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Messages - King Arthur

General Discussion / Re: A first for me
August 26, 2013, 11:06:20 PM
Hi Mr T.

I used to see that quite a lot and it really used to bug me, I wanted to play roulette, not watch a woman cleaning.

On the live feeds I play on now, I never see it, in fact the girls are always playing with their hair, and that ball must get mighty greasy. I have not seen it cleaned for months.

General Discussion / Re: Au revoir
June 25, 2013, 10:21:21 PM
I will also add my thanks here too, I am looking forward to much more of your insights on your return.

My prayers for your wellbeing


Thank you Mr T.

I will rephrase one of my comments above, it was not greed, but over confidence. (probably the same thing)

I am quite embarrassed to show my face again, but hey ho, I am sure I am not alone.

Now at -1016

Perhaps I will loose a bit of respect here, from being + £244 with WH.  I now find myself -£1209.

I got a little bit greedy and did not stop when I should have done.

Will it be a lesson learned?  I hope so.

I am still  confident if I play the way I `should` play.

We shall see. 

I will post my progress, and if you wish for me to continue describing my system then I will, but who on earth would be interested in this system if I post results like I have just done. :cheer:

I have had a good run of luck too.

I also have £115.00 in comp points that I have not converted yet.

Back to the grind. :nod:


I had a quick game at lunch time and now stand at £40.00
1 unit = £1.00

Ok the first part of my method system or whatever.

At any time my bankroll is greater than 0 then every system is reset no matter how deep in a hole that system may be.
The aim is just to get above 0 and reset everything.
I will also do a reset at a minus bankroll  if I have been in a long recovery and don't wish to risk large bets just to win back the final  £20 to  £100 or so.

Its not about how well a system is performing or not performing it could be that one system is not perfoming at all, and may be quite a looser, but ocasionally it will perform wonderfully just when it is needed.

I always bet on zero, rather than thinking it is a green goblin, I think of it as more like my good friend Merlin he just helps out every now and then, and it is very sweet when it hits within the first couple of spins.

Before I bet anything I collect 22 spins and place the first bet on SPIN NUMBER 23

This is quite easy I just use the last spins history when I join a table, there are usually about 19 to start and by the time I have put them into RX I am usually at 21 spins with just one more to come

I use RX to monitor stuff and display the wheel layout so I can see what is going on.


Thanks to Great Grandpa`s 123 Framework, I play the zero like this. (by the way the last 22 spins have nothing to do with my zero game they are used later)

For the 1st 72 spins I bet just one unit on zero

if after 72 spins zero has not made a profit I increase to 2 units.
(it may be that zero has hit at sometime during the 72 spins, but it has not made a profit.
I will probably then add another number as well, but this is not a hard and fast rule, it depends on how I feel.
(Don't you just hate it when someone explaining a system/method says that) but that is how I think you have to play this game, not just because your hard and fast rule says you must add another number.

How do I choose that number, well if I have got as deep as 72 spins I may pick another sleeper and start with the same progression so for example if zero is at 72 spins without winning more than 72 units then I may add another number.
I don't normally like sleepers, but I have found they do seem to hit a few times quickly once they wake up.

In this example I will use number 24 .

So in terms of a cycle

Zero  is now at 72 spins in the cycle (now betting 2 units)
Number 24  is at 1 spin in its cycle (now betting 1 unit)

This will continue for as long as needed.

The next increase in cycle for zero is 180 spins
The next increase for number 24 would be 72, again I may start another number, lets say 18 for this example.

So this is how things look after 144 spins

Zero is still at 2 units  ( we do not increase the unit again until 180 spins)
24 is now at 72 spins, so we increase that to 2 units
and we start an new number 18

So Zero is now  144 spins in its cycle and 2 units
24 is now at 72 spins in its cycle and 2 units
18 is now at 1 spin in its cycle and 1 unit.

If at any time any of those numbers makes there own individual profit, so lets say 18 hits after 12 spins then I will stop betting on that number and continue with the other two.

I may introduce another number for the next session (see how I feel)

Is this all as clear as mud?

Writing this seems far more complicated than it actually is so perhaps I am not doing a good job here.

I will also add it is so rare to be this deep in a hole, just lately I have not had to use the zero cycle at all.

This is how I increase my bets using the cycle

72 spins add 1 unit
180 spins add 1 unit
288 spins add 1 unit
396 spins add 1 unit
504 spins add 1 unit

I have had to  play 3 units on zero once and it had obviously been sleeping for some time, with the ocasional hit, then all of a sudden it had 2 hits in a row and another shortly that pretty much cleard my debt and so I was able to do a full reset and start again, I think though a few other things hit too.

I do not play continuous sessions of hundreds of spins,  I may play a session of 20 spins or 90, but I do save how things stand at the end of a session and decide what to do when I play again.

So I will keep a  note that zero is 148 spins in its cycle and stands at 2 units so when I start the next session this will be the starting point for zero and I do the same for any other number I am playing

I just wish to explain each part of my system before showing examples spins so that you understand what is going on.

There is more to my zero game too, but I think I may have over complcated this for you already

Let me know.

This zero game is only one cog in the wheel, or one knight at the round table.

I won't have time to play a game tonight now its got a bit late, if I was not writing this, I would have had time.

(The sacrifices we have to make) :applause:

Let me know if you think this is worth continuing as I said the zero game is just a part.

Thanks Chris

I can be a honest to a fault sometimes, but that's  me being a Christian too.

(Don`t tell lies, it becomes too much to remember)

Well I managed to claw a further £7.00 back last night.

TC.  I had to look up Diogenes, I have never heard of him, perhaps it was Billy Graham.

I will be back later this evening.


This may be a biggish post, so perhaps I will post it in bits, so bear with me.

One of the reasons I wanted to make a post is I feel I may have something to contribute and wished to make sure I had recovered some funds before posting.

I have been playing on Will Hill for about 1 year now and found myself down by £2,217.00  I do keep a very close record of my wins and losses.

Well over the last 3 months or so I have managed to recover that loss and am now with W.H  £14.00 up, I have not been banned yet, and have not withdrawn anything so I have £2,231.00 in the account and will start making withdrawals soon.

So I suspect a ban is on its way soon from the track record reported by various members.

I am sure you are interested in how I have recovered the amount. Heck this sounds like an ad for a system.

It isn't, I just feel I owe something to the people on the forums.

Also I may have just had a very good run of luck to get it back and it may all go wrong tomorrow, that is the nature of this game as well.

I have had moments of pure luck, if I may give an example, I was playing with a progression that needs a bankroll of £1000.00

During this progression I accidentally put chips on number 9 instead of 12, it hit and so that was fine, it ended that game, but I continued to watch what would have happened, and if I had have been betting on 12 as I should have been, I would have lost that bankroll.

It was also a great lesson to try not to use a progression that will kill you in one session.

I am just going to wind up for now and get back.

But I wanted to publicly thank 3 members of the forums.

MR J. who I am sure many are aware of, His knowledge of this game has been very useful.

Great Grandpa, who I have only just come accross and his thoughts on cycle progressions, flat-ino of course has been using them, but I really did struggle to understand it all, and get bets down quickly enough to really try them. But Great Grandpa`s insights have been very useful to me.

I have forgotten who the 3rd one is for now, lol, I think it may be "Know when to quit" on vlsroulette, and his thoughts and comments on the "curve" although I  struggle to fully understand what he is doing, I suspect what he says has a baring on what I have been doing. 

I am not intending to leave you on the hook, but just wanted to make an introduction.

I am not really playing a single system either, I am playing a few at the same time, and not really mechanically, I am sort of seeing how things go before I make decisions about what and how much to bet to try to keep the losses to a minimum. And never try to recover it all at once.  Sometimes it can take a few sessions to recover from a loss, and yes the losses happen.

I have learnt that mechanically a system will lose, I have not found one that I can win with.

that's it for now, I hope to get back soon, its getting lateish in the Uk, I have work tomorrow and playing sport in the evening.

I hope that you are interested and don't thinks its some post about some magnificent system that no one else has thought of.

As I said, I may be just on a good run of luck.

Overall with this game I am still down £10, 583.00  so nothing to brag about at all.