This is a real simple, yet effective hotnumbers system, it's 3 numbers bet, FLATBET.
Procedure: Begin with noting down Every hotnumber that hits (numbers hit twice during a 10 spin cycle) Now, when you got 3 hotnumbers those are bet.
(1) Note down every numbers that HIT in the list of hotnumbers (in the sequence they hit)
(2) When a NEW hotnumber comes (that is also noted down in the list!), then re-bet: RE-Bet the last 3 numbers from the list of hotnumbers.
That's it!
First tests was played with 5u bets.
Stoploss/Bankroll needed
1u bets 200u
5u bets 1000u
10/10 Games won
Procedure: Begin with noting down Every hotnumber that hits (numbers hit twice during a 10 spin cycle) Now, when you got 3 hotnumbers those are bet.
(1) Note down every numbers that HIT in the list of hotnumbers (in the sequence they hit)
(2) When a NEW hotnumber comes (that is also noted down in the list!), then re-bet: RE-Bet the last 3 numbers from the list of hotnumbers.
That's it!
First tests was played with 5u bets.
Stoploss/Bankroll needed
1u bets 200u
5u bets 1000u
10/10 Games won