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Topics - HG1

Straight-up / Good Wheel Bet?
September 20, 2013, 08:30:44 PM
The quest of all Roulette players is to try any find in which pocket the ball will end up.

[Moderator's Comment: Please avoid swearing on the forum! Let the little white ball remain white...and not red. LOL  Thank you.]

So lets'd try this. I will try and explain it as well as possible, as to avoid confusion, but please ask if anything is unclear.

1. We measure the Zscore of the movement per spin in the same way as we would measure the Zscore of numbers 0-36, ie if the last 2 numbers spun is 0 and 32, and we measure the movement clockwise, it will be 1. If the last three numbers spun is, 0,32,0 the measurement will be 1,36. If the last four numbers spun is 0,32,0,17 the measurement will be 1,36,8.

2. After 74 or 111 spins(I am thinking 111, as that is 3 stat cycles) we look at the lowest 10 Zscores for  pockets 0-36, 0 being a repeat, 1 being a next door to the right and 36 being a next door to the left.

3. We then measure the Zscore for each number and after 111 spins, we look at the 10 numbers with the lowest Zscores. If one of these numbers coincide with one of the lowest Pockets we play it. By play I mean we play the number, all of its streets, all of its corners, and all of its splits with min progression until  we are in profit.
