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Topics - gr8player

General Discussion / What's Going On Around Here?
May 24, 2016, 07:09:30 PM
Wow....what's happening within this forum recently?

I mean, we've got a couple of forum members going on and on about "karma" and the ability (or, should I say, lack thereof) to simply "rub the spots" onto your cards in order to achieve your desired results.....

.....and then, even more disturbingly, we've got an esteemed member of the forum now offering for sale a mode of play....and labeled, supposedly, as a relatively safe one to boot....that requires "only" a 300-unit session buy-in.  My two cents on that:  Any mode of play that requires an enormous buy-in such as that is built to make pennies on the dollar when it works and an absolute "big bucks destroyer" when it doesn't....not to mention the obvious stress factor that naturally goes along with such insanity. 

I've always enjoyed this forum, but recent paths are that are leading to nowhere good could be its downfall.  Let's hope not.
General Discussion / Happy New Year 2016
December 31, 2015, 03:04:58 PM
I would like to wish a Happy New Year to all of our esteemed members and their loved ones, and offer a heartfelt prayer that this New Year 2016 sees us all in Good Health, Much Happiness, Safe and Protected, and Prosperous as well.  May God Bless all.
Gambling Philosophy / Our Player's Edges
August 30, 2014, 04:53:25 PM
Quote from: VLS on August 27, 2014, 10:46:46 PM
"So we choose when we want to play, we choose the side we wish to play on, and we get to select the amount of our bet, and even can terminate any session at our optimal time.  Sweeeet, ain't it?"


Thank you, Victor, for opening this most pertinent topic:

You see, fellas, we have, each of us, certain Player's Edges, and I list them as follows:

1.)  We can bet where we want.  (Our own personal bet selection process is strictly our choosing.)

2.)  We can bet what we want.  (Our own personal bet sizes, and adjustments thereof...read:  money-management...is strictly our choosing.)

3.)  We can "no-bet" when we want.  (Never, ever discount that most powerful tool in our arsenal...the "No-Bet".  We can, when the shoe is not cooperating as much as we'd prefer it to, decide simply to "sit it out"... a priceless characteristic of Baccarat.)

4.)  We can terminate a session when we want.  (Optimal "exit strategies" are a vital part of our chances for long-term success at this game; especially if you're seeking to train yourself how to accept a WIN, any win.  Trust me, you do that, and they'll all begin to add up rather handsomely over time.)

Those are our Player's Edges.  Use them wisely, my friends, for they are truly invaluable.