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Messages - Peauke

Even chance / Re: EC Cycling method
November 12, 2013, 01:48:40 PM
I made my own excel tracker. The only thing that need to do manually is fill in the progression. The first 6 steps or so are easy but when in a higher progression you need to calculate the right progression for the next spin. I might automate this in the sheet.

I always start with LHLHL and check the first 10 numbers if needed the betselection will switch.

Hope things are clear and there are no mistakes in the setup (use at own risk  :thumbsup: )
Online Casinos / Betvoyager Live Casino
October 24, 2013, 02:23:49 PM
I wanted to login at BV and i saw the page layout was a little different and there was a tab with Live Casino (coming soon).

I wonder what kind of live casino will they provide. Maybe live with min stake of 0.01 cent  :D
Straight-up / Re: Lucky Nine *FINAL*
May 28, 2013, 08:34:19 AM
If 2 or more groups qualify do we bet all or only the group that has slept the longest
Straight-up / Re: seven number method
February 14, 2013, 12:18:56 PM
Hi Ralph,

Do you use 5 unique numbers to start with, i.e.:

these numbers spin first

1,5,26,5,18......  Do you wait for 2 unique numbers (because 5 hit already 2 times in the first 5 spins) or do you wait for 1 unique number and include nr 5 in the first five numbers.

Did you already made a script for this ?  :thumbsup:

Straight-up / Re: The 123-Move
February 04, 2013, 08:09:10 AM
Update testing:

until now i tested 200 sessions (about 8345 spins live casino) total of +13668 units. (see graph and profit/loss per session)

new update when 250 sessions tested  :thumbsup:

I haven't tested the method when lose 4 in a row wait Virtual win. Will do this when i complete my 300 sessions.
Straight-up / Re: The 123-Move
February 03, 2013, 06:28:58 PM
Quote from: soggett on February 03, 2013, 04:15:11 PM
think about +1/-2 progression, it does really well[/size]

I have already suggested this progression ( see my test results on the thread ) and it does realy well. In combination with stop after 4 loss may be even better/ safer.

tomorrow i continue to test my actuals
Straight-up / Re: The 123-Move
January 31, 2013, 12:05:46 PM

This is wheeldozens im playing, not ordinary dozens. Yes i know that is the beauty if this system that its wheel based.

2 Trigger 1,2- Bet 3
3 win. (Trigger 2,3 -Bet 1)
1 win (Trigger 3,1 -Bet 2)
1 lose 1
2 win (Trigger 1,2 -Bet 3)
3 win (Trigger 2,3 -Bet 1)
2 lose 1
2 lose 2
2 lose 3, do you continue or wait for next trigger
3 trigger (2,3 - bet 1)
1 win (Trigger 3,1 -Bet 2)
1 lose 1
2 win (Trigger 1,2 -Bet 3)
3 win (Trigger 2,3 -Bet 1)
1 win (Trigger 3,1 -Bet 2)
1 lose 1
2 win (Trigger 1,2 -Bet 3)
3 win (Trigger 2,3 -Bet 1)
2 lose 1
3 lose 2
3 lose 3
2 lose 4
1 win (Trigger 2,1 -Bet 3)
2 lose 1
3 win

I would like to now if you are betting a 9 step progression after a trigger or only 3 bets, see example. Because if you are betting a 9 step progression after a trigger you can have hugh drawdowns, even lose complete BR.

I have had sessions when there where sleeping dozens from 14 to 23 spins, so a progression of 9 would have been a loss.

Just my observation.

for the rest keep up the good work  :thumbsup:
Straight-up / Re: The 123-Move
January 31, 2013, 11:01:19 AM
are you playing for real right now ?

Could you please tell me how you would play the following dozens:


just put after a dozen which dozen you would bet.

thanx  :)
Straight-up / Re: The 123-Move
January 30, 2013, 02:02:36 PM
Quote from: ignatus on January 30, 2013, 12:44:48 PM
I'm thinking of playing this for real. I could make 500€/day

You could make that a day, but remember there are also losing days/ sessions so be prepared for that.

I would say good luck  8)
Straight-up / Re: The 123-Move
January 30, 2013, 02:00:38 PM
Update on my actuals test.

I have checked 100 sessions. It is about 5300 spins in total. From session 61 and further the sessions are shorter because at the time i was testing other system wich needed less spins. You can see that if you are in a losing streak within a short session you cannot recover so the last 50 sessions has less profit then the first 50 sessions.

Please note recovery can also cause more loss so a stop-loss is recommended (session BR is stop-loss).

For now i have a plus 11000 units with 100 sessions (about 5300 spins)  :thumbsup:  still going good, but time will tell.

Straight-up / Re: The 123-Move
January 30, 2013, 11:12:33 AM
I have begin to test my actual live spins with this betselection (only betting on 123 or 321).

I have tested the first 50 sessions (total 300 sessions, with a total of 10000 spins). Well i must say it looks pretty good. The system could have some hugh drawdowns in a session but it almost always recover. I think a BR of minimal 1000 units per session is advised and at lifetime BR of 5 times the session BR.

Well for now i am  +7764 units with almost 3500 spins and 50 sessions. I have attached per session what the profit/loss is and a graph to illustrate the profit gain.

I play progression 1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, etc. When win in the first 4 bets i reset to 1. When i need to bet 5 and more i wil -2 on a win and try to get a double win so i recover. I reset if i recoverd totaly are as close to my last high profit.

I only play 12...3  and  32....1.  I have seen sleeping dozens up to 23 spins.

I hope to update the next 50 sessions tomorrow  :thumbsup:

Straight-up / Re: The 123-Move
January 30, 2013, 08:09:02 AM
Hi Ignatus,

How do you play it right now:

1. all patterns at once ?
2. What if a second pattern occurs when you are betting the first trigger, ex.

doz 1
doz 2 now bet doz 3
doz 1 lose, now continu betting 3 for 3 spins or just the 2 that are left

3. Do you still only bet 3 spins after a trigger or continu for the 7-8 spins with progression ?

Thanx for this nice bet selection !!

General Discussion / Re: Pattern Found!
January 25, 2013, 03:50:26 PM
Quote from: ignatus on January 25, 2013, 03:38:23 PM
Ok, well bad runs happen. WWWLWWWLWLLLLLWLWWWLWWWL is a 14/24= 58% winrate. (That's the lowest I've seen so far) If you'd play this with the +1 progression I mentioned, you would be in profit playing this session.

How did you play it? As I described 3 bets....etc? (one W/L session is 3 spins)

A win or loss is one session (1 to 3 spins). So if i had to play with progression the progression was pretty high when the 5 L came. it would be -36, -72,-108,-144,-180 in total 540 units. the next bet would be 72 units  :( .

Or is my progression wrong ?
General Discussion / Re: Pattern Found!
January 25, 2013, 03:36:47 PM
Second session was better.  :thumbsup:


How many session have you tested yourself ?
General Discussion / Re: Pattern Found!
January 25, 2013, 03:27:54 PM
Well did my my first test with my actuals and the result wasn't that good. It started good but in the middle there where 5 sessions lost in a row. This is the sequence from my first test.


I have attached the numbers