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Topics - King Arthur


This may be a biggish post, so perhaps I will post it in bits, so bear with me.

One of the reasons I wanted to make a post is I feel I may have something to contribute and wished to make sure I had recovered some funds before posting.

I have been playing on Will Hill for about 1 year now and found myself down by £2,217.00  I do keep a very close record of my wins and losses.

Well over the last 3 months or so I have managed to recover that loss and am now with W.H  £14.00 up, I have not been banned yet, and have not withdrawn anything so I have £2,231.00 in the account and will start making withdrawals soon.

So I suspect a ban is on its way soon from the track record reported by various members.

I am sure you are interested in how I have recovered the amount. Heck this sounds like an ad for a system.

It isn't, I just feel I owe something to the people on the forums.

Also I may have just had a very good run of luck to get it back and it may all go wrong tomorrow, that is the nature of this game as well.

I have had moments of pure luck, if I may give an example, I was playing with a progression that needs a bankroll of £1000.00

During this progression I accidentally put chips on number 9 instead of 12, it hit and so that was fine, it ended that game, but I continued to watch what would have happened, and if I had have been betting on 12 as I should have been, I would have lost that bankroll.

It was also a great lesson to try not to use a progression that will kill you in one session.

I am just going to wind up for now and get back.

But I wanted to publicly thank 3 members of the forums.

MR J. who I am sure many are aware of, His knowledge of this game has been very useful.

Great Grandpa, who I have only just come accross and his thoughts on cycle progressions, flat-ino of course has been using them, but I really did struggle to understand it all, and get bets down quickly enough to really try them. But Great Grandpa`s insights have been very useful to me.

I have forgotten who the 3rd one is for now, lol, I think it may be "Know when to quit" on vlsroulette, and his thoughts and comments on the "curve" although I  struggle to fully understand what he is doing, I suspect what he says has a baring on what I have been doing. 

I am not intending to leave you on the hook, but just wanted to make an introduction.

I am not really playing a single system either, I am playing a few at the same time, and not really mechanically, I am sort of seeing how things go before I make decisions about what and how much to bet to try to keep the losses to a minimum. And never try to recover it all at once.  Sometimes it can take a few sessions to recover from a loss, and yes the losses happen.

I have learnt that mechanically a system will lose, I have not found one that I can win with.

that's it for now, I hope to get back soon, its getting lateish in the Uk, I have work tomorrow and playing sport in the evening.

I hope that you are interested and don't thinks its some post about some magnificent system that no one else has thought of.

As I said, I may be just on a good run of luck.

Overall with this game I am still down £10, 583.00  so nothing to brag about at all.