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Topics - AlienZ

Well now, the last place I expected myself to be tonight was on a roulette forum. Regardless I am happy to be here and I come baring gifts! I know it isn't customary for newcomers to share applications, but I've created this little gem a while ago and I have used it to some success. I believe members of this community will find use in this, as it tracks Seven [7] different 2:1 (dozen) bets, in a W/L fashion. It is an amateur production, but it does the job adequately.

This application will aid in:

~ Tracking trends for 7 different dozen bets
~ Catching more dozen triggers at a glance
~ Noting how many times any dozen can lose in a row when sleeping
~ Seeing how often a dozen actually wins half of the time [pretty often]

Recommendz playing this on BetVoyager due to custom bet presets and no zero / multiball tables; and of course the low straight up bet which allows for a variety of new dozen bets.

Please enjoy and comment anything you wish.

link to virus scan: http://virusscan.jotti.org/en/scanresult/cfbde082f18bd54fb919dbc62a04eb640ab9f54e

~ AlienZ
