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Topics - esoito

General Discussion / re: WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
July 09, 2018, 11:45:35 PM
For a moment I want members to put themselves in a moderator's position.

Find WHAT WOULD YOU DO?  in the stickied section and read the posts.

Not at all nice, are they?

For once, I want you see what sort of thing we have to contend with from time to time.  The dark side of humanity is not a pretty sight, is it?

What would you do?  How would you handle it? 
July 09, 2018, 11:36:40 PM
Some are happy about that. Others are not.   That's fine.

What we do NOT want is for continued criticisms to flow from the same poster ad nauseaum.

Say your piece if you really must and leave it at that.

I recently posted the following gentle warning to a member who didn't know when to stop.  It applies to all who think it's acceptable to carp and criticise indefinitely. It ain't!!

OK, *****. You've had your say and expressed your reservations and comments.

But now is the time to stop and not persist. (Yes, take this as a gentle and friendly warning lest you fall from grace.  ;))

What Glen said or did on other forums is water under the bridge and does not apply here.. We all make errors. The trick is to learn from them.

The expression 'poacher turned gamekeeper' applies to Glen's takeover of the forum.  When in living in England I knew a couple of ex-poachers and they were superb gamekeepers.

As the new owner, his perspective has inevitably changed -- for the better, I might add.

In summary, if you don't approve that's fine. Just don't keep needling and banging the same drum.

Membership here is not compulsory. Acceptable behaviour is.
All members should read the updated and revised rules without delay.

Most rules have been kept the same or with a few tweaks, but there are one or two additional rules.

Please take special note of the new one about copying and pasting.

It's the responsibility of all members to read the rules, and to try to abide by them when posting.

"Oh, but I didn't know." is not a defence.  Try that one if you get pulled over when driving and see what happens!  ;)
I continue to be amazed by the lack of blackjack posts and general interest in BJ on the forum.

Given the very low edge at some casinos if one plays basic strategy consistently and carefully, why is there such a lack of interest here, d'you think?

With a suitable money management  it's not impossible to overcome the edge sufficiently often to make and stay in profit.

So why the lack of interest?

We recently had an interesting time contending with a former member flogging his baccarat book(s) on Amazon.

For various reasons some doubts were raised about reviews for the book.

So, in that context, members here who buy stuff on Amazon will likely find this link very helpful:


October 07, 2017, 03:30:11 AM
A wonderful example of the biter bit with a delightful serve of British humour.    :thumbsup:

And thoroughly well deserved, too.


September 25, 2017, 08:35:27 AM
We have some pretty interesting threads and discussions going on at the moment.

We have 2067 members. And yet, of those, only 268 have ever posted.  Just 13% are doing all the work.

In other words, 87% of the members take all and give nothing back to the forum.

We have rules intended to protect members. We have moderators who do their best to enforce those rules, so that members can feel able to post without fearing personal attacks or similar immature behaviour.

All ideas...thoughts...imaginings...research....resources... You name it -- we're interested.

So come on you 87% -- let's have some participation.  Give us all the benefit of your grey matter  ;)
September 14, 2017, 06:13:46 AM
General Discussion / JUST SO YOU ALL KNOW...
August 17, 2017, 04:12:47 AM
The wheels of moderation might seem a bit slow at times but we do try to be careful not to be unfair or biased -- despite what some might think.

I have now muted two entities:  greeneclipse and symon_lucky


1  they both posted an identical inflammatory, lengthy and needlessly argumentative message

2  the messages were posted only 7 minutes apart

3  they were from the same IP address

Without naming names, they are quite likely alternative personas of the forum's very own serial troll and stalker. 

July 31, 2017, 04:33:37 AM
I see you have just withdrawn 4000 euros clear profit from your RNG casino account.  Well done, Petr !  Very well done. :applause:

That is an amazing achievement against RNG, especially as you started with just 400e.

Your software clearly shows the value of statistics as a betting guide, when used by an expert such as yourself.

Now that you've reset your bank to 1000 I'll be interested to see if the RNG software turns against you, as so often happens.  Perhaps if the number of maximum drawdowns starts to increase that could be an indicator.

Meanwhile, here's to your next withdrawal...Prost!  :beer:

July 26, 2017, 04:13:52 AM
I note these exclusions in the T&Cs:

not to be a resident of Afganistan, Antigua & Barbuda, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Libya, Macau, Mynamar, Netherlands, N. Korea, Philippenes, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Spain, Sudan,, Syria, Turkey, UK, USA (please be aware of particular country exclusions for Casino – Games – Live Casino, Poker and Bingo)

Not good advertising to see many major nations from Europe, the Americas and the Antipodes being excluded!

Who needs a TV when there's massive entertainment right here on your friendly forum?

We're currently overdosing on libel...slander...solicitors...lawsuits...threats...he said this...she said that...no I didn't...lawyers...torts (I love jam torts)...and other demonstrations of childish playground behaviour.

Yep. All that and more on a gambling forum that in the wider scheme of things is basically no more than a pimple on the bum of life.

Whatever happened to Common Sense? Whatever happened to ignoring attempts to wind people up?

I commend this to you all: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2017/02/what_ever_happened_to_common_sense.html

And -- guess what?  You can even buy his book on Amazon. Wow. Fancy that.

That is, of course, if you've got any money left after buying book after book after book -- ad nauseum -- on playing baccarat. (Caveat Emptor...Caveat Lector.)

Now I haven't told you before about all my degrees, have I? I'm currently working on my PhD thesis which is loosely titled The Sociology of Forums And The Role Of Common Sense.

After reading the latest chapter my supervisor reckons she hasn't laughed so much in a long while.

I mention all that so you know I write with authority (lolol) and please do keep an eye out for my latest book. It will be called The Stupidity Of Humanity.  Might even be available on Amazon as well. (Caveat Emptor...Caveat Lector.)

Me taking sides in this pathetic saga?  Nope.  The only side I'm on is The Side of Common Sense.  ;) Well...sort of...
General Discussion / A MILESTONE REACHED
July 15, 2017, 11:33:24 PM
Now 2000 members!

A shame most of them contribute nothing...

Come on -- some of you must have some ideas, thoughts, experiences, or whatever about bet selection, to share with us all. 

And if you're worried or fearful about the responses then rest assured, Adulay and I ad moderators will take strong action aginst anyone that attacks your personally. We have a well-policed rule about that.

So, come on. Fingers to the keyboard!  :nod:
July 10, 2017, 12:51:21 AM

"Brainstorming is a group creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its members." [ Wikipedia]

In this thread there is NO BAD IDEA.

There will be no "right" or "wrong" ideas.

ALL judgements and disbelief are to be suspended.

Members are free to put forward whatever BET SELECTION IDEAS AND APPROACHES they wish without fear of ridicule, personal attacks or criticism.

I will simply delete any critical threads so don't waste your time writing one!

This thread is intended to list ideas only. It's not for general discussion of an idea.  Start your own thread if you want to discuss an idea.

Regard this thread's contents as catalysts for your own research and development, if a particular idea appeals to you.

"Everything you can imagine is real." [Pablo Picasso]

That Picasso quote is so true. Thoughts can create reality.

Just one tiny example:  when driving I imagine a spare parking slot near to where I want to go.

Invariably, there is one...just as I imagined. Even on a busy day.

I'll close with two other relevant quotes.

"Those who stop dreaming ... are lost" [An Australian Aboriginal proverb]


"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." [Albert Einstein]

General Discussion / Yes, back again...!
June 28, 2017, 11:25:17 PM
Victor is in extremis with all his coding projects and asked me to step back in.

I don't mind, as long as folk realize:

  •     It's just me (at the moment)

  •     I have commitments off the forum (yes, I have a life elsewhere, as shocking as it might seem)

  •     I'm not necessarily in your time zone!

So for those 3 reasons you'll need to be patient with any delays in response.

Finally, as established members know, I do consider the Rules to be more than just cake decorations...

Unless Rules are observed -- and enforced -- chaos and anarchy ensue!  Sad but true   :nod:

I draw your attention to the following rule in particular which has recently been totally ignored in several threads:

#4 It goes without saying: No trolling. No name calling. And no personal attacks on individual members because you dislike, or disagree with, what they wrote.

PLEASE NOTE WELL:  If breaches continue, the guilty parties will be put on pre-post moderation. In other words, it's not published until approved -- when I get around to it.

And persistent offenders will be muted. Unhesitatingly. Why not?  It's an inevitable consequence of their actions and poor choices to persistently ignore the rule. 

General Discussion / Internet Troll Defined
September 07, 2016, 12:31:32 AM
Seeing as discussions have begun about trolls, it's as well we all have a common definition to work with.

The author is "a forensic psychologist having spent the last 20 years working with criminal, addicted, psychopathological and cybercriminal minds..."

I recommend the site from which this definition has been extracted..

Internet Troll Defined

An Internet Troll is a colloquial expression used to define an online user who uses Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to purposely and actively provoke, defame, anger, tease, flame, or incite other online users.

More often than not, the Internet Troll does not know the target recipient(s) of their vitriolic statements and behaviors.

Internet Trolls regularly appear in all forms of online mediums ranging from online video gaming gatherings to chatroom and forum discussions.

When the Internet Troll's inflammatory statements and actions do not include a direct or implied physical threat to the target(s), their behavior is categorizes as cyber harassment.

If the Troll's verbal assaults include direct or implied physical threats to their target(s), their actions are then defined as cyberstalking.

The motivations for an Internet Troll's provocative, and often times, bizarre behaviors are numerous.

Despite the variations in modus operandi, the vast majority of Trolls are seeking attention, recognition, stimulation pseudo-notoriety and retribution for some unknown perceived injustice.

Although there is no hard evidence or clinical research validating the psychology of the Internet Troll, it is commonly believed that the "Veil of Anonymity" afforded to every online user inspires some to engage in egregious behaviors.

Those who have begun to investigate the etiology of the Troll suggest that the anonymity of the internet contributes to what has been called, disinhibition effect.

It has been postulated that internet anonymity leads some to behave in asocial ways coupled with a lack of guilt or remorse for the harm they cause not being in the target's physical presence or even knowing their identity.

[Source:  https://darkpsychology.co/troll/ ]

Allan is following up his LOTT studies with his new forum dedicated to further research, resources and ideas related to The Law Of The Third.

LOTT forum: lawofthethird.proboards.com

As he points out it's only for those interested in the topic. 

Unsurprisingly, naysayers and those wanting to argue against LOTT will not be welcome on his forum.

I've written and donated a LOTT program to his forum as a gesture of support for his new venture.

It's free for his members to download.

Roulette Forum / Law of The Third
August 25, 2016, 11:39:07 PM
Thanks, Bally for your contribution.

And now for a detailed  document about The Law of The Third, drawn from various sources.

It was too large to upload so here's my [safe] dropbox link:


It's a PDF around 2Mb.
General Discussion / FEEDBACK ON "THE SCHOOL"
August 22, 2016, 11:27:26 PM
For a fee a member is offering to tutor members through his roulette 'school'.

Hardly surprising that he's copping a bit of flack from cynics and unbelievers... ;D 

These days mention the word 'money' and there's an immediate knee-jerk reaction -- justified sometimes but not always!

So I've opened this thread for some of his past and current students to post their thoughts and opinions.

A bit of feedback will help to either reinforce or dispel  others' fears and suspicions.

General Discussion / It's time to move on...
December 26, 2014, 11:15:02 PM
The new 50-50 forum management model will --at last -- free up Victor to concentrate on his software and technology goals.

Because  moderation can now be shared by all via the voting system it also frees me up to easily resign from the position, effective immediately.

I shall focus on writing my software and spend far more productive time on the BetSoftware site.

Just think -- under the new model you can now vote moderators and each other on and off.

You can vote for and against particular rules.

Perhaps really push the boat out and vote for no rules at all. [Then vote on how long it would take for the forum to become totally dysfunctional.]

Finally, for those who work in, or belong to, any organisation:

* Put your arm right into a bucket of water

* Pull your arm out...

...and the size of the hole that's left is the measure of how indispensible or important  you are.... ;)

Roulette Forum / What's the catch?
December 23, 2014, 04:35:49 AM
I immediately thought there would be affiliate links embedded in the casino addresses -- couldn't see any, though.

Maybe in the casino downloads?  (I didn't download any.)

But please tell us if you know how else such links might be embedded.

Then I thought, aha - it's  a site put together by the listed casinos. (Unlikely, though, given that several are owned by competing groups.)

So what's the catch? 

Or <gasp>are they actually telling the truth?   :o :o
