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Messages - soxfan

So, to win regular and well a cat gotta have a sufficient bankroll, imagine that, hey hey.
Gizmotron / Re: For alrelax
June 01, 2018, 09:07:14 PM
The alrelax got a thin skin. The boy wouldn't last a day on the old gambling glen, hey hey.
General Discussion / Re: The "No System" System
May 30, 2018, 11:39:42 PM
Quote from: Garnabby on May 30, 2018, 09:33:33 PM
Actually, the "no system" is suicide, to which the "master" of the mechanical systems, Gr8Player, apparently, can now attest.  If reports are true, RIP, sir.

P.S.  Hahaha, watch out Gizmo.  You're officially being watched.  Hehehe.

Bwaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the garnabby is back. So, do tell, what has befallen the gr888888888888888888888888one, hey hey?
General Discussion / Re: The "No System" System
May 30, 2018, 11:36:03 PM
My style is not but recently tested a pure mechanical style over 1175 live dealt shoe and show a profit of just better than two unit per. That profit is equal to slightly more than twice the original required life times bankroll. Of course, the mathite might say that 1175 shoe is not the "long run" but that's equal to about a year's worth of full times play for me, hey hey.
Quote from: Blue_Angel on May 28, 2018, 01:13:56 AM

"For a certain event..."
For example first 30 or so hands had a 5+ streak so he doesn't bet the anti-streak but instead let it ride for 5 times in a row in the 2nd half.
If 5 streak didn't occur during first half then goes for the  anti-streak beats.


Actually, more the opposite of what you outline, hey hey.
Quote from: Blue_Angel on May 27, 2018, 07:23:00 PM

By anti-streak you mean that you begin by betting opposite of the last, if it loses you stop and wait for another 2 streak to bet against going to 3 in a row, if you lose you stop and wait for another 3 streak to bet against going to 4 in a row, if you lose you stop and wait for another 4 streak to bet against going to 5 in a row, if you lose you stop and wait for another 5 streak to bet against going to 6 in a row, if you lose you stop and wait for another 6 streak to bet against going to 7 in a row, if you lose you stop and wait for another 7 streak to bet against going to 8 in a row, if you lose you stop and wait for another 8 streak to bet against going to 9 in a row, if you lose you stop and wait for another 9 streak to bet against going to 10 in a row, if you lose your bankroll is being busted effectively!
If you don't Martingale then you could stay to the level of streak which you won last time till you get ahead (new BR high).

Is this what you call anti-streak??

The oldtimer asked me not to reveal his style specific sufficient to sat hey makes cake on 1s 2s 3s 4s streak and gets clipped on streak of 5+. He also has a way to "qualify" a shoe by identifying a certain "event" in first half of shoe and if it pops then he comes over the top betting large units in second half of the shoe, hey hey.
Cosmopolitan is my favorite cuz they always got something goin on in that joint, hey hey.
Quote from: Xander on May 27, 2018, 12:18:11 AM
No that's not the long run, but it's more statistically relevant than just a hundred!

Well, 1100 shoe is equal to about a year worth of fulltime play for me so I would say that is fairly significant. And, while testing this style on two occasion I got clipped for drawdown of around 530 unit so ya gotta have the balls and bankroll to see it through. That's why most cats lose cuz they lacking either of those attribute, hey hey.
Quote from: Xander on May 26, 2018, 10:31:47 PM
The math doesn't lie, but gambler's sometimes do.  :thumbsup:

So, yer sayin that 1175 shoe constitutes the "long run", hey hey????
A shrewd old cat told me that the only pure mechanical style that would win well and regular over the long run is the anti-streaks style. I tested his style bucking up against 1175 live baccarats shoe on the party poker live casino and managed to capture just over two units per shoe profits so maybe he is right, hey hey.
Quote from: Blue_Angel on May 26, 2018, 09:37:00 PM
All I'm asking is where do I get more for less money?
Best for me is a good balance between quality and cost.

Yeah if yer lookin for value then the Treasure Island is yer best bet, hey hey.
Quote from: Xander on May 20, 2018, 12:15:18 AM
Depends on whether or not you're playing commission free bac, betting player or banker, etc... So right around 200k hands and you're toast.

Well, I'm way over 200K real cake placed wager and I ain't close to being toast, hey hey.
Quote from: Xander on May 20, 2018, 12:00:44 AM
By implying that I'm a "mathite" you're basically saying that you're not one, and that you likely suck at math.   It would be like an illiterate person calling someone that can read a "literite."
Regardless, you don't want to stand in a box labeled stupid just to try and be cool.  Besides, I know you're not one of those fools. ;)

Rather than the long run, what you really want to know is how long do you need to play before you become a permanent loser.  This is relatively easy to determine.  Well over 99.99% of the time it's the point where even a five standard deviation win is no longer enough to overcome the house edge.

Ok, so how many hand or shoe of baccarats would that entail, hey hey?
Quote from: Xander on May 19, 2018, 11:51:50 PM

It's this simple.  If you don't have an edge, then you CAN'T win in the long run.

So, are you gonna define "long run", hey hey?
Quote from: Xander on May 19, 2018, 08:01:00 PM

That's great.  I'm glad it's working for you.   :thumbsup:  However if you feel that you have an edge, then you'd win vastly more if you were to utilize an up as you win progression.  Again, that's only if you feel that the triggers have real value and are providing an edge.

You seem to be one of the mathite so perhaps you can tell me how many shoe or hand of baccarats constitute the "long run" that combined with no real edge will lead to my inevitable doom, hey hey?