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Topics - Atlantis

General Discussion / JUST SO YOU ALL KNOW 2
August 17, 2017, 10:22:13 AM
@esoito Nice to see those aliases have been muted now  :whistle:

I saw this message on S. Tabone's personal site:
I returned from Monaco (14th AUG 2017) where over that weekend I gambled my strategy for a whale in Casino de Monte-Carlo. I made him €75,000 and I received 15% commission from those wins and my 1st class travel, 5 star hotel and all expenses had also been paid for.

Sounds plausible - BUT - IS IT ACTUAL FACT?
I find it all the more passing strange that whilst he was away enjoying himself in the company of the whale in the Monaco locality at the Casino that this just happened to turn out to be the very same weekend that he would choose to even think of our little forum here at betselection.cc, and yet the logs show he found the time and temerity to interrupt his busy weekend schedule abroad to concentrate on posting several messages about 'alrelax' over that weekend period of Aug 12-13 (check the posts for time confirmation on that)

After his transgressions on the forum and also the deception he pulled on gamblingforums.com (posting under an alias to testimonial his OWN book with a positive review)

can anyone seriously believe this report of a jaunt over to Monaco? Does it have the ring of truth about it? Or maybe it is simply another false boast - further deception upon deception to try and lend some much needed favourable credibility for his ongoing book sales project??

Roulette Forum / Triplet Dozens
July 28, 2017, 06:57:27 PM

The state of a triplet (three dozen results) can be:

same eg. 222 or 111 or 333
repeat eg. 122 or 331 or 121 etc...
different eg. 213 or 312 or 123 etc..

Idea: wait for 2 consecutive triplet lines consisting of of "same" and/or "different" then play for next line to be a "repeat" line after the first 2 results are in...

For example if first 2 results are 1-2 then play d1+d2

For example if first 2 results are 2-2 then play d1+d3

If lose play as above for the  "repeat" to occur on next line... (+1u?)

113 (repeat)
333 (same)
231 (different)     trigger
322 (repeat)        after the 32 bet d3+d2. result=2.   won+1
212 (repeat)
122 (repeat)
331 (repeat)
213 (different)
323 (repeat)
133 (repeat)
131 (repeat)
221 (repeat)
132 (different)
312 (different)       trigger
122 (repeat)         after the 12 bet d1+d2. result=2.   won+1
211 (repeat)
322 (repeat)
332 (repeat)
322 (repeat)
331 (repeat)
121 (repeat)
312 (different)
333 (same)            trigger
122 (repeat)          after the 12 bet d1+d2. result=2.  won+1
233 (repeat)
221 (repeat)

(Bear in mind on avg. 18/27 trips of doz WILL BE repeat trips)

This is a grinder, patience and attention needed  - so better play on trusted r.n.g. with option: fastspin only.

Can play for fun - LOW STAKES  even on 1p roulette in UK. I can play 2 doz@10p units with 1/10th insurance cover on ZERO too for added safety. mathemagician (RKGold) might like it.  ;)

Not for everyone - so take it or leave it.

Seems solid though!   :cheer:  :whistle:  8)

So does Stephen Tabone's baccarat system work then?
Has anybody purchased it yet and tried it with any measure of success?

Just wondering... I have not been convinced enough to buy it or try... I was waiting to see some genuine positive feedback from a few members on the forum to weigh up before contemplating a decision to make a purchase. I don't see anything so far that makes me want to rush and buy it. You know what they say: "When in doubt - leave it out!" Am prepared to give alrelax the benefit of that doubt for now. Who knows? Stephen might just turn out to be another Silverthorne type of character.

Multiple locations / The "A-Way" Roulette Strategy
March 09, 2017, 05:04:28 PM
I'll be testing an idea here.

When it's refined and tested more  - I'll be updating and posting more details about it in due course.

I am calling it  'The A-Way'  (Atlantis Way)

Short preview video of it in action:



Even chance / Cyclic Sevens
February 02, 2017, 09:00:48 AM
Here I present an old roulette idea - betting every spin for 100 spins using FTL (FOLLOW THE LAST) on color in this example - but you can apply it to any reasonable EC selection method.
Betting using "Cycle of 7 bets" method. Why seven? Well I've tried it with 10 but 7 has always been regarded as a "mystical" number and there are a lot of cycles that operate on the number 7. (including our own life cycles)

The number seven is important in many cultures and religions. There are seven steps to creating the Philosopher's Stone in the ancient science of Alchemy.
There are seven days in a week, seven virtues and seven vices as well as seven branches in a menorah. There are Seven Wonders of the World, seven sacred sciences and seven chakras. In Greek Mythology, seven is the symbol of the Virgin. It is not possible to construct a perfect heptagon or to divide the circle into seven equal portions using only simple geometric tools. Hence, seven is indivisible, unconquerable, and virginal.
To attempt to cite all the things included in this mystical number would require a large library...


Casino Wiesbaden 01 JUN 2010 - Table 3
Spin,Number,Type,Bet Unit,Win,Loss,Net,Unit Bal.,Bet Layout
1,28,No,0,0,0,0,500, *wait for 1st number

2,15,Bet,1,2,-1,1,501,1 : Black
3,2,Bet,1,2,-1,1,502,1 : Black
4,16,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,501,1 : Black
5,7,Bet,1,2,-1,1,502,1 : Red
6,36,Bet,1,2,-1,1,503,1 : Red
7,14,Bet,1,2,-1,1,504,1 : Red
8,10,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,503,1 : Red *503 stay@1u

9,36,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,502,1 : Black
10,20,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,501,1 : Red
11,35,Bet,1,2,-1,1,502,1 : Black
12,26,Bet,1,2,-1,1,503,1 : Black
13,27,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,502,1 : Black
14,2,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,501,1 : Red
15,33,Bet,1,2,-1,1,502,1 : Black *502 incr to 2u

16,16,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,500,2 : Black
17,4,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,498,2 : Red
18,30,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,496,2 : Black
19,32,Bet,2,4,-2,2,498,2 : Red
20,26,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,496,2 : Red
21,15,Bet,2,4,-2,2,498,2 : Black
22,27,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,496,2 : Black *496 incr to 3u

23,35,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,493,3 : Red
24,12,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,490,3 : Black
25,23,Bet,3,6,-3,3,493,3 : Red
26,25,Bet,3,6,-3,3,496,3 : Red
27,28,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,493,3 : Red
28,2,Bet,3,6,-3,3,496,3 : Black
29,4,Bet,3,6,-3,3,499,3 : Black *499 stay@3u

30,30,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,496,3 : Black
31,8,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,493,3 : Red
32,2,Bet,3,6,-3,3,496,3 : Black
33,12,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,493,3 : Black
34,20,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,490,3 : Red
35,29,Bet,3,6,-3,3,493,3 : Black
36,31,Bet,3,6,-3,3,496,3 : Black *496 incr to 4u

37,25,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,492,4 : Black
38,18,Bet,4,8,-4,4,496,4 : Red
39,23,Bet,4,8,-4,4,500,4 : Red
40,10,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,496,4 : Red
41,13,Bet,4,8,-4,4,500,4 : Black
42,33,Bet,4,8,-4,4,504,4 : Black
43,6,Bet,4,8,-4,4,508,4 : Black *508 decr to 1u

44,22,Bet,1,2,-1,1,509,1 : Black
45,25,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,508,1 : Black
46,32,Bet,1,2,-1,1,509,1 : Red
47,24,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,508,1 : Red
48,6,Bet,1,2,-1,1,509,1 : Black
49,20,Bet,1,2,-1,1,510,1 : Black
50,22,Bet,1,2,-1,1,511,1 : Black *511 stay@1u

51,27,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,510,1 : Black
52,22,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,509,1 : Red
53,28,Bet,1,2,-1,1,510,1 : Black
54,1,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,509,1 : Black
55,20,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,508,1 : Red
56,6,Bet,1,2,-1,1,509,1 : Black
57,12,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,508,1 : Black *508 incr to 2u

58,9,Bet,2,4,-2,2,510,2 : Red
59,30,Bet,2,4,-2,2,512,2 : Red
60,13,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,510,2 : Red
61,33,Bet,2,4,-2,2,512,2 : Black
62,7,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,510,2 : Black
63,7,Bet,2,4,-2,2,512,2 : Red
64,36,Bet,2,4,-2,2,514,2 : Red *514 decr to 1u

65,34,Bet,1,2,-1,1,515,1 : Red
66,30,Bet,1,2,-1,1,516,1 : Red
67,24,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,515,1 : Red
68,8,Bet,1,2,-1,1,516,1 : Black
69,1,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,515,1 : Black
70,27,Bet,1,2,-1,1,516,1 : Red
71,28,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,515,1 : Red *515 stay@1u

72,10,Bet,1,2,-1,1,516,1 : Black
73,9,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,515,1 : Black
74,4,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,514,1 : Red
75,13,Bet,1,2,-1,1,515,1 : Black
76,30,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,514,1 : Black
77,1,Bet,1,2,-1,1,515,1 : Red
78,8,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,514,1 : Red *514 incr to 2u

79,34,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,512,2 : Black
80,14,Bet,2,4,-2,2,514,2 : Red
81,32,Bet,2,4,-2,2,516,2 : Red
82,35,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,514,2 : Red
83,15,Bet,2,4,-2,2,516,2 : Black
84,18,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,514,2 : Black
85,5,Bet,2,4,-2,2,516,2 : Red *516 decr to 1u

86,32,Bet,1,2,-1,1,517,1 : Red
87,24,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,516,1 : Red
88,22,Bet,1,2,-1,1,517,1 : Black
89,14,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,516,1 : Black
90,18,Bet,1,2,-1,1,517,1 : Red
91,18,Bet,1,2,-1,1,518,1 : Red
92,13,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,517,1 : Red *517 stay@1u

93,32,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,516,1 : Black
94,15,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,515,1 : Red
95,5,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,514,1 : Black
96,9,Bet,1,2,-1,1,515,1 : Red
97,34,Bet,1,2,-1,1,516,1 : Red
98,16,Bet,1,2,-1,1,517,1 : Red
99,8,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,516,1 : Red *516 incr to 2u

100,7,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,514,2 : Black
101,18,Bet,2,4,-2,2,516,2 : Red *516 - STOP (100 bets)

profit= +16u
max drawdown=14
highest bet=4
bets won 53; lost 47

Increase stakes by +1 if 7-bet result is less than previous 7-bet result; otherwise remain at same stake for next seven bets.
However if the result is equal or ahead of the OVERALL session high then reduce down to starting stake of 1u.

For quicker results/test maybe try with a reasonable win-goal using low stakes on online fastplay r.n.g?

Good luck,
Even chance / Contrasting Couplets
February 24, 2016, 06:38:56 PM
(Revised Version)

I suggest play on nozero or single 0 with "le partage" rule.

Record results in lines of 4 made up of 2 alternating EC types.

I'm using H/L and O/E alternated.

For example the spun numbers 17, 11, 3, 32 are recorded on a line as:
LOLE (Low Odd Low Even)

For example the spun numbers 22, 9, 3, 14 are recorded on a line as:
HOLE (High Odd Low Even)

It's simple: Play an alternating pattern of "Opposite-Same-Opposite-Same" (O

-S-O-S) and "Same-Opposite-Same-Opposite" (S-O-S-O) according to

whatever the results are on the PREVIOUS VERTICAL line in the respective

column (1-4).

Switch the patterns after each line of 4 results.

Start recording the EC and LW Registry results for O-S-O-S first and then

switch to S-O-S-O and alternate throughout. (see examples)

Playing and betting rules:

Use trigger LLL (3 consecutive L's) then bet up to TWICE ONLY only for a win.
Use 1-2 progression cycle. Stop at a WIN or after two L's in a row.

I only play twice for a 'w' after the trigger. If lose I wait for the "w" to occur and

also wait for the next trigger to form. (LLL)

Another progression idea would be to increase by 0.5 after each loss...

For example: 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4.....etc...

If still behind after a win; reduce next bet by 0.5 and commence from that point

in the progression (go back one in the progression string and start next bet

from there)
If level or ahead on pts then restart from scratch.

Example Session 1:

HOLO first line results
LEHE (OSOS)  wlwl       
HOHE (SOSO)  lwwl     
LEHE (OSOS)  wllw     
HOLE (SOSO)  lwwl       
LEHE (OSOS)  wlww     
HOLE (SOSO)  lwll         
HOHE (OSOS) lwww        +1
HOHE (SOSO) wlwl       
HEHE  (OSOS) lllw           +2
HOLE  (SOSO) wwll     
HOLO  (OSOS) lwll           +3
HOLO  (SOSO) wlwl       
HELO  (OSOS) lllw           +4
LOLE   (SOSO) lwww     
LELO   (OSOS) llll         
LOLE   (SOSO) wwww     +5
LOLE   (OSOS) lwlw       
HEHE  (SOSO) lwll         
LEHE   (OSOS) wwlw     
LEHE   (SOSO) wlwl       
HOHO  (OSOS) wlll         
HEHE  (SOSO)  wwww    +6     
LOHE  (OSOS)  wllw   
+6 profit playing 1-2 then repeat....

Example Session 2:

LELE  (OSOS) WLLL       
LOLE  (SOSO) WWWL      +1
LELE  (OSOS) LLLW         +2
HOLE  (OSOS) WLLL       
HOLE (SOSO)  WLWL      +3
HOLE (OSOS) LLLW         +4
HEHO (SOSO) LLLW        +5
LOHE (SOSO) LLLL         
LOLO (SOSO) LWWW      +7
HELE (SOSO) LWWL       +8
LEHE (OSOS) LLWL         +9
LELO (SOSO) LLWL         +10
LEHO (SOSO) LWLW       +11
+11 profit playing 1-2 then repeat....

Dozen/Column / Dual Couplets
October 28, 2013, 11:42:07 AM
A FLATBET column and dozen approach - for single zero.

Before every bet I always consider the last 2 outcomes only.

For example:


I now quickly translate these into "dozen and column format". I like to note this format vertically as:


I now FLATBET always 1 unit upon each of the dozens and columns contained in the last recorded dual pair. In this instance that will be:

1u on Doz3
1u on Doz1
1u on ColA

A total of 3 units is indicated in this particular case.

Whatever happens I will then consider again only the last 2 results and bet accordingly.
I will therefore be betting 2, 3 or a possible maximum of 4 positions on each spin.

My target is +10 (maybe stop-loss of -30?)

If a 0 occurs I will stop and wait for 2 further real numbers before continuing.

Example real session just now at SLC:
#   D/C  +/-     bet
34  3a
4    1a    +0     bet D1+D3+A 
13  2a    +0     bet D1+D2+A
10  1a    +3     bet D1+D2+A
19  2a    +6     bet D1+D2+A
29  3b    +3     bet D2+D3+A+B
23  2b    +5     bet D2+D3+B
33  3c    +5     etc.. etc...
35  3b    +7
18  2c    +7
10  1a    +3
8    1b    +2
8    1b    +5
20   2b   +6
35   3b    +6
11   1b    +6
23   2b    +6
10   1a    +6
33   3c    +2
12   1c    +4
20   2b    +1
8     1b    +3
0    Zero  +0    No bet. Wait 2 new numbers.
7     1a     
17    2b    Restart.
7     1a     +2
4     1a     +4
12    1c    +5
4      1a    +8
9      1c    +11 *** Target Achieved.

+11u profit in 30 spins.

This idea came out of the discussion of the CWB in another thread.

Happy winnings,
Dozen/Column / The Easy-Peasy II System
July 10, 2013, 05:12:44 PM

A simple but hopefully effective and profitable approach to playing roulette 2/1 odds.

The locations to be bet are 2 doz and 2 col.

If last number RO or BE then bet D2 and D3 + C2 and C3.
If last number RE or BO then bet D1 and D2 + C1 and C2.

This leaves 4 uncovered numbers + the ZERO (unless playing on nozero!)

The starting bet is 1 unit on each designated location.

Simple Progression Rules:
If doz wins and col also wins REDUCE all four bets by 1u each - but if level or ahead reduce to starting bet of 1u on each location.

If doz wins and col loses then REDUCE both doz bets by 1u each and INCREASE both col bets by 1u each - but if level or ahead overall then reduce to starting bet of 1u on each location.

If doz loses and col wins then REDUCE both cols by 1u each but INCREASE both doz bets by 1u each - but if level or ahead overall then reduce to starting bet of 1u on each location.

If both doz and col bets lose (0 or 4 other numbers occurred) then INCREASE all four bets by 1u each.

The minimum default bet size for both col and doz = 1u each location.

The target is 3u+ per game. Recommend daily session of 3 games. (as per original "Easy-Peasy" EC+Line)

[You could employ a "switch bet" rule if encountering 3 consecutive double losses]

This is a good one to try with low-risk small unit value stakes.

Try out and Have fun,  :)
Even chance / Contrasting Couplets
May 01, 2013, 03:08:08 PM

Record 2 ECs in matrix 4 fashion.

I'm using H/L and O/E alternated.

For example the spun numbers 17, 11, 3, 32 are recorded on a line as:
LOLE (Low Odd Low Even)

For example the spun numbers 22, 9, 3, 14 are recorded on a line as:
HOLE (High Odd Low Even)

It's simple: Play an alternating pattern of "Opp-Same-Opp-Same" (O-S-O-S) and "Same-Opp-Same-Opp" (S-O-S-O) directly against the vertical line column results on the previous line.

Switch the patterns after each line of 4 results.

Start recording the EC and LW Registry results for O-S-O-S first and then switch to S-O-S-O and alternate throughout. (see examples)

Playing and betting rules:

RULE#1: Start  betting ONLY after a  previous "WL" result. The "WL" result can be wholly recorded on the current line or made up of a W from the end of the previous line and an L in the first column of the current line.
L*       - bet where asterisk shown (after WL result)
Sometimes there will be no bet on a line eg:
WWWL  - no bet on this line (no WL result to indicate a bet on this line)
*             - bet where asterisk shown  (after WL result)



Example Session 1:

HOLO first line results
LEHE (OSOS)  wlwl       +1   W @ col3
HOHE (SOSO)  lwwl      +0    L @ col1
LEHE (OSOS)  wllw       +1    W @ col1
HOLE (SOSO)  lwwl       +2    W @ col2
LEHE (OSOS)  wlww      +3    W @ col1
HOLE (SOSO)  lwll         +4    W @ col2
HOHE (OSOS) lwww                no bet
HOHE (SOSO) wlwl        +5    W @ col3   
HEHE  (OSOS) lllw         +4    L @ col1   
HOLE  (SOSO) wwll       +3    L @ col4   
HOLO  (OSOS) lwll        +2    L  @ col4
HOLO  (SOSO) wlwl       +3    W @ col3
HELO  (OSOS) lllw         +3     no bet
LOLE   (SOSO) lwww     +4   W  @ col2   
LELO   (OSOS) llll          +3   L @ col2   
LOLE   (SOSO) wwww   +3         no bet
LOLE   (OSOS) lwlw       +4   W @ col4   
HEHE  (SOSO) lwll         +5    W @ col2   
LEHE   (OSOS) wwlw     +6    W @ col4 
LEHE   (SOSO) wlwl       +7    W @ col3   
HOHO  (OSOS) wlll         +8    W @ col1   
HEHE  (SOSO)  wwww    +8       no bet 
LOHE  (OSOS)  wllw        +7   L  @ col3

+7 profit. (high +8)

I suggest play on nozero or single 0 with "le partage" rule.

If zero appears in a line - you can either do
A) no betting at all on below line (void) or
B) use the EC above the 0 in that column

Maybe can use to win 3 or so units then skedaddle and relogon for next session.

Session on some numbers Chrisbis posted from a BVNozero session.

Example Session 2:

LELE  (OSOS) WLLL         -1 L @ col3
LOLE  (SOSO) WWWL      -1    no bet
LELE  (OSOS) LLLW         -2 L @ col1
LELE  (SOSO) WLWL        -1 W @ col3
HOLE  (OSOS) WLLL       +0  W @ col1
HOLE (SOSO)  WLWL      +1  W @ col3
HOLE (OSOS) LWLW       +0  L  @ col1 
HELO (SOSO) WWWW    +0      no bet
HELO (OSOS) LWLW       +1  W  @ col2
HELO (SOSO) WLWL       +2  W  @ col3
HOLE (OSOS) LLLW         +1  L   @ col1
HOLE (SOSO) WLWL       +2   W  @ col3
LELE  (OSOS) WLLW       +3  W   @ col1
HEHO (SOSO) LLLW        +2  L    @ col2 
HEHO (OSOS) LWLW       +3  W    @ col2
LEHO (SOSO) LLWL         +2  L  @ col2
HOLE (OSOS) WLWL       +3  W  @ col1
LOHE (SOSO) LLLL          +2  L   @ col1 
HOHE (OSOS) WWLW     +3  W  @ col4
HOHO (SOSO) WLWW     +4  W  @ col3
LOHO (OSOS) WWLW     +5  W   @ col4
LELO (SOSO) WWLL       +4  L  @ col4
HELE (OSOS) WWLL       +3  L  @ col4
LOLO (SOSO) LWWW      +3   no bet
LOLE (OSOS) LWLL         +4  W @ col2
HELE (SOSO) LWWL       +4    no bet
HEHO (OSOS) LWWL      +4    no bet
LOLO (SOSO) LWLL        +3   L  @ col1
LEHE (OSOS) LLWL         +3   no bet
LOHE (SOSO) WWWL     +4   W  @ col1
LOHO (OSOS) LWLL        +3   L @ col1
LEHE (SOSO) WWWW    +3   no bet
HELO (OSOS) WWWL     +3   no bet
LELO (SOSO) LLWL         +2  L  @ col1
HOLE (OSOS) WLLL        +3  W  @ col1
LEHO (SOSO) LWLW       +4  W  @ col4
LOLO (OSOS) LLWW       +3  L  @ col2
LOLO (SOSO) WLWL       +4  W @ col3

+4 profit (high +5)

Dozen/Column / Doz/Col Progression
February 08, 2013, 12:05:19 AM
This idea stems from GLC's 2 dozen idea and I have adapted it for single dozen/column play.

Use WIN/LOSS "strings" (W/L)  for the outcomes (max of 6 results per string)


Up 1 unit after 5 L's in a row in a string.

Up 1 unit if there are 3 W's in a row in a string.

Up 1 unit if there are 5 L's out of the 6 results in a string.

Up 1 unit if there are 3 W's or more out of the 6 results in a string.

IMPORTANT: Start new w/l record string at each new level of betting.

Suggested stop point:
After a winning string and in new profit.

Recommended stop point:
After 2 consecutive winning strings and in new profit.
After 2 winning strings separated by level string results and in new profit.

[But of course you may stop on any profit during or after the end of a string e.g.: +2; +3....etc...]

Example strings:
LLLLL - 5 L's in a row so up 1 unit and start new string
LLWWW - 3 consecutive w's in a row so up 1 unit and start new string
LWLWLW - 3 out of 6 w's so up 1 unit and start new string
LLWLLW - level so start new string at same unit level
LLLLWW - level so start new string at same unit level
WWW -  3 consecutive w's in a row so up 1 unit and start new string
LLLWLL - 5 out of 6 L's so up 1 unit and start new string
LWWLWW - Over 3 out of 6 w's so up 1 unit and start new string

Real game at SLCasino:

WLLWLW         +3   (3 out of 6 W results so increase by 1 UNIT)

LLWWW           +11    (3 W's in a row - so immediately UP 1 UNIT) - Or STOP due to 2 winning strings separated only by level result(s)

LLWWLW          +20   (3 out of 6 W results - STOP due to 2 winning strings separated only by level result(s) )

Use with your favourite single doz/col selection method (I'm using CrossPlay)

Dozen/Column / H7
January 21, 2013, 04:21:52 PM
HEAVEN SEVEN (a single dozen strategy)
Author:  Atlantis

Hello forumsters!

I revisited this system today and it seemed going quite well using the progression below.

Here I share with you the slightly revised FULL rules with example:

Single 0.
Real numbers.

Have not tried on NoZero but obviously that could be logically better...?

I track a line of 7 DOZEN results (ignore 0) until I have seven latest results where ALL THREE DOZENS are present and where there is ONLY ONE DOZEN that has hit ONCE only.

e.g.: 1 1 3 2 1 3 1 (Doz 2 qualifies as the lowest scorer)

I bet that qualifying dozen using the progression


I know some of you might prefer a different idea of progression or have an even better idea on this - so please share if you do have a suggestion or two.

After a win I reset to the start of the progression line when level or ahead of current highest total.
After a win and if I am still behind the current recorded high - then I go back TWO places in the progression string and resume from there on the next qualifier.


***I bet it using the progression until a win happens OR until it drops off the list/string of 7 dozen results!***

If it wins - that's fine  - I stop betting and search for next qualifier - but once it disappears out of my cycle of 7 doz results - I STOP BETTING IT.
I then search for the next qualifier and continue the betting from the next stage of the progression.

It's possible a dozen can requalify once it reappears  - by being the latest doz to hit and having been the only dozen to hit ONCE only in the last 7 recorded doz.

It's also possible that after stopping betting on one particular dozen that another dozen can immediately qualify to be bet - as long as it fulfils the criteria of being the SOLE dozen to hit once only in the last recorded 7 spins. But in each case all three dozens must be present in the 7-Line before it is qualified bet.

I always keep track of the LAST SEVEN doz results at all times (ignore 0)

If win: I consult the last 7 results for next qualifier.
If no qualifier I continue recording until one occurs.

I bet the qualifier at the appropriate stake level.

1 3 3 2 3 2 3 (dozen 1 qualifies - but can only be bet ONCE)
1 2 1 2 3 2 2 (dozen 3 qualifies - but will only be bet up to a max of 5 times)
3 1 3 2 2 3 2 (dozen 1 qualifies - but will only ever be bet for a max of 2 times)

I'm always using the last 7 recorded results to determine the next dozen to bet.
(ie. a rolling list of seven where the earliest doz drops off the list as the new one is added to the end)

Just clarifying an important rule to remember:
After stopping a betting attack because of a win or stopping an attack due to the qualifying dozen dropping out of the line I will not restart the (next) attack until I have checked the current 7-LINE and can see that all dozens are present and that just one of the dozens has hit ONCE ONLY. That only is the trigger/sign to bet. For instance:

1112111 - Doz 2 has hit once but it is a NO BET because Doz 3 is not present in the 7-line

1211311 - Doz 2 and Doz 3 both hit once only in the 7-Line - so it is a NO BET.

1323313 - Doz 2 is only doz to hit once so since all 3 dozens present it is a qualified BET (max 3 spins in this case)

How to play example:

LAST 7 DOZ   Betting                    Results
=========   ======================
1 2 1 2 3 2 2 (7 numbers featuring all dozens and doz 3 has hit ONCE only)
1 2 1 2 3 2 2  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #11 hits LOST1                                   -1
2 1 2 3 2 2 1  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #29 hits WON2                                   +1 *Reset
1 2 3 2 2 1 3  No Bet - #5 hits
2 3 2 2 1 3 1  No Bet - #12 hits
3 2 2 1 3 1 1  No Bet - #17 hits
2 2 1 3 1 1 2  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #0 hits LOST1                                      +0
2 2 1 3 1 1 2  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #9 hits LOST1                                      -1
2 1 3 1 1 2 1  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #7 hits LOST1                                      -2
1 3 1 1 2 1 1  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #30 hits WON2                                     +0 *behind so start at 2nd bet of 1
3 1 1 2 1 1 3  Bet 1u on DOZ2 - #31 hits LOST1                                     -1
1 1 2 1 1 3 3  Bet 1u on DOZ2 - #14 hits WON2                                     +1 *level so reset to start
1 2 1 1 3 3 2  No Bet - #36 hits
2 1 1 3 3 2 3  No Bet - #4 hits
1 1 3 3 2 3 1  Bet 1u on DOZ2 - #23 hits WON2                                     +3  *ahead so reset to start
1 3 3 2 3 1 2  No Bet - #3 hits
3 3 2 3 1 2 1  No Bet - #2 hits
3 2 3 1 2 1 1  No Bet - #13 hits
2 3 1 2 1 1 2  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #16 hits LOST1                                     +2
3 1 2 1 1 2 2  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #19 hits LOST1                                     +1
1 2 1 1 2 2 2  No Bet - #32 hits
2 1 1 2 2 2 3  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #26 hits WON2                                      +3 *level so reset to start
1 1 2 2 2 3 3  No Bet

+3 in 22 spins. (12 bets; 5L - 7W)
Highest bet = 1u

Session Target = 3u
(Hit 'n' run)

To get even more bets; and maybe more profitzzz;  you can apply to the columns as well.  :)

Have fun and hope it goes well for you. Oh - but don't forget to let me know anyhow...
(Yes - of course the usual bit of voodoo thrown in with this one for those who like that  ;)   )

Dozen/Column / CODE 4 HORIZONTAL
December 17, 2012, 03:37:59 PM
Bet that the second 2 elements of a code 4 horizontal line MATCH the first 2 elements recorded in the line...

For instance:
B3 is first 2 results recorded on a line - bet for B3 to repeat

For instance:
2C is first 2 results recorded on line - bet for 2C to repeat

Rotate the 1-1-1-2 (total 5u) progression.

If lose the whole progression (1-1-1-2) then restart the progression.

Also, restart the progression after ANY WIN gained on a line.

Important: ONLY PLAY AFTER 2 L's in a row have occurred on a line then resume betting on the line immediately below at positions 3 and 4 for a match of the first 2 results on the line.  **STOP AT A WINNER ON A LINE**

EXAMPLE (using col-doz-col-doz matrix)

B3A3 - L w       (waiting for 2 horizontal non-matches in a row)
B1A2 - L L        trigger  (2 L's in a row on a line)
A1B1 - L1 w2       +1      (won 1 unit  on dozen 1 - matched second result)
C2C2 - w w       
C1B1 - L w           
C3B2 - L L        trigger   
B3B3 - w2 w         +3     (won 2 units betting column B. Stop)
B1C2 - L1 L1     trigger 
A1A3 - w2 L          +5     (won 2 units  betting column A. Stop)
C1C3 - w L
B1B3 - w L         
A3A3 - w w 
C1B3 - L L          trigger
B2A2 - L1 w2         +6
B3C2 - L L          trigger
B1B1 - w2 w          +8
A1C2 - L L           trigger
B2A2 - L1 w2         +9
C2B3 - L1 L1       trigger
B3C1 - L1 L1          +7
A3A3 - w2 w           +9
A3A2 - w L
A1C1 - L w           
B2A3 - L L            trigger
C1C1 - w2 w          +11
A2A1 - w L
A1C1 - L w           
A2A1 - w L           
C2B3 - L L            trigger 
B1C2 - L1 L1            +9       
B2B3 - w2 L             +11
C3A2 - L L            trigger
A2B1 - L1 L1            +9
B1B1 - w2 w            +11
B3C1 - L L             trigger
C1C2 - w2 L             +13
A3B3 - L w               
C1A1 - L w           
C3B2 - L L             trigger 
B2B2 - w2 L             +15
B1C3 - L L             trigger
A1A1 - w2 w             +17
C3B3 - L w
C1B1 - L w               
A1C3 - L L              trigger
A2B3 - L1 L1             +15
A1A1 - w2 w              +17
B1A3 - L L              trigger
B1A2 - L1 L1             +15
C2A3 - L1 L2              +12     (Lost 1-1-1-2; restart progression)           
A1C1 - L1 w2            +13     (stop after win)
B1C2 - L L               trigger
C2B3 - L1 L1              +11
C2C1 - w2 L               +13

Highest bet on a doz or col = 2u    ^-^
Quit when ahead. Use random entry and hit-n-run for better results?

Dozen/Column / CODE 8 DC
November 23, 2012, 04:49:46 PM
This is a development idea or extension stemming from the popular "CODE 4" system.
Track 8 numbers and record in format: D D C C D D C C    (D=doz; C=col)

Example Numbers: 14, 7, 26, 33, 15, 6, 36, 35

These translate into format:
2 1 B C 2 1 C B

Now bet against all VERTICAL repeats happening underneath (or quit when in profit)

Progression: 1-1,2-2,3-3,4-4 etc....
Reset if level or ahead.
If still behind after a win stay at current level of progression.

2 1 B C 2 1 C B
2 2 C B 3 3 B A     L2, w2, w1, w1, w1, w1, w1, w1 = +6 

Now begin tracking new 8 results for next game.