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First i'd like to apologise, for my "not so perfect" English, but i will give my try. I have decided to finally write my ideas, and to share my knowledge about roulette on this forum.

Before i continue i'd like to say a couple of words about me.

I'm from Macedonia, and my first experience with roulette was in 2001. Nothing special, but i was so fascinated with the game that i spent days and days just playing roulette for fun.

After some time i stopped playing roulette , but i never forgot about it. All the time something was telling me, that in this game it's possible to win, there has to be a way to win every time you play it.

In 2008 i went back to the roulette table, and started to play for real money in local casinos . I started to win some money, and played with some strategies that i learned from other people, but soon all the strategies that i implemented began to fail. None of them was good enough to make secure winnings.I played about 1 year, tried different ideas, some of them gave very good resullts, but it was not very safe to play in that way. So i said to myself, i have to take a break, and find a better way to win.

In 2011 i was arrested and i spend 3 years in jail. I was released from prison recently.
During the time in jail, i bought a cell phone, some of you would say, wtf a cell phone in jail, but that's true, in my country it is very common for the prisoners to have a smuggled cell phone (LOL).Some of the prison guards are making good money selling cell phones to the prisoners. It's not aloved , but who cares about it .that's the truth.

During the time in prison, i downloaded Roulette from a casino site, a mobile version, and started to play for fun, but most importantly, i read everything from roulette forums, and i saw some really good ideas while some of them were not worth at all. So i started to make spins and took notes, when a particular number would hit. I analyzed that every day, since i had plenty of time for that , 3 years. I learned how to avoid sleeping numbers, and with time i became better and better with my theory on predicting which number will come out, so my ideas started to make more and more sense. With time i realized that there is a pattern in the algorithm when a particular number will hit .
Even if it is a sleeping number, it will hit in a short time.

Soon after i got released from prison i continued my work at home, but there is something else that i have noticed.

There is a difference when playing with play money and real money, but the algorithm is the same and the out-coming numbers are the same. So why we can win with play money, but if we play in the same way with real money we lose ?!!!

It does not work with real money , unless you have some knowledge about it.

With time even the best strategy will fail when playing with real money, and i will tell you why.

In the beginning when you play with real money you won't notice any changes , it is all the same like with play money, but after some time, during your play, your luck and strategy is leaving you, and the casino wins.

I noticed that behavior on roulette earlier, but at that point i did not know why is that so.

And than,one day i read something about casinos attaching a log file to analyze your way of playing, if you cross the mark of 1 hour on playing roulette. If you play less than an hour, your play will stay anonymous, because the casinos have no interest attaching log files on players that play less then 1 hour during a 48 hour period. So this means that if you play less than 1 hour on one casino and than take a break for 2 days , the casino has no clue what's your play style.But if you cross that time, a log file is attached to your account, and from this point the software begins to work against you . I'm speaking for on-line casinos.

I started implementing that knowledge in my ideas, and to improve myself on predicting a particular number on roulette, but when you play on single number, there is no difference on that. The out-coming numbers and the algorithm are still the same .

On the Internet i found a software that predicts single numbers, but i don't know nothing about that . i downloaded and need to chk..what is about.

I don't use any software, all of that is in my head, and to be honest , i don't know how to explain exactly how im doing that.

Since im released from prison, i played many times. Every time i started with a bankroll of 1000 dollars, and i'd double my bankroll, and i never boosted my bankroll.

So, i made a video and uploaded it on YouTube. During the play i was not so concentrated on the game, the results are much better then on this video.

Watch the video, and comment here pls. I would like to hear your opinions and suggestions .

Watch the video and we will talk about my method , and to be clear , im not here to sell anything.

If needed, and on your request, i can make another video. the entire play, until i double my bankroll. and you can see and watch the entire process .

Until now , the results are: 173 times i double my bankroll from 1000 to 2000, and  0 loses

The link to my youtube video.

