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Topics - PDA

Double-street / Double street covered with 12´s
June 16, 2013, 04:32:14 PM
So I thought about this last night and posted on the general but haven't got much feedback so decided to test it.
My time is not much, so the beggining was only with 30 spins.
Going to keep on testing continuing the 30 spins to check what's happening because probably am just in a good luck mood.

The good luck strike may be a reality, the truth is that it would be applied also to a simple double street system, but with this procedure I'm testing the results with this good luck strike are way better (318% more profit) than they would be with simple double street system.

In 30 spins with double street system would have 16 units of profit, and with this "pete system" it got me 51 units.

Please don't get me wrong. Not saying i found something, so please correct me if my analysis and data is wrong at some point.

Take a look at the excel sheet here:


Where am i wrong?

Will i have the same percentage of loss on a losing strike?

Cheers from Portugal, the land of the sun!

ps: Pardon if my english is not cristal clear!
General Discussion / Why betting on roulette?
June 15, 2013, 10:21:18 PM
Well, first of all since is one of my first posts let me introduce.

Peter, from Portugal 35 years old.

Been watching various roulette betting "methods" and they all end up at the same result.
In the long run, the is no profit.

Over and over we see more and more methods and "studies" or alternatives, but all of them (mostly discussed in this forum), give us nothing but losses in the long run.

So, my question is, what's the point?

The point might be....

1) Addictive mind trap
2) Stupidity
3) When winning (altough the long run gives us losses, there are methods where we have periods os profit) try to capitalize them in order to cover the long term losses

Is anyone with me?

1) is it truth that no method can beat the roulette?
2) is it truth that we can capitalize the "temporary profits"? - how?
