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Topics - Mr J

Roulette Forum / Goof bets at B&M
August 13, 2018, 03:49:35 AM
I noticed this the other day at the casino, I thought it would be a fun topic. What type of bet do you see others jumping on board, almost all bet it?

My observation, >> the 23 32, 21 12, 31 13. When one of those six hits, the opposite number gets pounded by all (lol). Sometimes I join in, sometimes I don't. I can think of a few others but I won't list them all.

Roulette Forum / By %, break down your main motivation
August 06, 2018, 12:53:40 AM
I'll start off since this might be an odd, yet interesting question. What are your motivations for attempting to be (or already at) a great roulette player? For me >>

65% > money
10% > something to do, hang out
25% > because people say it can't be done

Roulette Forum / While betting, hand shaking.
July 30, 2018, 01:10:59 AM
If you play at B&M quite a bit, you'll notice this.....a persons hand trembling while placing chips. (lol)
I'm not talking about the elderly or medical conditions!! Its the goofs that are scared to death to make bets.

Even on small bets, they are terrified. I laugh my a** off. If its too much stress for you, take up stamp collecting. There is a lady (here), every spin, she turns completely around and covers her ears (does not want to see OR hear the number).

She wants the surprise of turning back around and seeing it for herself (lol). That is some funny s**t folks. The rookies AND the not so rookies.

Roulette Forum / Out of Boredom
May 13, 2017, 05:27:02 PM
What I do quite a bit if I have the extra time.... I go to C. Casino. I write down the top 10 hottest numbers (in order), then write down the top 10 cold numbers (in order). No need to play if I don't feel like it.

Anyways, I set a timer for 4 hours later, I go back to C. Casino and look again. Sure as heck, most (not all) of the cold are now hot and most (not all) of the hot are now cold. Its about one spin per minute.

I just felt like posting this, heading to the casino shortly.

Meaning..... (as most already know), ALMOST everything is in CYCLES. I have tracked this at least 300 times over 1.5 years, yes I need a life but roulette IS my life (lol).

Roulette Forum / Different Ball Sizes
May 07, 2017, 03:53:56 PM
Here, they have 3 different ball sizes. Okay okay, Ken is nutty again (lol)

I have been playing for YEARS. Why is it, the smallest size (beebee ball), I get my butt kicked, just like last night!! The medium size I do alright and the bigger size, I do my best, great results!!

This is over years of results mind you. When I sit down, yep, they switch ball size to the smallest.

Coincidence? I understand I can leave when ever the heck I feel like it, I don't need to hear the speech.

I think I stay in order to "show them", I can still win!!.....but most of my results, I lose. I seriously drop my unit sizes when I'm playing against the beebee ball. Thoughts?


   What sucks about this game (roulette), your numbers will either hit on that visit *OR* they won't.....then go home. What an unreliable way to earn money (lol). That 11, 7, 20, 32 you need to hit, well, it may not.

    Regardless if you are playing dollars or black chips, makes little difference. You either profit for the day or not. Tough to pin your "knowledge" of the game on....your number(s) might hit (lol).

Roulette Forum / Gambling, not gaming please
March 20, 2017, 01:39:26 AM
I am so tired reading/hearing various casino ads calling it gaming instead of gambling. Gaming is for the younger loons at home playing video games for hours on end (lol).

I know why they (casinos) don't call it gambling, it sounds too addicting or bad for society etc.

The political correctness upsets me off I guess. Who refers to roulette as GAMING? What a damn joke!!!

Roulette Forum / Audio in addition to cameras?
March 11, 2017, 07:48:37 PM
Was curious if you think SOME of the tables also have audio capabilities in addition to the cameras regarding security? Meaning, they can hear your conversations.

Roulette Forum / 6 different dealers?
March 08, 2017, 05:19:55 PM
Let me ask your opinion on this beauty......lets say we had 6 different dealers, each spin 30 times. We also have ONE dealer spinning 180 times. Should we roughly get the same stats?

Just to verify, none of the 7 dealers are out to get us. (lol) None of them even look at the wheel when spinning, nor do they give stuff where the ball lands. I have this method I use...... I compile quite a few numbers but then it might be dealer change, I hate it.

It almost seems as if I tracked numbers for no damn reason with a new spinner on scene (no, its not playing cold numbers).

I thought this could be a fun topic?

Do you guys occasionally play a method, just for fun (real money) that you know is not even close to great? Something easy and kind of fun? don't go posting how it won't pass a million spins (lol). This is more for goofing around. Myself >>

No jotting anything down (a big time saver).....watch the history board, any repeat of a number, bet that and its two neighbors. The newest repeat?

Switch your bets, that's it, nothing complicated.

NOTE: (00 wheel)....lets say the 14 was hit twice. You are betting the 14 2 35. The 2 & 35 gets you a few hits, that section is "hot" (for now).

A few spins later, the 25 hits back to back. Myself? I would NOW bet the 25 10 29 even though I am coming off a hot section.

Like I said, it won't pass a million spins but it's a fun, QUICK system if I only have an hour or so to kill or entertain my family/friends.

Roulette Forum / Pay close attention
August 20, 2016, 09:23:39 PM
Guys, I got this s**t figured out (not beat) and I'm giddy like a little girl. (lol)

Its all in HOT NUMBERS !!!!!

Trust me 100% on this. I know Turbo would even agree. You already know I no longer post DETAILS but at least read this......

Do as I did. Come up with at least 20 DIFFERENT versions of rules for your method for hot number play. One by one by one, eliminate what does not work. Yes, it will take a long long long long time but put a price on your future please. Test all 20 of your versions over *MANY* *MANY* spins. I did all mine, spin by spin.

So far I have not lost once at the casino and have not lost once at C. Casino (testing)....and I don't mean over four visits (lol).

The biggest keys....how many hot numbers bet (not too many), for how long do you bet them, what might of been WARM is now "hot", what WAS hot is no longer a factor, flat betting no progressions, the definition of short term must always stay constant, keep an eye on ball speed, ball size, wheel speed etc.

Figure all of this (as I did) into at least 20 DIFFERENT versions. Slowly narrow down what does NOT work. Forget your columns and GUT and KTF and progressions etc etc etc etc etc.

Once every six months or so, I see a new thread from someone...getting CLOSER to this and POOF, its gone. No more interest. (sad)

Figure out HOT numbers guys...IT'S THE *ONLY* WAY !!!!!!!!!!!

Roulette Forum / A great read
July 30, 2016, 10:26:06 PM
I saw a pic and read a great article a couple years ago, I wish I had bookmarked it.

This is for an ACTUAL CASINO with wheel (no air ball as far as I know?)

*EVERY* person here, myself included, AP included could get screwed big time. An idea floating around for a new type of wheel, I saw the sketching designs.

Nothing electric with this/no air bursts etc. >> Every X number of spins (10-25 if I recall?), the outer ring of the numbers would be rotated. It could be clockwise OR counter.

Meaning, pit boss or floor (no dealer involved) would move the POCKETS, the numbers stay in the same spot, its hard to describe. We'll take the 12 as example.
Pit moves the ring (pockets), ALL pockets get rotated and the 12 might now be where the 17 pocket was. (lol)

No lie guys. The ring gets lifted up maybe a half inch, then rotated. Pit can move it where ever he/she feels like it. It might move 18 positions, could move 3 positions?

The reason for this (I assume?)....real good AP guys or very hot numbers, guys with a GREAT method etc. So now, are the pockets HOT or the numbers?? it's a very fast adjustment, I doubt highly you could watch/remember where the pockets WERE. Coming to a casino near you? I f**kin hope not or I'm done.

Roulette Forum / A short roulette tutorial
June 12, 2016, 11:39:39 AM

    I'm not the best at wording things but I'll give it a shot. Playable at a REAL casino? (no air ball)

    Lots of talk at other boards regarding "great" methods. Over the years, my definition is slowly becoming part of the minority, not just yet but its getting there. The trend seems to be these "great" methods played at HOME, playing *MANY* numbers, with a progression, usually RNG, keep track of the trot (lol), use the latest/greatest software and of course your bot. (I could make a song out of all that)

    Where have the REAL MEN (and you ladies) gone in regards to actually going to a B&M casino...study the dealer a bit, watch the ball a bit (I never play at a table with the little beebee ball), use no progressions, a smart BR and have a VERY DECENT bet selection? Where have these threads/posts/ideas/members gone to?

    This is NOT todays roulette message boards, which is unfortunate. I'm speaking in general terms mind you, there are few exceptions. The old GG and VIP (and even RF in the EARLY stages) were *NOTHING* like it is now.

    The best of the best (imo) don't post any more (can't say I blame them) but I refuse to believe they have QUIT playing the game. Some maybe but certainly not all. The new board leaders (cough) are so far out of their element, they have NO CLUE what a DECENT method even looks like. KTF is a joke. GUT is a joke but because the members are so green, they don't see it.

    Some will say, the bottom line is your net profit. Really?

    Meaning, take one of these goofy home systems.....we'll say Joe has played it and has netted $400 for the day. Bob goes to a casino and grinds it out, nets $300 for the day. I'm sorry but the $300 is more impressive and that's not counting Bob has to drive to and from the nearest casino.

    Also, many of these home players (cough) are really only testing/practicing these systems, laying very little of their hard earned money on it. This is a holy grail, that's a holy grail, this is a holy grail...but in the end, nothing but hot-air. Sell everything you own, go get some loans and go to a REAL casino with your HG(s) and make thousands and thousands weekly !!!

    You can't have it BOTH ways. Talking s**t but risking very little. Real men get out there, grind & hustle.

    They don't wait for more "applauds", chase the smarter guys off boards and sit around patting each other on the backs. Rookie players do that, not men.

General Discussion / Zumma Book...roulette numbers
March 09, 2016, 04:23:11 AM
Real simple question/point. How do you know those numbers ARE from the casino(s)? If they are RNG, I'm not saying the book isn't useful. Me personally, I would NOT claim.....hey, these numbers are great, straight from the casino, all my testing will be casino accurate!

Teach me, maybe the numbers are from the casino? What is the proof?

Off-topic / The Oscars
February 28, 2016, 06:08:26 PM
I LOVE IT !!!! can't wait for tonight, one of my favorite times of the year. The Oscars and Lincoln's birthday!! Anyone else gonna watch?

General Discussion / Every 12-18 months (imo)
February 26, 2016, 04:28:44 AM
This is a strong opinion I have. Around every 12-18 months, you should look over your RECORDS regarding roulette play, ACTUAL CASINO play that is. What do your NET winnings look like OR your losses?

The overall +/-

I keep all my records in notebooks. If year after year, your profits (if there are any) keep falling or just holding steady, perhaps roulette is not for you. I see NO REASON to play year after year and stay in limbo, what's the point? Real success, every 12-18 months, your NET profits (percent) should be steadily going up. I do understand, some people play three times a week and some play six times a year, I get it.

Here is the question of the century !>!>!> Can a particular way of betting be "better" (not sure what word to use?) BUT the house edge stays EXACTLY the same? I am not asking for your style of play, I could careless.   

On a personal level, I feel I have a couple VERY good methods to play, we'll say 3 numbers.   Bob Smith the 21 year old goofball only plays the 2, 22 & 32, his favorite numbers and he swears by them, "they hit a lot" Bob says with a smile!

By the EXACT set of house edge rules, Bob is no different than me but I disagree. Can I explain myself, is my math better? Nope on both. I am excluding the AP guys that swear there is a slight tilt with the wheel blah blah blah, we'll leave them out of it for now.

So, lets say a poster says to another...."that won't work, the math doesn't lie" (I am 100% guilty of this myself), would that mean my method is no better than the very person I am correcting? (lol) Does the person doing the correcting even have a RIGHT to post a method? My head is spinning.

If a long time player does produce a DECENT profit with the same method over many years (not saying me) then that person, by definition, has a lower HE than 5.26% (00 wheel)? Can a person win LONG TERM and still play against the very same 5.26% that the rookie plays against?

Members like thelaw & denzie will always be followers, never a leader. They are more into guessing with very little fact checking. Always a recipe for disaster. You can not test something four times and claim you have a HG. If I was in charge at ANY message board, if you post you have a HG, you're banned, 30 days with no exceptions!!

.....and when their test results don't look so hot, they resort to name calling and starting s**t with other members. These are the actions of amateur players/posters. Most likely under 30. Its funny how over the years, the posters WE have the most issues with are under 30, Hmmm....strange.

A coincidence perhaps? Not likely. Crazy stories such as winning 60K (lol), its all to get attention. Attention they lack in their personal lives so maybe fill that void at a message board? They also have testing problems in itself. When you test, make sure everything lines up with the rules at the CASINO. I'm sorry, a casino is this large building with all kinds of games of chance, run by actual human beings, spinning the ball etc.

thelaw & his gf denzie, need to make sure, if you lost in testing, it doesn't count as winning at the casino (lol). Example being.....your casino BR is $600. While testing, you dipped to minus $650 but it pulled out a winner, plus $400. Nope, you lost idiots.

Also while testing, you have LOTS of time to lay down your 142 chips needed for your method.

Ummm, can you lay down 142 chips at the CASINO in a few seconds? Nope. Guess what? You lost again during testing.

All testing rules need to be the **SAME* as what would/could happen at a REAL CASINO. Sorry, them the facts ladies. In closing, I've seen people like thelaw & denzie come and go, they are a dime a dozen. Read their posts today and in 2018....it'll be, thelaw & denzie who?? They are a nobody in the world of gambling. They have nothing but stories to tell, lies to sling and testing a "special" method in which GUESSING seems to be the NORM (lol). I find it funny as all hell, watching them chase their tails, like kitty cats.


General Discussion / @Jimske
January 09, 2015, 09:00:42 PM
I guess I'm old school. I don't care about community board this n that, I don't care about
voting this n that........

In regards to alrelax, get off the guys back. If you continue, you'll be banned, pretty simple.

No hugs and kisses, just banned.

General Discussion / Misc. overall thoughts on roulette
November 08, 2014, 04:28:23 PM
This is PART of the reason why I try and create easy methods >>
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam's_razor AND http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/General/occam.html

Split / Liberty with a hint of basil method
November 08, 2014, 03:38:05 PM
I worked on this years ago and got too busy to complete it. It's a TWO number method, flat betting please.

The only real way this tanks (in the short term) is if a column sleeps for a long time.

We will be using the 6 standard double streets. Yes I know there are more than 6 (like the 16-21) but we'll use the 1-6 etc.

Your bet can be as short as two spins before switching OR perhaps 12 spins before switching, I've seen it all. Our goal is to CONNECT the left side of the layout with the right side WITHIN a double street.

All our bets will be north/south. EXAMPLE being >> 7/10 or 21/24 or 32/35 etc.

Never across >> 17/18 etc. I find that a few different numbers within a double street hit in a period under 17 spins (profit).

Lets get started ...... You will have to have a way of CONSTANTLY crossing off numbers, then perhaps a few spins later, you'll need those same numbers again NOT crossed off so it is a bit of a challenge.

This is one of FEW methods I play where I do NOT use the history board numbers.

Use NO past numbers from the board.

12 hits, cross off 9/12.
31 hits, cross off 31/34.
0 hits, cross off nothing.
4 hits, cross off 1/4.
27 hits, cross off 27/30.
9 hits, its already crossed off.
10 hits, cross off 7/10......its now time to bet. We bet the 8/11 AND all crossed off numbers are NOW UNcrossed off.  We are trying to CONNECT the left side with the right side within that DS.

We continue betting the 8/11 until there is a new bet. Maybe the next two numbers are the....25 and 30. Its now time to bet the 26/29, all previous crossed off numbers are NOW UNcrossed off etc. If a 0/00 hits, bet the numbers you were just on. After a win, *NOTHING* is crossed off, we start fresh. Do not use numbers from the history board. Cross off future numbers but it does NOT take long before its betting time again. Its around 4-7 spins. Repeat process.

I also like this......lets say you can afford betting $5 and $5 but $10 and $10 is a bit too much for you. Bet $15 on the split, that's the beauty of the split bet.

So make sure and pay attention when its time to switch bets AND UNcross numbers after a switch or a win. This method works great if you don't mess up. Questions?

General Discussion / 0 00 1 2 3
October 26, 2014, 06:45:49 PM
So as usual, Ken gets into a heated discussion with casino staff.

Which is better (or neither) >>> You have 5 $1 chips. Betting all 5 on the 0,00,1,2,3 (pays 6:1) OR $1 each on the 0 00 1 2 3?

I ask floor/pit questions ALL THE TIME regarding the game, just to "test them", I guess I'm bored at times (lol). Was there on Friday, I asked floor what the H.A. is for 00 roulette (I play stupid), he said around 19%. WTF?

General Discussion / Due vs. cold
October 12, 2014, 07:18:19 PM
Do you guys see any difference between DUE and COLD?

(Regarding roulette)........ You show some interest in roulette but know little and want to ask some questions and get involved. You have not registered/posted at ANY of the roulette boards in, I'll say the last 8 years.

You are 100% NEW, not recycled through the system. Don't get me wrong, a person is not breaking any type of law using a different user name. I guess I'm a bit old school in regards to "why hide"?

Having old school type of thinking is also not a crime. I was playing on Saturday and the dealer got on my case, insulting the s**t out of me. I use a pen and small notebook and he said...... "this isn't the 80s, we have smart phones now".

I asked this PUNK dealer if its ok I use my smart phone at the table? He said nothing because he knows the answer. (I'm really off topic now)....... Not many of you follow Wisconsin news but sometime SOON, our governor will announce if a new casino will be built here in Kenosha. (its halfway between Milw. and Chicago).

If it goes through, Potawatomi will lose a ton of yearly revenue. The dealers and floor have been quite RUDE to the players for YEARS because they are the only casino around but trust me, that s**t will change. We have dealers and floor that straight up LAUGH at you for losing. They'll laugh in your face, no lie. Okay, my Sunday rant is over...... GO PACKERS !!!!!!!

General Discussion / You Tube again
September 28, 2014, 02:28:56 PM
I'm on You Tube daily, viewing ANYTHING related to roulette or casino life. This is short (3:46) but kind of funny and sad >>

