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Messages - ChrisMoneymaker

If you're looking to enjoy online gaming with the added assurance of transparency and fairness, it's essential to choose platforms with strong reputations and positive user reviews. However, it's also wise to be aware that some players have shared concerns about fairness in online games.

(.....Deleted links and salesmanship)....

Okay enough!  Seriously, why do people join forums and fail to follow the rules and simple regulations? 

We do not allow posting links to online gaming and other subscription type of things.  PERIOD.  NONE.  ZERO, ZILCH, NADDA, NOT ONE! 

May I suggest to this new forum member to go to a gaming forum such as The Wizard of Vegas forum.  I am certain he will be welcomed with open arms and be allowed to post all of his gaming links! 

Have a great day and life new member!

Forum Administrator and Owner