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Topics - Bayle

General Discussion / A BET WITHIN A BET
May 01, 2013, 10:26:30 PM
With this strategy,you can play as long as you want,and you could win 7 out of 10 times,
but, just like any business,it needs patience.
Sometime the wheel will not treat you as the way you expect,but I think 7 out of 10 is what we all looking for.

1.find a good,reliable penultimate of Even Chance bet ( HL/BR/OE )
   I mean no win no lose bet.

2.When you find the results, look at the results ,it will show exactly the line ( doublestreet )
  which is it belongs to.

3.You bet on that LINE 6 times, ALL FLAT BET, no need progression in this straegy,
  You will hit it 7 out of 10 times.
  You could bet with 1 or all 3 EC, but with all 3 EC, you must totally focus because it
   is a lot of works.
   If in case you lose ( the line you bet doesn't show up :-(  ) ,next bet you could decide to
   increase the bet money to recoup ,but do not use progression.
   It is too risky.
   Best wishes.Bayle F. Feller