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Messages - Jonvermeer

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
November 06, 2013, 08:13:05 PM
When I posted last time, I think I have made a mistake.
I wrote:
If you all interested, I will post the CWB bet tomorrow."
I should write:
If you all intersted to see and learn, I will post the CWB bet tomorrow for free to all who want to study about it.
After all of these years of believing, trusting, studying, following I just want to give up, and find some other worthwhile ventures for myself and my family.
and if you are reading this, Charles, Simon, or Helen or Elizabeth or whoever in your well-planned-organization, especially Charles, you told me: "NOT to reveal the bet, that will be very foolish indeed"

I have to say that I truly admired your vast, solid knowledge about the Roulette-game, your great advices on page 7, your info on page 3, and of course your website, PPPC club, Simon your son's forum that was able to fool
a lot of people.
I have kept the promise that I will not reveal the CWB to anyone even with my family members for 3 years, but after all the time and efforts and labor, all I have is just a shattered-dream, a sophisticate-gamble-bet that you refused to explain more clearly even though I have asked over and over.

When posting the bet, I will not feel guilty AT ALL.
I feel good and feel clean.
What's good in it if I keep the bet unknown and bury with me in my grave?
Whoever smart, brilliant enough to benefit from the bet, that is his/her rewards.
I have had enough.

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
November 05, 2013, 09:02:38 PM
Like many others, I have joined the PPPC club of Charles w3m.com.
I followed the instructions and sent him 700$US to become a member(back in 2010.)
I never hear from them again, except a few short email says : we are very busy,etc.....
I decided to write to him, explain that I have trust him and his works, the 700$US is what I have save
to join the club, and my family is not a well to do class of people.

He returned the money back to my account, not all,but 90% of it. He also enclosed the CWB and told
me :The bet works well if I am a pro and apply rules.
If you all interested, i will post the CWB tomorrow, because after 2 years, I didn't understand it.
It wins most of the time but not CONSISTENT like a CWB.
