.....but up to now we have not seen any evidence from
     any of these people.

Naturally anyone can claim anthing; anyone is entitled to draw their own conclusion regarding the method. However, until I see evidence of matters mentioned
at points A,B,C above I do not believe that the method is a winning method as alleged.


Even chance / Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 06, 2017, 01:30:00 AM
Hi Guys

From my experience anyone can alledge whatever they want about ahow great a system is but what matters most  to is the actual proof of the winning; and the testing
results. This thread is 12 page long....but there is no evidence of actual winning anywhere.....; there is no evidence of actual testing results anywhere.....

Anyone can draw their own conclusion of this system but up to now, I have yet to see any proof of winnings; and the proof of testing results of this system.


Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 04, 2017, 10:07:32 PM
Hi guys

I have been following this post with a lot of interest. Thanks to Moglizu for sharing the system; and also to other members
who have been parrticipating in trying to solve the puzzle.

Badger has posted tracking of a lot of nos in an excel document; Atlantis has indicated that the tracking seems ok. 

It seems to me now that we only need to analyse all the info in the posts, to have the exact criteria for betting for winning very fast.

Have a Look at the excel document posted by  Badger, it seems that if after Run, Run we bet for change one time only. If it is a loss
then at next betting opportunity (i.e when there is Run, Run or Change, change.....) we bet the opposite one time only....

I'm not sure if this is the correct way of playing by Moglizu but what I do know is that there is 100's ways to skin a cat.....and by working together
as a team we may find the solution of the puzzle.

Is that correct....??

@ AsymBacGuy - Thanks for the reply. Is it possible to explain how do u come up with the 1.56% please.

It seems to me that by playing 9 lines, or 27 numbers for 3 spins with a light progression, the probability for
losing is extremely low. Do u agree....?


General Discussion / To all maths expert in roulette.....
November 25, 2015, 12:41:26 AM
Hi everyone

By playing 9 lines, or 27 numbers ( 9x3=27) on european wheel; (the 0 is being covered with 0/1/2/3),
Does anyone know what is the probability to miss the 9 lines 3 times in a row.  Assuming during the 3
spins the bets are not moved.

Does anyone know the formula to calculate the probability for losing 3 times when betting 27 numbers.


@Sputnik - Thanks for the clarification.

@ Sputnik

Thanks for the expalnation.

Another question: At post no. 3 above u indicates that "...I think it is pretty amazing that you can use this staking plan a % game with stopp loss ...
This is only half the progression that i show ...."

Is there another half of the progression that u did not indicate....? If yes, would it be possible to indicate what the other half of the progression is pls....?

Hi Spunik

Thanks for sharing. One question re your post 3 above is : assuming your win the 7 units progression, what is
the amount of units to bet on the next bet......? Is it 6 or do we stay at 7 units until all losses have been recovered etc......

Double-street / Re: Devils DS Strategy
November 18, 2014, 04:16:15 PM
Hi RouletteDevil

Thanks for your reply.

One question, do u play this strategy at BM casino...? Or do u consider that the strategy
Will work at online live roulette as well...??Thanks.



Double-street / Re: Devils DS Strategy
November 18, 2014, 12:34:42 PM
Hi RouletteDevil

Thank you for your reply.

To ensure I test it properly, I have one question. I understand there are 2 strategies in the bet selection
as u mentioned in your first post."...either for a no repeat on next line or a repeat, so example for no
repeat strategy etc...."

Fore example if DS 135 comes up.  How do u know in advance whether to use the repeater
strategie or the non repeater strategie....??  Thanks.



Double-street / Re: Devils DS Strategy
November 17, 2014, 10:22:09 PM
Hi RouletteDevil

Below is a list of spins.  Would u pls show how u would play them
for the repeat and no repeat strategy, Thanks.

Spin    No.     DS

1.   6           1
2.   25          5
3.   5           1
4.   16           3
5.   17         3
6.   24        4
7.   24       4
8.   20       4
9.   21       4
10.   8       2
11   1        1
12.   35     6
13.   17      3
14.   13      3
15.   16       3
16.   8       2
17.   8       2
18.   21      4
19.   4       1
20.   11      2
21.   8       2
23.   34     6
24.   35      6
25.   25      5
26.   1      1
27.   32      6
28.   2       1
29.   26      5
30.   36      6
32.   2       1
33.   16     3
34.   12     2
35.   16     3
36.   33     6
37.   9       2

Money Management / Re: Best MM to use?
September 15, 2014, 01:17:27 PM
Hi Albalaha

Concerning your post  above, in your opinion what is the best
/ safest progression for ec bets....? Thanks.


Money Management / Re: MM Help acording to strike rate
September 15, 2014, 01:13:28 PM

It is niot very clear the system that you are playing.

Would it be possible to provide clear détails of the system, trigger
together with examples, so that it can be be tested properly with
the best progressions....?



Methods' results / Re: 122 method ...
September 08, 2014, 07:30:37 PM

Is it possible to post the progression and recovery rules pls....? Thanks.