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Messages - RyaWolf

Today I got a drawdown -615. After 150 spins I recover a bit (about 100 units, when there was about 52% occurence) but that was it. To recover 615 units I had to had about 80%? Or more?

You guys said "chasing is the worst". If that long drawdown happened to me once there is a chance it would happen again, when I attack again.

I've started betting using Tracker and I'v got some questions.

I've started betting two different ways to find out which one is better.

1. I waited for at least 25%(marquees on the right) before I attacked. I bet D'Alembert - increasing 1 unit after a cycle of two without a hit and decreasing after a winning cycle.
I've checked 1k spins. Mostly I was satisfied when I was ahead 1 unit/single progression. After 1k spins I was 30 units ahead. Few times I had to cut losses when what I played rised to 35-37%.

My questions are:

What am I doing wrong that after 1k spins I was "only" 30 units ahead?
Could you tell me (in average) when you cut losses? My friend who told me about this forum told me that Drazen told that he was -300 units down once before started recovering this particular progression. Drazen, did you recover that time? As we know, when -3SD occurs, if its start giving us EC once in two spins, we don't recover but -3SD is decreasing immediately so I wonder is it possible to recover from -300 units?
I recovered 120 units for 100 spins.

Drazen said he hasn't lost single session. By "session" you mean a day or your single progression?

2. I've waited until I got at least 25% and interval of losses in row occured (at least 5 losses in row). Even in this situation I had to bet 13 units mostly. I was ahead 26 units.