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Messages - Shadow

In the following video you can view my Bot interface using an excel sheet for system management, in this latest version I also added the use of OCR library.

Hi Antonio,
Always looking for the program to record the numbers ... :)
Development / CLICKERS
November 14, 2013, 12:58:47 PM
I was invited to post the program
in this forum, I hope it is something pleasant.

Public the full version of the pro clickers, addition of
episodes direct from the cylinder.
To use the wheel must store the
starting position of the numbers from 0 to 36, the name
to give to the group must be "WHEEL".
In the window of the stakes personal group
wheel will not appear because it is only used for
the play of the cylinder.

I enclose the first draft of the program and a video
that shows how to configure.
Clickers Pro

Using it is very simple just look at the video, the steps
1 Choose the location for the Saving and Reading Data
(you can create a folder to save directly from the program).

2 Update the application list and select the casino.

Use the "X" key on the keyboard after you are positioned to capture
the positions of both the betting chips.

3 Capturing the position of the chips on the table manually enter the
value of the chips and remember to save.
The value in the case of decimal places must be separated by a comma type 0,01 in the case
bet if available from 1 cent.

4 Capturing the positions of the bets to be made, after the capture give
Name the group and save. In automatic mode, the training will be
inserted in the main window.

When you launch the program and select the folder to Read / Write
data if you have previously saved data will be loaded into these
stop as soon as the selected path.
I forgot a code is required to activate the program give me via
MP forum in your user code and will release the code to activate it.
Keep the code because a possible shift of the program
even on the same computer may ask you to activate again.

P.S. : The program can be used with any casino Live and Processor.