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Messages - TheLaw

General Discussion / Re: FEEDBACK ON "THE SCHOOL"
September 19, 2016, 01:56:13 AM
Quote from: Gizmotron on September 19, 2016, 01:45:33 AM

I just wanted to preserve the integrity of this thread. A pestering ranting-jerk was dogging me and I just decided to clear the objection. Now all you see is him as the only disruption. He looks pretty stupid just hanging there as the crud.  The idea of the thread is good. It completely depends on people doing what they want to do. I'm staying out of it until my Ai project becomes my best student. So we will see what we will see. Meanwhile I'm attempting rocket science with a computer based on what I teach my students. That's turning out to be a massive challenge. It's the only thing that interests me now.

New news, Vic showed me how to present the Ai project. His solution is the final solution.

Gizmotron just can't stay away.........so much for the "integrity of this thread". ::)
General Discussion / Re: FEEDBACK ON "THE SCHOOL"
September 15, 2016, 08:18:53 PM
Any updates on the success/failure of the methods from Gizmotron's "school"?
Quote from: Gizmotron on September 07, 2016, 04:05:29 PM
People like Baloney festivals.

Well......mark the date and time........Gizmotron and I finally agree!!!
Quote from: Albalaha on September 06, 2016, 02:33:56 AM
The forum is full of trolls and frustrated souls who have nothing to talk of but crying around.

......but enough about Albalaha.........back to those clothes that the emperor ordered. 8)
Quote from: Blue_Angel on September 06, 2016, 12:41:26 AM
Testimonials are not an evidence, you could buy as many ''satisfied customers'' as you can.

True.....but at least it would be something.......as opposed to the deafening silence we have now.
General Discussion / Re: Trolls + TimeWasters and more
September 04, 2016, 09:01:01 PM
Quote from: NathanDetroit on September 04, 2016, 08:28:10 PM
Casinos in one form or another  will always be  around   but the days of  gambling forums  are limited .

Not true.........as Beat-the-Wheel, Gizmotron, The General, Kimo Li, Mr J, Reyth, etc have shown........all it takes it a good scam to keep forums alive and kicking.

John Legend could return tomorrow........and have members eating out of his hand!!! 8)

Like any cult........it's the promise of something for nothing. ::)

Although, the days of serious critical debate on the subject are behind us.......so, in a way......you are correct. :'(
Posted by Gizmotron

QuotePeople only see what they want to see and only when they are ready to see it.

One statement has never summed up the philosophy of trolls and scammers so well.

If a politician said this........you would never buy what they're selling...... ::)

Completely empty rhetoric from those desperate for attention...........I guess anyone ignorant enough to buy into this cult deserves to be swindled.
General Discussion / Re: Re: Trolls + TimeWasters and more
September 03, 2016, 01:14:45 PM
So as an example of a "review" or "testimonial" Steve posts links from 2008-09..........thank god computers haven't changed much since then.

As a counter argument to my point, I have also never seen any personal negative reviews of his hardware/software on any boards.

Finally, this idea that a NDA would hinder someone from reviewing hardware/software is ludicrous.........just give proof of purchase, and whether or not it worked as described.

Once again.......too much political maneuvering going on here to appear legit. Maybe it's really just bad optics............maybe..... ::)
General Discussion / Re: Re: Trolls + TimeWasters and more
September 03, 2016, 12:40:24 AM
The General/Caleb/Real is allowed to break rules left and right on Roulette.cc because Steve uses him as an attack dog/sh*t stirrer to get more attention for the forum. Kav has a similar relationship with Reyth on Roulette30.

Steve has shown that the forums are his primary stream of income with Roulette, and not the "computers" that he claims to sell.

To this day, nobody has come forward with a review of any of Steve's hardware or software..........and he owns most of the Roulette forums.........
General Discussion / Re: Denzies new stuff....Martinator
September 02, 2016, 09:56:50 PM
Hey Denzie,

What's your biggest draw-down so far?

Also, what are your bankroll requirements?

Finally, how often are you able to place a bet with this method?

Thanks! :)
Never trust a man desperate to sell you a Roulette system. :o :o :o
Quote from: Jake on August 27, 2016, 12:57:59 PM
I think that if Gizmo's method turns out to be a winner it won't be because of any superior bet selection, because I don't believe they exist. It's more to do with the progression. The probability of a win is about 65% and the type of staking used reminds me of Malcolm Maclean's My Mathematical Formula progression used on horse racing and sports betting. It's been around for about 40 years and is still being advertised online. It's quite a clever progression but only works if the win rate is high. You will have some small losses but eventually a nice winning run will come along and you'll clean up.


Wow!!!........It's like someone designed a website specifically to look like a scam.

Only thing missing : "AS SEEN ON TV" ;D ;D ;D
General Discussion / Re: Re: FEEDBACK ON "THE SCHOOL"
August 24, 2016, 01:00:33 PM
Quote from: Kimo Li on August 24, 2016, 06:17:25 AM
Hi esoito,

Students, well at least students of mine, do not want to give testimonials unless they remain anonymous, because they are under a non-disclosure agreement. However, if you ask them to write to you privately, and give their testimonials, and not expose their identity, I am sure they would agree to give you the answers you seek about their experience in the school environment.

Perhaps, Gizmotron's students do not want to be exposed to the forum as well.

So, if you ask Gizmotron's students to write to you privately and post their experience, without giving away their identity, they may respond to you and you can post their comments.

Kimo Li

See......now Kimo is smart!

He thought of every angle before pulling this scam.

Wish everyone would put in this much effort..... :-\
Can't get enough of Ken's dad-humor.............watch out Tyler Perry!!! :o
General Discussion / Re: Re: FEEDBACK ON "THE SCHOOL"
August 23, 2016, 10:25:43 PM
@MarkTeruya makes some excellent points here

Steve - claims to have Roulette computers that beat the game long-term..........not 1 computer user has ever come forward to confirm this (which is astounding if you think about it)

Kimo Li - claims to teach a winning method to students................................not 1 person has come forward to confirm this

Albalaha - selling systems he claims beat the game long-term.......................not 1 person has come forward to confirm this

Gizmotron - claims to teach a winning method to students............................not 1 person has come forward to confirm this

.................fool me once, shame on you ........fool me twice.......well.........  ::)