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Topics - warrior

There is no more interesting brainstorming for roulette .
Well here s one beat the outside bets and the inside will be easy.  :cheer:
General Discussion / THE FLAW OF RO- LET
September 20, 2015, 09:41:04 PM
I have not been in a casino for six months. I am retired ,then one day a buddy would not stop pestering  me  to go so I agreed ,my wife just shook her head , anyway he wanted to show me this new system ,and I said to him there is not much yo can show me that I haven't seen. Anyway itwas disastrous he will never learn he lost all profit that was made prior sessions. It does matter how many times I gave him ways to beat the game, some people will never listen. I said to him before I stopped playing I was at 461 game to 3 losses .He thought I was shitting him. So I showed him my profit before he even got there.and I gave him a demo after he lost ,and still no ? On how I'm getting to the wins. Oh well the game has a flaw . People  have flaws when playing the game .
General Discussion / Real play
December 10, 2014, 12:43:57 PM
Real play in live casino is only for the elite because there are so many distraction and if you don't have a solid method and discipline to stay focus then play on line but those places are not to be trusted. Testing is important but don't be a slave to it because real play is where it's at. I just came back from my favorite place Las Vegas love there this place is like getting into a real cage a get ready for a fight, even with a strong method one should take care . All though I have Casinos  10 mins away from where I live but Vegas is where it at. Happy winnings everyone.
General Discussion / Re: Martin Blakey Book
July 26, 2014, 12:09:18 AM
Does this book have any value ?