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Topics - RouletteDevil

Street / Devils streets
November 21, 2016, 05:00:42 AM
i'll keep this forum going....
every day i try to think of new ways to play......short sessions ONLY if my triggers allow max 100 spins

Now just testing a street strategy, might have been done before not sure.
i love matrix/pattern breakers, proved to be a real long term winner for me playing DS.
now adapted for a single street strategy
the 12 streets are split into four groups
A -1-3 13-15 25-27
B -4-6 16-18 28-30
C - 7-9 19-21 31-33
D 10-12 22-24 34-36         
Simply track first two unique streets
so if 6,34 came out that would be B D
now decide if you want to play non-repeat or repeat...........i've only tested no repeat so far
so i would bet streets A C............MM IS IMPORTANT  i personally use 1-2-3-5 etc...looking for back to back wins after 3rd step.
anyone want to send me some spin data and i can show how exactly i play

first 50 spins ...not bad results
Even chance / BV ....0.01c holy grail?
October 18, 2015, 05:28:27 PM
Now I've been playing Bet Voyager, European roulette for the last few weeks
Using only 0.01c chips........betting any even chance using Mr Majiks waging strategy. I've gone from 30€ to 60€, that's an amazing 3000 units!,.......now I'm still reluctant to change chip value until I reach the 100€.......a target which I know I will reach, obviously using such low chips takes a lot of patience and willpower.
This would work well on live wheels, but I would not play with less than 300 units ,and would only play after a trigger set.
Split / Devils Splits
November 21, 2014, 12:24:42 PM
Well i don't know where everyone is on this forum but anyway
see my attached file to show how much my splits made over 60 spins!
again anyone send me some actuals and ill post the results and how,  i only need 30/40/50 spins , every spin will be bet on too!

Double-street / Another Devils way
November 18, 2014, 09:30:09 PM
Another way to play ds
Split the ds into two groups.
Group A 1-3-5.    Odd group
Group B 2-4-6.    Even group

Simply wait for 5 LLLLL of any group then bet !
Again progression is a personal choice dependent on confidence

Double-street / Devils DS Strategy
November 16, 2014, 09:33:10 PM
This is the way I play the DS...@dublinbet live
I first track three unique DS
Example spins.  2,23,15,27,8,19,5,35,13

Now I note these down in a three line ds matrix
1-6-3 etc....
Now two ways of betting,  either for a no repeat on next line or a repeat,so example for no repeat strategy.
5-2-4.    Win +3.   
1-6-3.     Win+3.
Money management can be whatever suits, i use foolproof.
Try it on any live wheel
Very basic outline of system, anyone send me some live spin data of some spins and I will show exactly how I would play it!