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Messages - malcop

Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 30, 2013, 06:47:46 PM
Quote from: warrior on December 30, 2013, 05:42:20 PM
Do you guys ever think how much concentration goes into gambling. Dealers take a break every 30 mins. It's taxing on the brain so players go through the same so hit and run is realistic way to play not because it changes random or there is an advantage it makes sense.to take a break.
Well said that is one of the main reasons I like to play Baccarat, each session takes about 45 minutes so you have a natural break between shoes.

But when playing Roulette I have sometimes been at the table for well over 4 hours which is very taxing and makes you prone to making mistakes.
General Discussion / Re: 2013 Net Results
December 29, 2013, 11:24:03 PM
I have to agree with Rogergog,

I'm down with Roulette but my Baccarat wins covered my Roulette losses. 

Like others on here I find it far easier to make a profit playing Baccarat than I can with Roulette.

And the poll did ask for net results didn't it.



Very interesting read I have bookmarked the website  :thumbsup:
Off-topic / Re: Where the Hell is Hull?
November 27, 2013, 04:02:37 PM
I'm pretty sure the Wolverhampton City consulars are already working on it :)
Off-topic / Re: Where the Hell is Hull?
November 27, 2013, 03:21:42 PM
Great if they can make Hull the UK's City of Culture in 2017, then who knows my home-town Wolverhampton UK's city of Culture for 2018.

Lets start voting now  :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Re: NetTeller Scam email
November 25, 2013, 11:15:02 AM
I did not have a NetTeller Scam email, but yesterday I checked my NetTeller account and found three unauthorised transactions.

HOUSE OF FRASER~~LONDON~SW1P 1BH 826                                   -290.99      Declined         20-11-2013
WWW.BLINKBOX.CO.UK~~LONDON EC1N~EC1N 8TE 826                 -1.89           Accepted*     20-11-2013
JOHN LEWIS DIRECT~~LONDON~SW3 2NA 826                                   -586.90      Declined         20-11-2013

Fortunately I only had a few pound in my account at the time, and the scum only got away with 1.89 for BlinkBox!

If the thief had tried a few weeks earlier they would have had a nice payday!

Needless to say I was straight onto NetTeller to cancel my Net+ card.

I have no idea how my card details were obtained by this thief, I take the usual precautions, such as virus protection, also use Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, I never go on suspect sites ect.

I scanned my computer yesterday and found 6 malwhare items on my computer, that led me to go and check all my accounts.

I have had enough of windows and going back to Linux! 

It seems to me the only way to stop these thief's is to go back to cash only, but that is not possible in this modern times

All we can do is be careful but that dose not always help.


Quote from: JoeyKnish on November 25, 2013, 04:35:32 AM
Roulette deals with physics. Baccarat does not and it is rules based. So no they are not the same in the approach.
Well said I agree 100% with your statement  :thumbsup:

General Discussion / Re: New chat
November 16, 2013, 11:32:18 AM

Good job with the chat option.

If people do not want to chat just change your status!


Gambling Philosophy / Re: RISK !
November 04, 2013, 09:47:41 AM
For me it's the following:

Casino no more 10% of my bankroll per session.
Sports betting no more than 5% of my bankroll.

I have separate bankrolls for Casino and sports betting.

Being doing it this way for years and it has served me well never had a bankroll wiped out.

Like most I learnt the hard way that you have to put some form of control in your gambling endeavours.

Multiple locations / Re: LW registry
October 30, 2013, 02:31:07 PM
Quote from: Turner on October 30, 2013, 02:24:39 PM
Malcop....i don't get it....BUT....but before you roll your eyes....its an example. Just what I wanted.
I will study this tonight....and like i said....its an example...which is like gold to me


No problem, any questions just ask.

I was just trying to demonstrate by putting a count to the W/L register you can see the patterns forming more clearly.

And certain patterns appear over and over again in a session.


Multiple locations / Re: LW registry
October 30, 2013, 01:09:03 PM
There are so many ways to use the win/loss register here is one I have used in the past.

For this example we will use Follow Last for 12 spins and we get the following:


We use a count to record the W/L a win is -1 and a loss is +1 and this will be capped at -2 or +2 and the range will be -2, -1, 1, 2 translate that to W/L and that would be WWLL.

Notice we ignore the zero so if the count was on -1 and we had WLWLWL the count would be -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1(Loss)

Now how could we us that?

Easy for example if you see -1, 1, -1 then I would bet for 1 so bet for a loss to get -1, 1, -1, 1.

Back to our original win/loss pattern LWLLWLWLWWLWL

The count translates to L1 W-1 L1 L2 W1 L2 W1 L2 W1 W-1 L2 W1 L2

You may find it easer to see the patterns forming this way: 1 -1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 -1 2 1 2

I see a 121 or 212 pattern formed the fifth result in so my next bet would be for a 1 to form and it dose.

Notice that the 121/212 pattern continues for 4 spins and as soon as we get the -1 instead of a 1 we stop and look for a new patterns to use.

This is just a simple example to get you thinking.

I have 4 Trend patterns(cycles) I look for normally it is applied to the shoe count but using them on W/L works fine.

Patterns are forming at the table all the time you just have to know how to use them.

I will be exploring this in a lot more detail in another thread in the future.


Yes you can use the same sort of progressions that you use in Roulette in sports betting.

Don't forget the six point divisor was originally used for horse racing.

When I used to do a lot of betting on Betfair I used a few types like the 10% or 20% plan.

I also have a program that I used and still have that had around 25 progressions to test/analyse your selections out with.

It has things like Kelly, 1326, Parley, Labouchere, d'alembert and many more.

I have not come across any progression in Roulette that can not be used in sports betting if you so wish to.


As a flat better myself I look forward to what you are going to share with us, good or bad  :thumbsup:

Like you I believe in sharing, none of this "I'm going to give you some clues and you work it out for yourself"

BTW my reference to "Fight Club" was simply to say that if you don't want to share then don't talk about it!
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 20, 2013, 09:05:30 AM

The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club.

The second rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club.

If I had this mythical CWB I would just get on with using it. 

My main problem with CWB is yes someone may develop what they think is a very good bet selection, but there is no way to prove that their CWB is exactly the same as Charles CWB bet.

So no matter how good the OP's CWB bet may be, without confirmation from Charles that his CWB is the same as the OP's then how can you say you found it.

For me it is very simple would you take a test/exam without knowing that there was a way of checking your answers are correct?

Answer: No you would not!

This is a bit like asking the question "What's the meaning of life?"

Ask Ten people and you will get Ten different answers depending on their life experiences.

But the answer you give is irrelevant because there is no way to prove or disprove your answer.


Gambling Philosophy / Re: Fool Proof Progression
October 19, 2013, 02:50:43 AM
This could be played many ways.

But the main thing is you do not start the progression until looking back three bets you have a losing group.

So if a session started like this: WLWWWLW I would be just flat betting, but we get WLWWWLWL now if you look back to the last three we now have LWL a group loss, now the progression begins.

There are lots of ways of using group wins/losses here is one of my favorites

This win/loss string WW WLW LL LWL

Would be broken down like this.

WW = Group Win
WLW = Group Win
LL = Group Loss
LWL = Group Loss

Now instead of waiting three bets you look back two or three bets to decide on what to do next.

