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Topics - audionut

Sports Betting Forum / NFL betting results this year
January 01, 2019, 12:06:57 PM
Bet 62 games, had 12 losses...I think that puts me around 81%?? LOVE football!  :cheer:
It's funny to me... you read about people spending 100's of hours a week to get their picks, studying, and for what? Accuscore says they run computer simulations of each game 10,000 times, yet the highest win rate I see with them is around 57%!!!! And they want $350 a month or so if you subscribe...

I use an incredibly simply algorithm that takes me all of 30 secs a day to make my picks (WITHOUT needing special software or a computer)...I average between 70 and 80% winners each month, 30+ units like clockwork... Anyone can do this...WHY WASTE TIME ON BACCARAT, CRAPS, OR ROULETTE????  Sports betting is the one gambling activity where YOU can have the edge, NOT THE HOUSE!!!! Plus you don't spend HOURS like with Poker at the table!!!!

I'm not selling anything... I don't want anything from you...I would just hope participants on this board would WAKE UP and stop throwing your money away on games that have a horrible house edge... Sports betting is SAFER then Forex, the stock market, Bitcoin, etc... :thumbsup: plus it has a much better ROI and will make you a millionaire faster then anything I've ever seen...

I wish you the best... study up on a method that works for you and start playing SMART...!!! :applause:
OK...first you have 4 wheels and the hemispheric sonics that you incorporate into the last decision.. watch out for the circular infinities because you can't have more then negative 3... so it looks like this:

X x
D  d

OK...get it? Now you tell me what the next bet is... you don't know?? YOU unintelligent... I spelled it all out for you....now TELL ME d$*#@() it!!  YOU STUPIDS...I'm taking down the system and going home. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I'm just wondering if there is a way to get past days (not todays) Daily Racing Form information to "paper bet" or test some theories I might have... in doing searches, it seems like you have to BUY data files, run through simulators, etc....

Really I just want trainer win %, jockey win %, and last race class (purse)....for like the month of August, then be able to go to the track website and see the actual results....

And yes, I saw the "expert" on the Discovery channel program last Wed and it intrigued me...[smiley]aes/thinking.png[/smiley]
