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Topics - Dreamer

Hy my name is bogdan, i have been around this forum and the other older for sometime now,mostly as a watcher....
Like many  of the roulette  players , i have been hooked by numeris titanus,i have tested and tested and studied but  with no solution ...

For three months i have started again i testing but this time i have made some modification i have placed 8 systems into one ,with the some ideas from numeris titanus and some mine, and i were on something, finally i were on something, and i started testing the system and it was unbreakable flat betting, i don't have exactly the numbers but  tested from spielbank wiesbaden from 1.09.2013-18.09.2013,tables 2,3,4,5,6,7 ,more than 80 sessions,15000-17000 spins, profit in the same range ,like 1 unit for spin,i had not one losing session....

OK i will share this system with just one guy wich can program in roulette xtreme for testing in advance, he must have time ,patience ,to be a experienced one, and mostly to keep for himself , i don't want to make public nothing, to keep this between us until his grave, if there are more than one guy willing to help me i will just choose one....
thanks for reading